Groundnut vs Peanut: Difference and Comparison

However, the terms peanuts and groundnuts are still used interchangeably by people as they have little difference. Peanuts and groundnuts have the same features, but they are difficult to separate and distinguish from each other.

People and animals consume both Groundnuts and peanuts. They both are rich in protein and calories.

Key Takeaways

  1. Groundnuts and peanuts are the same plants, known scientifically as Arachis hypogaea.
  2. The terms “groundnut” and “peanut” are used interchangeably, with “groundnut” more common in British English and “peanut” in American English.
  3. Both groundnuts and peanuts are legumes and grow underground, unlike other nuts that grow on trees.

Groundnut vs Peanut

Groundnut is a rich source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals and is used in various dishes. Groundnuts/peanuts are an essential crop in many parts of the world, providing nutrition and income. They require well-drained soil and sunlight.

Groundnut vs Peanut

Groundnuts first originated in Western Africa. They are rich in calories and protein, and as they have high protein, they are healthy for the human body. Groundnuts also have roots and tubers.

Peanuts are originated from South America; they are used in making peanut butter. They have calories and proteins, making them healthy for the human body. They are also a part of a subset of the groundnut family.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGroundnutPeanut
OriginsPeanuts originated from South America.They have high Nutritional benefits, which make them healthy for the body.
Nutritional benefitsPeanuts are cylindrical.Peanuts also have high nutritional benefits.
ShapeThe shape of the groundnut depends on the groundnut itself.Peanuts are cylindrical in shape.
UseGroundnuts are used in cooking oil or even in health supplements.Peanuts are used to make peanut butter.
FamilyGroundnuts are a part of arachis villosulicarpo.Peanut is a part of the pea family.
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What is Groundnut?

Groundnut comes from a big family called Arachis villosulicarpo. The groundnut can also be used for various agricultural purposes like intercropping or crop rotation for biological fuels for green manure production and also rhizobium biofertilizer.

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Groundnuts are also used as food for animals. Apios Americana is capable of producing edible beans. The type of the plant determines the shape of the seed or the nut.

The groundnuts originated from western Africa. Different types of groundnuts have different tastes.

The groundnut seeds are turned into groundnut oil and then used for cooking. Groundnut oil has high nutrition content, making it healthy for the body.

Groundnuts are high in protein and are also high in calories. Eating groundnuts every day may increase a person’s life span as they are a good source of protein.

Like peanuts, ground nuts also have a high health risk to people who are allergic to them.


What is Peanut?           

Peanut is a common name; the botanical name of the peanut is Arachis Hypogae. Peanuts provide food, energy, fat, and protein. They are also used in chocolate, cake, biscuits, pudding, spreads, and Cetera.

Peanuts are a source of nutrients like fats, oil, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Farmers cultivate them and also contain bacteria known as Rhizobium.

They help in fixing the nitrogen of the soil from the atmosphere. They are also used as fertilizers for the earth.

Peanuts are a part of the groundnut family. Peanuts are also used to make peanut butter or peanut butter spread. People use peanut butter as a spread on a sandwich.

In the 1700s, peanuts were introduced to the northern part of the United States of America.

Peanuts have a nutty flavour. As the peanuts are processed differently, the taste depends. The peanuts are also roasted, which then gives them a sweeter taste.

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Peanuts are more versatile than groundnuts because they can be used in savoury and sweet dishes. Peanuts can be used as a portion of animal food.

They can also be used as a pigment for dyeing clothes, the peanut fibre can be turned into paper, and the peanut butter can also help to shine up the surfaces.

Peanuts are healthy for the body as they have a lot of calories. They can be eaten to improve the heart’s health; they can even lower cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of a stroke.

However, people with allergies to peanuts should stay away from them because they might hand themselves while having contact with them.


Main Differences Between Groundnut and Peanut

  1. Peanuts are a part of the pea family, while groundnuts are a part of Arachis villosulicarpo.
  2. Peanuts are also called earthnut, and monkey nut, and Bambara groundnut.
  3. Groundnuts have different shapes, while peanuts have cylindrical pods.
  4. Groundnuts are used for snack production, whereas peanuts are used for producing nutritional supplements.
  5. Peanuts have a distinctive shape, whereas the shape of the groundnut depends on the groundnut itself.
  6. Peanuts are more popular than the ground nuts available.
  7. Peanuts have a nutty flavour, while the test of the ground depends on the groundnut itself.
  8. Peanuts are the subset of the groundnut family.
Difference Between Groundnut and Peanut

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.