Ricotta vs Cottage Cheese: Difference and Comparison

Whenever we make sandwiches, burgers, or Italian dishes, we need cheese to enrich the food and make it look good. There are lots of cheeses available in the market. The most commonly used cheese among people is ricotta cheese, and the other one is cottage cheese. These are easily available in the market and can be used for your dish. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Ricotta is an Italian cheese made from the whey leftover from cheese production, resulting in a soft, creamy texture and mild flavor.
  2. Cottage cheese is made by curdling cow’s milk and draining the liquid, leaving curds with a slightly lumpy texture and a tangy flavor.
  3. Nutritionally, ricotta contains more fat and calories, while cottage cheese is higher in protein, making the latter a popular choice for weight loss and muscle-building diets.

Ricotta vs Cottage Cheese

Ricotta cheese is a sweet cheese that is made from the whey that is leftover from the production of other cheeses like mozzarella. Cottage cheese is a soft cheese that is made by curdling milk with a bacterial culture. The curds are then cut into small pieces and drained, resulting in a cheese that is creamy.

Ricotta vs Cottage Cheese

Ricotta cheese is very light in texture, which makes it perfect for eating with dessert and fish. So that the sour taste in the cheese will balance the sweetness of the dish, it is used for making Italian recipes. In case you don’t have ricotta cheese, you can always have substitutes from other cheese as well, which won’t make any big difference to the food. 

Cottage cheese can be made at home with the help of milk. But one should be very careful in eating cottage cheese and should not consume it often. In many counties, cottage cheese is also called paneer. When you cook cottage cheese, it won’t melt fully like other cheese. It will only melt to a certain extent and not more than that. Also, the melted cheese will be thicker. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRicotta CheeseCottage Cheese
ProductRicotta Cheese is called dairy-by productCottage cheese is called a dairy product
Made fromIt is made from the left-over cheeseIt is made from milk
ColourIt is colouredIt does not have any colour
FlavourIt has a flavour of tartIt is very sweet and milky
Calorie contentIt has 134 caloriesIt has 93 calories.

What is Ricotta Cheese?

Ricotta cheese is very soft, and the texture of the cheese is very moist. This can be used in making lasagna, where we will require more cheese so that the flavour and taste of the food can be enhanced because Italian recipes will never go without having any cheese in them. They used to add cheese to whatever food they made.

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Using normal cheese will not make the floor look rich or flavoured. We have to use some special cheese to give it a rich texture and to enhance the taste of the food. If we fail to have ricotta cheese, then there are many substitutes available for ricotta cheese. Some of the substitutes that we can use are cottage cheese, goat cheese, and sour cream. This cheese can be used as an exception, and we won’t be able to find much difference in the taste.

The taste of the ricotta cheese will be mild and creamy, and it will be thick. It has a light flavour. Also, it has a low salt content, so it can be used in making sweet and savoury dishes. The milkfat content is lower when compared to the cream cheese. The reason is that this cheese is made from leftover cheese and not from any fresh source of food. If you want to have a taste of ricotta cheese, it is best to have it with corn and scallions. You can also eat it with dessert as well because of its light salt content. 

ricotta cheese

What is Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese has salt content in it. And some cottage cheese will contain cream as well. Cottage cheese is very similar to panner. The only difference we can find between cottage cheese and panner is that there will be salt added to cottage cheese, but in paneer, we won’t add any salt content. It will be unsalted. We can even make cottage cheese in our home as well, and the process is also easy.

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The only thing we need to have is milk and lemon. The lemon will help to separate the milk and the cheese. Once the separation is done, we have to drain the water and fill the cheese with a thick cloth so that it will get dry. Once it gets dried, we can cut it into pieces and use it in our food. While making it, we should be careful and strain all the water, or else some bitter taste will make the cheese sour.

cottage cheese

Main Differences Between Ricotta and Cottage Cheese

  1. Ricotta cheese is called a dairy by-product. On the other hand, cottage cheese is called a dairy product.
  2. Ricotta cheese is made from leftover whey cheese. On the other hand, cottage cheese is made from milk.
  3. Ricotta cheese used to have some colour. On the other hand, cottage cheese will not have any colour. It will be in plain white.
  4. Ricotta cheese will contain a flavour of tart. On the other hand, cottage cheese will have a flavour of milk and sweetness.
  5. Ricotta cheese has a calorie content of 134 calories. On the other hand, cottage cheese will have a calorie content of 93 calories.
Difference Between Ricotta and Cottage Cheese
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352364621000043
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002203021730379X

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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19 thoughts on “Ricotta vs Cottage Cheese: Difference and Comparison”

    • Yes, I agree! It’s good to know that ricotta cheese can be substituted with other types of cheese if needed.

  1. The article provides a comprehensive overview of ricotta and cottage cheese. Clearly written and easy to understand.


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