HDMI vs Optical: Difference and Comparison

Today there exist several electronic devices. These devices include computers, laptops, television, mobile phones, tablets etc.

However, to make these devices, several other small parts are used so that these devices overall work smoothly and give the user a better experience.

In computers, there are several parts that perform different functions. However, special types of wires are used to transfer data like audio and videos from different sources to another.

These wires include 1. HDMI cables, and 2. Optical cables. 

Key Takeaways

  1. HDMI cables transmit both audio and video signals, supporting high-resolution formats.
  2. Optical cables, or Toslink cables, deliver digital audio signals only.
  3. HDMI is preferred for modern home theaters, while optical cables are ideal for soundbars and older audio equipment.

HDMI vs Optical

HDMI is a single cable used to connect devices to produce high-definition video and audio. Optical is an audio-only connection that uses fibre-optic cables to transmit digital audio signals. It is commonly used to connect devices such as soundbars, receivers, and home theatre systems to TVs.

HDMI vs Optical

HDMI, or the high-definition multimedia interface cable, is a source through which one can transfer audio and video in an uncompressed format to another compatible source.

They are also used for better audio and video quality; through that, one can stream audio and videos on any compatible device.

An optical cable is a fibre optic cable that is used to transfer audio from one source to another. It can not transfer video as HDMI cables do.

Another cable, along with an optical fibre cable, is required for transferring videos. The optical cable is also known as fibre-optic cable or optical fibre cable.

High-resolution audio can not be transferred by using an optical fibre cable.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHDMIOptical
Also known asHigh-definition multimedia interface cable.Fibre-optic cable or optical fibre cable.
Video transferPossibleNot possible with a single optical fibre cable.
High Resolution VidoesHigh-Resolution videos can be transferred using HDMI cables.High-Resolution videos can not be transferred using optical fibre cables.
MaterialCopperFibre optics, glass strings, plastic.
Audio transferThe audio transfer is better with HDMI cables.The audio transfer is less clear and not that good.
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What is HDMI?

An HDMI cable is a component in various devices that are used to transfer videos and audio from one source to another.

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The main component used to make these cables are copper. It gives a great experience for both audio and video. The initial design of this cable was done in December 2002.

Even though many designs have been released the HDMI cables, the connector and cable have remained the same for all of them.

As the designs evolved, there were many changes observed in the audio quality, video quality, colour spacing, resolution and overall performance.

The initial building of the design of this project began in April 2002. Many companies found the HDMI cable.

Some of these companies are Panasonic, Hitachi, Sony, etc. Since the initial version of HDMI, many versions have been introduced.

However, to categorize and recognize these versions, they are denoted by a number or a letter.

There are several advantages of using an HDMI cable. One can view any content they wish to watch on many devices like projectors, television sets etc.

One can enjoy both audio and video experience with a single cable without any other extra cables. The quality the HDMI cable provides is extremely clear and of high resolution.

hdmi cable

What is Optical?

The optical cable is a wire used to transfer audio from one source to another. Usually, these cables are made up of plastic or glass.

These cables make use of light pulses to transmit the data. These light pulses travel along with the material that is present in these cables.

Many other wires are affected by the interference that is caused by electromagnetic waves, but optical fibre cables are not affected by them.

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The concept of complete reflection of light that takes place internally is applied in the optical fibre cables.

However, taking into consideration the various parameters like refractive index and materials, there are several types of optical fibre wires.

The step and graded-index fibres are the types of optical fibre ales that are classified on the basis of the refractive index of these cables.

The increase and decrease in the refractive index determine the type of wire. Other than that, these cables are also classified based on the material used to make them.

These wires are either made up of glass or plastic. When glass is used, it is used in the form of extremely thin strings.

There are several parts present in an optical fibre cable.

These parts include a transmitter, optical fibre, an optical receiver and regenerator etc. Each of these parts has different functions to perform.

optical cable

Main Differences Between HDMI and Optical

  1. HDMI is also known as high-definition multimedia interface cable. On the other hand, optical cable is also known as optical fibre cable or fibre-optic cable.
  2. HDMI cable is made up of copper. On the other hand, fibre optic cables are made up of glass strings, fibre optic or plastic.
  3. Using an HDMI cable, one can transfer videos and audio. On the other hand, optic fibre cables can transfer audio only, and an extra wire must be attached to transfer videos.
  4. For transferring high-resolution videos, HDMI cables can be used. On the other hand, high-resolution videos can not be transferred using optic fibre cables.
  5. The audio quality obtained by using HDMI cables is much better than that obtained from optic fibre cables.
Difference Between HDMI and Optical
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5075580/
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/122430/

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.