Hypertext vs Hyperlink: Difference and Comparison

Humans tend to learn. Whether it is about some technology or information about any object or person, we keep trying to extract it. In this work, the world wide web or the Internet helps us in many ways.

And the world wide web has many components like Hypertext and Hyperlink that help us to make our tasks easier.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hypertext is a text with links leading to other texts, while a hyperlink is a clickable link redirecting to another webpage or document.
  2. Hypertext allows non-linear reading and easy navigation, while hyperlinks establish a connection between different pages or documents.
  3. Hypertext is a fundamental concept in the world wide web, while hyperlinks are the building blocks of the web.

The difference between Hypertext and Hyperlink is that Hypertext is a text containing any link to another text. It can be any information that is displayed by the text. On the other hand, a Hyperlink is like an anchor to the related source. It can be text, image, video, etc.

Hypertext vs Hyperlink

Hypertext is the text displayed on a computer, mobile screen, or any other electronic display that can be clicked by the action of a mouse or can be touched to redirect the page to another page.

It is one of the significant parts of the world wide web, as it gives access to thousands of information available on the internet.

A hyperlink is a link that connects one page of a document to another. It is activated when clicked by the mouse or clicked by a touch on the screen. It is mostly embedded in hypertext in the form of text or numerals. It can connect any file like text, image, video, etc.

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Parameters of ComparisonHypertextHyperlink
DefinitionHypertext is a text that contains references to other information.A hyperlink is a link that anchors a page to another same or different media.
IncludesIt only includes texts.It can have images, video, audio, texts, etc.
CredibilityGenerally, it has related information.It can have unrelated information as well.
ContainIt contains a hyperlink in it.It contains a link in it.
AssociationIt is associated with keywords.It is associated with anchor tags.
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What is Hypertext?

Hypertext is a special text that appears in a document or a webpage. It links that document or webpage to another informational page or data. It is an important part of the worldwide web as it is a medium of connecting all the web pages on the world wide web.

It is an immediately accessible text that connects hypertext documents using hyperlinks. It can be activated with a mouse click or by clicking on the touchscreen display.

Hypertext documents can be static or dynamic. Static documents are stored after preparation, and dynamic documents keep changing like a dynamic web page.

It is like an index of a book that connects the related information using some easily accessible texts. It also has a feature known as “Strech Text”, in which a user interacts with the hypertext that expands or contracts the content at the same place, giving the user more control.

It is a useful element of the world wide web and many other things. It is implied in Project Xanadu, HyperCard, NLS, Hypertext Editing System, and many other important implementations. It came into existence about seven decades ago, but it is still relevant as it was in the past.

A hyperlink is a link connecting one page of data to another. It is mostly embedded in hypertext. It is way to another page containing text, video, image, etc. It is connected with a text known as anchor text. It connects the text and a link.

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It is embedded in a text or an image known as the source document. This source document defines that link. For example, the term “Wikipedia” containing a hyperlink defines that it may have a link to the Wikipedia website page, and in the case of an image, that image may define that link.

The function of Hyperlinks depends on the type of document or page it is used in. In normal cases, it takes the user from one place to another in the same document, but in the most common use of hyperlinks, which is the world wide web, it completely takes the user to a new page.

It is also useful in the world wide web, as it acts as a thread between two mediums. But sometimes, it also leads to unrelated information that is not useful. It has been used for many years but still finds its uses in many applications.

  1. The main difference between hypertext and hyperlink is that hypertext is the text displayed on the screen with reference to other data, whereas a hyperlink is a link between two pages, information, or data.
  2. Hypertext contains a reference to another information or data, while Hyperlinks act as an anchor between two pages, data, etc.
  3. Hypertext, as the name concludes, includes texts. On the other hand, Hyperlink includes text, video, image, etc.
  4. Hypertext contains a hyperlink in itself, whereas Hyperlink contains a link.
  5. Hypertext leads to related information, as mentioned in the text of Hypertext, but Hyperlink can lead to any information that can be either related or unrelated.
Difference Between Hypertext and Hyperlink
  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/BFb0027309

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.