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Almost everyone’s lives will not be able to function properly without any technology. Technology has become quite crucial in this world.

Its presence can be found in every part of our lives.

The mobile phones everyone uses, the television we watch daily, the computers, laptops and tablets we use, washing machines, fridges, water purifiers, sprinklers and many more such appliances are some of the many daily occasions in which technology is used.

Although the lifelong debate of whether technology is a boon or bane has not yet been answered, we must agree with the fact technology is making our lives a lot easier with its existence and advancements.

Two words that always come up with the word ‘technology’ are “ICT” and “IT”. These two words are mixed up with each other.

Although there are similarities, ICT and IT have a few differences.

Key Takeaways

  1. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology and refers to the use of technology for communication, information sharing, and data management.
  2. IT is Information Technology and refers to using technology to manage and process information.
  3. ICT is a broader term encompassing various technologies and communication methods, while IT focuses on the technical aspects of information management and processing.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses a broader range of communication and information management technologies, including the Internet and other digital technologies. Information Technology (IT) is using computers and software to manage information.


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonICTIT
Acronym  ICT is the acronym for Information and Communications Technology.IT is the acronym for Information Technology.
FieldInformation and Communications Technology is associated with the field of education.Information Technology is associated with computers, software, networks, etc.
FunctionThe function of Information and Communications Technology is to help make the process of communication and attaining and imparting information better with the help of technology. The function of Information Technology is to help attain an efficient way or method for managing information with the help of technology.  
Place of useInformation and Communications Technology is used in academic institutions and purposes.Information Technology is used in corporate and other huge, complex companies and institutions.
Industry or extensionICT can be considered an extensional term or simply an extension of IT, mainly used in an academic setup.IT can be considered an industry by itself, used for efficient information management, mainly in software, networking, etc.

What is ICT?

Technology plays quite an important role in our lives, irrespective of the profession one follows and any other situations.

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ICT and IT are two terms closely connected to ‘technology’. ICT is the acronym for the word “Information and Communications Technology”.

As the name suggests, Information and Communications Technology is a term for using technology for better and more efficient communication.

It focuses on a technology that helps make sending, receiving and retaining information much easier and more effective.

There are mainly two points on which the two terms ‘ICT’ and ‘IT’ differ. They are:-

  1. Field
  2. Industry or extension

ICT, or Information and Communications Technology, is associated with education. This technology is mainly used in an academic setup.

As mentioned earlier, the main function of this technology is to promote integrated communication, with the help of technology, in education.

ICT emphasises the use of technology for effective communication and for a better method for imparting and retaining information for those studying, that is, in an academic setup.

Another main difference is that ICT is an extensional term of IT. ICT is an extension of IT which is mainly used in the field of academics.

It is used in academic institutions such as schools, colleges and other institutions. Here are a few examples: –

  1. Audio-Visual or A/V rooms are used to help students understand concepts easily.
  2. Learning Management Systems or LMAs give a learner’s autonomy to students.
  3. Assessment apps that help assess the progress of students.

What is IT?

IT is the acronym for the word “Information Technology”. As the name suggests, Information Technology or IT is the use of technology for sending, receiving and storing information.

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Information has to be sent, received and processed properly to ensure effective communication. It is also important for data to be stored so that it can be retrieved for future reference.

This is the main function of Information Technology (IT). This technology helps to attain an efficient way or method for managing information or data.

The main difference that differentiates IT from ICT is the field associated with it. IT is associated with computers, software, networks and data processing.

IT or Information Technology is used in the corporate setup. This type of technology is used in huge multinational companies, networking companies and other computer organizations.

The second aspect in which IT differs from ICT is that IT is an industry. IT can be considered an industry that specializes in information management.

It acts as a method for storing and retrieving information and data properly. Here are a few examples: –

  1. Intercoms are used to communicate easily in companies, households, etc.
  2. CCTVs are used to ensure security.
  3. Routers and servers are used to ensure connectivity.

Main Differences Between ICT and IT

  1. The main difference between ICT and IT is the field associated with it. ICT is a technology associated with the field of education. But IT is a technology associated with computers, software, networks, etc.
  2. ICT is the acronym for the word “Information and Communications Technology”. IT is the acronym for the word “Information Technology”.
  3. The function of ICT is to ensure integrated communication, with the help of technology, in the field of education. But the function of IT is to ensure a better way to manage information and data using technology.
  4. Information and Communications Technology or ICT are used in academic settings such as schools, colleges, study centres and other institutions. , But Information Technology or IT is used in a corporate setup such as multinational companies, households and other organizations.
  5. ICT is an extension of IT, mainly intended for the educational field. But IT is an industry by itself, intended towards information management.
Difference Between ICT and IT


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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.