Incidence vs Prevalence: Difference and Comparison

In the study of disease transmission, predominance and rate are among the most central estimates with regard to checking sickness.

Key Takeaways

  1. Incidence refers to the number of new cases of a disease or condition within a specific period.
  2. Prevalence refers to the total number of cases of a disease or condition within a given population at a specific time.
  3. The main difference between Incidence and Prevalence is the focus on new versus total cases.

Incidence vs Prevalence

Incidence is the number of new cases of a disease or condition that occur in a population over a specified period of time. Incidence can be used to measure the risk of developing a particular disease. Prevalence is the total number of cases of a disease or condition that exist in a population at a given point in time. Prevalence can be used to estimate the burden of a particular disease.

Incidence vs Prevalence

While occurrence is an unmistakable proportion of Prevalence, there are different terms that are utilized conversely with predominance, like illness recurrence.

The incidence fluctuates from the prevalence of the ailment, which is the number of new visits made within a given time period.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIncidencePrevalence
GistIncidence suggests an assessment of the probability of a given ailment in a surpassing time span.Prevalence suggests the piece of a particular people saw to be impacted by a disease all through some period.
EventIncidence simply thinks about new occasions of ailment in the general population.Prevalence thinks about both old and new cases in the general population.
DivisorThe denominator of Incidence is the general population at serious risk.The denominator of Prevalence is the whole people.
ReasonIncidence gauges the speed of disease occasions.Prevalence assesses the degree of the general population with sickness.
DurationIncidence is the more strong assessment in choosing the peril of a particular ailment to the general population.Prevalence shows how unfathomable the disease is.
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What is Incidence?

The incidence fluctuates from the prevalence of the ailment, which is the number of new visits made within a given time period.

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With brief sicknesses, similar to the normal cold, and infections that kill those influenced quickly, similar to rabies, rate and pervasiveness will, in general, go connected at the hip. 

It is also feasible for sickness to have a high pervasiveness yet low occurrence if, for instance, you were to take the situation of serious (or enduring) contamination yet doesn’t promptly kill and afterwards foster a profoundly powerful antibody.

What is Prevalence?

The Prevalence of a sickness alludes to the extent of people in a populace that have an infection at a specific time, now and then likewise called the point pervasiveness. It is in this manner a proportion of the sickness trouble.

Following and anticipating sickness predominance is critical to empower compelling forward arranging of medical services.

In any case, if individuals with the ailment pass on (the demise rate is high), the predominance will increase as requirements drop. Perseverance subsequently unequivocally influences disease predominance, so from this respect, pervasiveness information has its limitations.

While prevalence is the extent of ailment in a general population, when contamination ends up being more typical, it is named normal, despite the fact that there is apparently no specific cut-off for where this happens.

Main Differences Between Incidence and Prevalence

  1. Incidence gauges the speed of disease occasions while Prevalence assesses the degree of the general population with sickness.
  2. Incidence is the more strong assessment in choosing the peril of a particular ailment to the general population, while Prevalence shows how unfathomable the disease is.

Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. It’s important to distinguish between incidence and prevalence. This article does a great job in explaining these concepts.

  2. Understanding the difference between incidence and prevalence is crucial in public health. Good article!

  3. The comparison table makes it very clear. Incidence and Prevalence are confused. This article provides a great clarification.

  4. The distinction between Incidence and Prevalence is crucial for proper understanding in epidemiology. Valuable information in this article.

  5. Understanding Incidence and Prevalence is key in the study of disease transmission. Thanks for the informative article!

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