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Jelly, Jam, and Marmalade are the three different versions of food products that taste sweet or tangy depending upon the fruit used for making.

They look different from each other and taste good. Generally, such things have used a spread on toast, salad, dessert, yogurt, etc. Later, in this article, we will discuss the differences in detail.

Key Takeaways

  1. Jelly is made by straining fruit juice and sugar, while the jam is made by cooking fruit and sugar together.
  2. Marmalade is a type of jam that includes pieces of citrus fruit peel.
  3. Jelly is the smoothest and clearest of the three, while the jam is thicker and more spreadable, and the marmalade is chunky with a slightly bitter taste.

Jelly vs Jam vs Marmalade

Jelly is made from fruit juice, sugar, and pectin, which is a natural thickening agent. The mixture is cooked until it reaches a gel-like consistency, then poured into jars to cool. Marmalade is a sweet food made from citrus fruits cooked down with sugar and water with the fruit peel and pulp.

Jelly vs Jam vs Marmalade

Jelly is an edible food product that is sweet. It is being made with the help of cooking the chopped fruits with some extra sugar, water, and pectin to get the result of its consistency.

You can store the jelly for a few months and can eat it throughout the period. People love to make jelly in their homes, as it is an easy reception to follow with the correct fruits.

On the other hand, the translucent crystal-like structure that is eaten with bread, desserts, etc is known as Jam. Jam is comparatively very delicate to touch as it is made up of fruit juice only.

After chopping off the fruits, the juice from those fruits is extracted, and later with some water, sugar, pectin, and acids, Jam is kept at a boiling point to cook the ingredients.

And, on the other hand, the ones who will love a tangy sort of flavor will love Marmalade. Marmalade is only manufactured with Citrus fruits which gives it the kick for the tangy spread.

Marmalade is made with the help of fruits and their peels so that a taste of more tangy flavor is experienced.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonJellyJamMarmalade
TextureJelly has an uneven texture.The texture of the jam is quite smooth and bouncy.Marmalade has a rough texture because of its peels or rinds.
Main ProductJelly is prepared with chopped fruits, by simply removing the unwanted parts like seeds and skin.Jam is made up of extracting the fruit juice from the respective choice of fruit.Only the Citrus fruits along with their skin of marmalade are being used.
Fruits UsageThe Fruits like apples, gooseberries, strawberries, pineapple, etc are used to make Jelly.Passionfruit, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, pears, etc are the common fruits that are used in the process of making Jam.Marmalade can only be made by some citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, line, grapes, etc.
Expiry and UsageJelly can be preserved for up to 1 year, and its refrigerating time is of 6 months.Before opening a bottle of jam, it can be stored for up to 2 years, but after opening it within 3 months it needs to be finished.Marmalade has a life span of 1 year and an opening span of 3 months only.

What is Jelly?

Jelly is a sweet and yummy spread or dessert that is widely loved by people. It has a thick and uneven consistency, and this consistency comes from the chopped fruits that are used to make jelly.

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With the help of some other ingredients such as water, sugar, and pectin is made and preserved for a year in a tight container. And, if one opens the container that within 6 months it should be over.

Also, its origins tell us a lot. Jelly though eaten as spreads but at times it is eaten as desserts as well. And during the Hungarian troops and World War II, it was carried by the forces. It is easy to eat and carry.

And generally, jellies are meant to taste sweet as a lot of sugar is used in them, but sometimes it depends upon the fruit and the balance of the sugar quantity. Fruits like strawberries, raspberries, apples, etc are common fruits.


What is Jam?

Jam is a spread that is commonly used to pair with bread, but it is used with yogurts, as salad dressing, etc. Jam is transparent and is light in color as it is directly made with the fruit juice by boiling it for many hours.

The jam was initially introduced in Rome. It is sweet in taste and fresh and hence loved by people. It can be stored for 2 years and later after opening for 3 months.

Jam has longer durability because it uses some edible acids and pectin to preserve it. And to get the correct consistency, water is used.

The fruits like Passion fruit, pineapple, strawberries, pears, etc are usual fruits used in Jam and only the juice is used in it. The rest is wanted.

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Also, Jam has a smooth texture and bounces easily as it is delicate to carry. The right consistency of Jam only happens after the jam is cooled down to room temperature.


What is Marmalade?

Have you heard of marmalade? Maybe you have but have eaten it thinking it has jelly or jam. The main thing to notice about marmalade is that it carries some smaller rinds or peels of the fruit in it.

The rinds or peels give it the extra tanginess and many people love marmalade for this specialty only. Marmalade is one of the signature fruit preservatives of Portugal/Scotland.

Also, one more noticeable concept of making marmalade is that only the citrus that is tangy fruits like lime, oranges, grapes, etc are used in it. And no pectin is used to manufacture it.

Generally, Marmalade can be stored for 1 year period, and later within 3 months, it has to be finished. A tangy and sweety at the same time kind of taste is experienced while eating Marmalade.

We can also say that only minimal fruit wastage is done while making marmalade as almost the whole fruit is used in the process.


Main Differences Between Jelly, Jam, and Marmalade

  1. An uneven texture is for jelly, and jams are silky smooth and while the peels and rinds in marmalade create a slightly rough texture.
  2. The whole fruit, except its peel and seeds, is used in jelly. And jam uses the pure natural extracted juice from the fruits while the marmalade uses the peels of the fruit to give the tangy taste.
  3. A few fruits that are used to manufacture jelly are apples, gooseberries, strawberries, pineapple, etc. And the juice from passion fruit, strawberries, raspberries, pears, etc is the go-to product for jam. And last but not the least, marmalade can only use oranges, lime, grapes, etc to get the tangy flavor.
  4. The average durability of a jelly bottle is 1year, and once after opening it for 6 months and jams can be stored for like 2 years, and when the bottle is opened then for 3 months. While a storage capacity of 1 year and 3 months of longevity is provided by Marmalade.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.