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Motion controllers have evolved and brought about various updates and features. Nintendo’s Wii was the successful introduction of such controllers. The other companies, which are prominent console makers, have updated and modified their consoles to bring new edges new with the controllers. Kinect by Microsoft and Move by Sony are the two most popular motion controllers.

Key Takeaways

  1. Kinect utilizes a camera and depth sensor technology for motion tracking, while Move relies on a camera and handheld controllers with built-in motion sensors.
  2. Kinect works exclusively with Xbox consoles, while Move is compatible with PlayStation systems.
  3. Kinect allows full-body motion tracking without handheld controllers, while Move requires users to hold controllers for accurate tracking.

Kinect vs Move

Kinect uses an array of cameras and sensors to track the movements and gestures of the player, allowing for a completely hands-free gaming experience. Move uses a combination of handheld motion controllers and a camera to track the precise position and orientation of the controllers.

Kinect vs Move

Kinect can track the motion and gestures of the players and can effectively translate them on the screen. The main job of Kinect is to track the hand gestures of the players. Kinect has additional arrays of depth sensors. It even has a microphone. Kinect allows players to have experience with multiplayer gaming.

On the other hand, Move can keep track of the location and position of the controller. The main job of the Move is to track the movement of the ball, which is glowing. The Move has several accelerometers and gyroscopes. The move does not allow players for multiplayer gaming unless multiple units are installed.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKinectMove
Part ofKinect is part of Xbox 360Move is part of PlayStation 3
PrincipleIt can track the motion and gestures of the players and can effectively translate them on the screenIt keeps track of the location and position of the controller.
EquipmentIt is equipped with additional arrays of depth sensors and even a microphoneIt is equipped with multiple accelerometers and a gyroscope
Tracking abilityIt can track hand gesturesIt can track the movement of the glowing ball
Inputs requiredIt uses only visual inputsIt uses a combination of inputs which consist of visual and physical inputs

What is Kinect?

Kinect is launched by its parent company Microsoft. It was built and designed as an add-on to the Xbox 360. The introduction of Kinect is that an eye. Kinect is a camera that has additional arrays of depth sensors. It even has a microphone.

Since it functions as an eye, it does not require supervision and can work independently. It does not need external control. Kinect acts as a camera, so it does not need to be held to play. It can directly track the motion and gestures of the players and effectively translate them on the screen.

Kinect allows multiplayer gaming with ease, making it a preferable choice over other motion controllers. Kinect directly watches the players during functioning. It does not emit any light on its own. So the players need to be inadequately lit rooms, or else Kinect cannot detect the player and would not function.

The main job of Kinect is to track the hand gestures of the players. Kinect uses only visual inputs. There is no provision for physical inputs in Kinect. Kinect allows players and users to interact with the gaming console fully And has no usage of voice or hands of the players.


What is Move?

The move is launched by its parent company Sony. It is for PlayStation 3. It is added to the existent eye. Move acts like the WiiMote. It functions as a controller which can be held and waved around and is powered with buttons for functioning. However, it cannot function on its own and needs supervising from an eye.

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The move has several accelerometers and gyroscopes, which help in determining the track or the location and position of the controller, even if the eye cannot detect it. The move has to be held and pressed to be played. The main job of the move is to track the movement of the ball.

Move emits its light, so the players can sit even in a dark room while playing. The darkroom or room with dim lights helps in detecting the ball by the eye easily. The inputs used by the move are a combination comprising visual and physical inputs.

The move is efficient in tracking the movement of the glowing ball. Even in case of a change of the color of the ball, the move can detect it with maximum accuracy. It can easily distinguish the ball from the background. The movie is built for single-user gaming of players. It cannot support multiplayer. However, the purchase of multiple units can be used for multiplayer gaming.

playstation 3 move

Main Differences Between Kinect and Move

  1. Microsoft introduced Kinect, while Move was introduced by Sony.
  2. Kinect acts as a camera, while Move acts as a controller.
  3. Kinect does not require any supervision for working, while Move requires supervision, especially in the form of an eye for working.
  4. Kinect requires a well-lit room to function, while Move can function in a lit as well as a dark room.
  5. Kinect is efficient in tracking multiple players at once, while Move needs the purchase of multiple units for multiplayer gaming.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.