Mechanical vs Membrane Keyboards: Difference and Comparison

In today’s world, a computer can be regarded as one of the most fundamentally needed equipments for a normal human being to sustain. The world is not just revolving around technology but has been surrounded by tech.

In a computer, many parts are vital, but a very crucial part is the keyboard. In the market, two types of keyboards are available: the mechanical and the membrane keyboard.

While both of these relate a lot, certain differences also are there. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Mechanical keyboards use individual switches for each key, providing tactile feedback and an audible click.
  2. Membrane keyboards have a flat, flexible surface with pressure pads beneath the keys, offering a quieter and cheaper alternative.
  3. Mechanical keyboards are more durable and responsive, while membrane keyboards are lighter and require less force to press keys.

Mechanical vs Membrane Keyboard 

Mechanical keyboards are popular for their durability and responsiveness, making them ideal for gamers and professionals. Membrane keyboards use a thin layer of rubber or silicone under the keys to detecting key presses, making them quieter and more affordable than mechanical keyboards but less responsive and tactile.

Mechanical vs Membrane Keyboard

A mechanical keyboard has been given a specific name because it is set to work upon a particular mechanism.

According to many types of research conducted in the industry for so long, this keyboard is considered the best one due to the overall impact it creates.

It comes without any foaming etc. and happens to be a very genuine one. 

But on the other hand, a membrane keyboard feels mushy because a rubber layer is pasted underneath the actual keywords.

It can be said that this kind of keyboard is actually made so that the users feel a certain amount of comfort while using the keyboard, but overall, in terms of popularity, it lags somewhere behind.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Mechanical Keyboard Membrane Keyboard 
Meaning  A kind of keyboard known for working upon mechanisms. To make the keyboard function, it is important to press the keys very firmly 
Pressing of keys The keys can be pressed very gently and the work will be done The keys can be pressed very gently, and the work will be done 
Foaming underneath  No forming A rubber layer is found underneath the keywords 
Price  Comparatively expensive than other counterparts Comparatively cheaper 
Level of sound produced  It produces a lot of sounds while typing.It hardly produces any sound while typing. 
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What is a Mechanical Keyboard? 

The term mechanical keyboard originates from the term mechanism and denotes a kind of keyboard that runs upon a certain mechanism provided by the manufacturer.

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To simplify the features of this particular keyboard, the keys exist on the keyboard very firmly, and there is no forming or any kind of layer underneath the keys mentioned above.

Whenever these keys are pressed on this particular keyboard, they produce a sort of clicking sound. While doing fast typing, this sound turns into a complete noise, which can be regarded as a disadvantage of this particular keyboard.

When each of the keys on this keyboard is pressed long enough, it is called to register a keystroke on the keyboard and in this particular manner, the keyboard runs effectively.  

The mechanism infused in this particular keyboard is that it is somehow connected with the CPU, and when any command is given to the keyboard, it gets connected with the CPU. The output gets presented on the screen itself, showing the desired results.

However, one drawback of this particular keyboard is that it is expensive in terms of price compared to other counterparts.

But regardless of these disadvantages, this keyboard is considered the best due to its overall impact on the entire system. 

mechanical keyboard

What is Membrane Keyboard? 

The membrane keyboard has been given this specific name because of the kind of infrastructure infused in this particular keyboard by the manufacturers.

Unlike the previous keyboard described, this particular keyboard contains a thick layer of rubber inside the keys. When the user presses these keys, to a certain extent, it is said that the keyboard has registered some sort of keystrokes, and the desired output comes on the screen for the user.  

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It is said to be very comfortable for the hands of the user as the layer of rubber makes it very easy for the keys to be pushed, and it is not necessary for this keyboard that the keys should be pushed to the possible extent.

Even if they are pressed smoothly, the work will be done easily.  

A very particular advantage attached to this particular keyboard is that it happens to be cheaper in terms of price compared to other keyboards, which is why many people prefer this keyboard over other keyboards. 

membrane keyboard

Main Differences Between Mechanical and Membrane Keyboards 

  1. Mechanical Keyboard is known for working on the mechanism, while the other hand Membrane Keyboard is known for working on the layer of rubber. 
  2. Mechanical Keyboard works even if the keys are pressed smoothly, while on the other hand, the Membrane Keyboard only works when the keys are pressed very strongly. 
  3. Mechanical Keyboard produces a lot of sounds, while on the other hand, the Membrane Keyboard hardly produces any sound. 
  4. Mechanical Keyboard is comparatively expensive, while on the other hand, the Membrane Keyboard is comparatively cheaper. 
  5. The mechanical Keyboard does not contain any foaming, while on the other hand, the Membrane Keyboard contains a layer of rubber inside of it. 
Difference Between Mechanical and Membrane Keyboard


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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. Very informative and in-depth information on mechanical vs membrane keyboards and the differences between the two. I would have loved to see some more information about the type of keyboards that are ideal for specific uses.

  2. This article explains the nitty gritty details of both the mechanical and the membrane keyboards. A compelling comparison between the two. The writing displays great insights and a very well researched content.

  3. I believe this article only provides general knowledge that most people are already aware of, a critical view could have been useful too.

  4. Very extensive information covering all aspects of mechanical and membrane keyboards. The comparison table is very helpful.

  5. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between the two types of keyboards, focusing on the essential aspects. It’s well researched and very informative.

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