Minecraft vs Real Life: Difference and Comparison

The desire for in-house endeavors, along with technology advancement, has resulted in the invention of thousands of videogames. Adventure games, action games, simulation games, competitive sports, and puzzle games are some of the several sorts of video games accessible.

While they are easily accessible through applications, there are contrasts between these video games and real-life situations.

Key Takeaways

  1. Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game that allows players to create and explore virtual worlds, while real life refers to the tangible world in which we live and interact.
  2. Minecraft has a block-based environment with simplified physics, while real-life features complex natural laws and diverse ecosystems.
  3. Players have unlimited creativity and the ability to respawn in Minecraft, whereas real-life actions have consequences, and life is finite.

Minecraft vs Real Life

Minecraft is a video game that simulates a virtual world, while real life is the physical world, we live in. Minecraft allows players to build structures and interact with other players in a virtual world, while real life involves physical interactions with other people and the natural world.

Minecraft vs Real Life

Minecraft was designed in 2009 by Mojang and has been the inspiration of Markus “Notch” Persson. It is largely influenced by games like Dwarf Fortress, Dungeons Keeper, but it pushes the unrestricted form, sandbox gameplay seen in those classics to an unprecedented level.

It was the corporation’s first official game and went to become the greatest game in history, marketing over 180 million copies till today.

Real-life is the world we live in each day, not the world we imagine or daydream about. In its simplest form, if anything happens in real life, it genuinely occurs and is not merely a narrative or the product of somebody’s imagination.

For instance, being in a real-life setting like that was pretty odd for her.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMinecraftReal Life
EvolutionIt was created as a survival game, in which the character Steve was evolved to fight the mobs.Humans have progressed from apes using sticks to defend themselves against predators to intellectual people.
ObjectiveHas no objectiveIt contains a variety of goals that varies from person to person.
ResourcesNot availableThere are resources available, such as technology and manufactured food.
Portals to another worldYesNo
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What is Minecraft?

Mojang Studios, a Swedish video game company, launched Minecraft, a sandbox action-adventure game. Markus “Notch” Persson constructed the game in Java programming.

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It was originally made available to the public in May 2009, after numerous early private beta releases, before being completely released in November 2011.

Minecraft has since been ported for a variety of other systems and is regarded as the best video game ever created, having sold over 200 million copies and having around 140 million visitors per month as of 2021. 

Minecraft players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D environment with nearly endless topography, discovering and extracting raw materials, crafting tools and things, and building structures, embankments, and basic machinery.

Based on the game option, users can combat computer-controlled hordes while also cooperating with or competing against the other gamers in the same environment. A survivalist level, where users must collect resources to construct the planet and maintain good health, as well as an imagination mode, in which gamers have infinite resources in addition to flying, is available.

Modifying the game allows players to create new gameplay mechanisms, objects, and assets.

The virtual environment is practically endless and produced procedurally when users discover it, utilizing a map seed retrieved from the system clock now of world formation. Vertical mobility is limited, but Minecraft enables the creation of an indefinitely vast gaming environment on the horizontal plane.

Rookie users are given a randomly picked standard avatar skin either of Steve or Alex, although, the ability to build customized skins was incorporated in 2010. Non-player avatars classified as mobs, such as animals, villages, and hostile monsters, are encountered by users.

Cows, pigs, and chickens are examples of passive monsters that may be hunted and killed and manufacturing resources. They spawn throughout the day, but hostile mobs such as huge spiders, skeletons, and undead spawn at night or in gloomy regions such as caverns.


What is Real Life?

It is an expression adopted in literary works to identify the real world from artificial, virtual, or idealized worlds, and in theatre to delineate between performers and the characters they portray. It is used as a term to separate life in a professional context from life in an educational one, or adulthood and the grown-up world from childhood or adolescence.

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Life is a feature that separates physical things that have biological activities, such as communicating and self-sustaining activities, from those who do not, either due to such functions ending (they have perished) or since they never had such functions, to begin with, and are regarded as inanimate.

Plants, mammals, fungi, and bacteria are all forms of life. These life forms found on Earth developed from prehistoric related species via genetic variability and natural processes.

In real life, purpose represents one of the key motivating goals of one’s life or the grounds people get out of bed in the morning. Everyone’s purpose will be distinct; what we perceive as our route may be distinct from others.

Furthermore, our purpose might alter and evolve throughout our life because of shifting priorities and changes in our personal experiences.

Main Differences Between Minecraft and Real Life

  1. Minecraft was developed as a survivor game wherein the protagonist Steve developed to combat the mobs, whereas, in real life, humanity has grown from apes using sticks to protect themselves from attackers to smart individuals.
  2. Minecraft is a sandbox game; hence it has no goals. Real-life, on the other hand, contains a variety of goals that vary from person to person.
  3. While Minecraft features portals to certain other worlds, whereas there are no gateways to other planets in real life.
  4. While resources like machinery, electronics, and processed meals are not present in Minecraft, they are attainable in real life.
  5. Resurrection is feasible in the video game Minecraft, meanwhile, it is not possible in real life 
  1. https://www.igi-global.com/article/minecraft-as-a-creative-tool/116516
  2. https://pubs.nctm.org/view/journals/tcm/21/1/article-p56.xml
  3. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=5gp4S52D5koC&oi=fnd&pg=PA371&dq=real+life&ots=fMJWK5YMQL&sig=fet8hpmVS30eVhH7m0i7k4tOzck
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.