MS Access vs SQL: Difference and Comparison

Microsoft Access is utilized in domestic or small commercial enterprise applications.

Microsoft Access can’t always cope with huge portions of database calls.

Microsoft SQL Server is for medium to massive companies that deal with a huge amount of data and want slower response time.

Key Takeaways

  1. MS Access is a desktop-based database management system suitable for small-scale applications and single-user environments.
  2. SQL is a programming language used to manage and manipulate relational database management systems.
  3. SQL offers more flexibility and scalability, while MS Access provides a user-friendly database management interface.

MS Access vs SQL

Microsoft Access (MS Access) is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that allows users to store, organize, and manage substantial amounts of data in a structured manner. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language that manages and manipulates relational databases.

MS Access vs SQL

Microsoft Access (DBMS) mixes the MJDE or Microsoft Jet Database Engine with software-improvement tools and GCI or graphical consumer interface.

The essential utilization of MS Access is for accounting.

MS access makes it easy to create a database within a shorter duration.

It uses an entirely graphical user interface which makes it consumer-friendly.

Structured Query Language stands for SQL.

It is just a programming language utilized by databases; It is a programming language designed for eliciting facts from databases; it uses databases to store and retrieve the desired information.

This language permits addressing the facts of the usage of tables and indicates a language to question those tables and related items.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMS AccessSQL
Full formThe complete form of SQL is Structured Query LanguageMS access is desktop based
serverIt is less intuitive and takes longer to learn.SQL is a server-based database
interfaceadvanced database users should use the Access interface.SQL Server is designed for medium to big enterprises requiring data processing solutions.
recoveryan Access file can only be restored from corruption or data loss.SQL Server allows you to create automatic backups to a network device or a media disc.
softwareMS Access is a DBMS or database management system that may be used at home or in a small business.SQL Server is designed for medium to big enterprises that require a data processing solution.
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What is MS Access?

MS Access is a Database Management system.

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Microsoft developed it.

It is part of the Microsoft Office suite and works on data in its own format.

On November 13, 1992, the prior version of MS Access was launched through Microsoft.

Before MS access, Borland and Fox were the 2 Database Management structures dominating the global marketplace.

It turned MS access into the global database management system.

Multiple adjustments have been made within the software, and Microsoft progressively commenced freeing one-of-a-kind variations of MS Access.

Each updated edition reduced the RAM usage and was optimized according to the storage needs.

Access tables assist numerous popular discipline indices, types, and referential integrity,, including cascading deletes and updates.

In a question interface, the menu is present to input records and reviews.

You can use MS Access for printing the spreadsheet as well.

The underlying Access database houses those objects.

It is a multi-consumer system and has record-locking capabilities.

Users can create tables, queries, bureaucracy, review, and join them collectively with macros.

Advanced users may use VBA to generate rich replies with improved data processing and user control.

Access additionally has tables for data storing, which could store any data.

What is SQL?

SQL is a query-based question language.

It is a laptop language designed for eliciting facts from databases.

SQL is a language to perform actions on databases; it consists of database creation, deletion, fetching rows, enhancing rows, etc.

SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) modern language. However, there are numerous unique variations of the SQL language.

SQL provides a workable environment for programmers and different consumers to get filtered data from a database.

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It uses something similar to regular English.

Sometimes SQL implementations are incompatible and don’t necessarily adhere to industry standards. 

SQL includes instructions like Select, which grabs records; Insert, which provides records to a database; Update, used to modify the data; and Delete, which deletes facts.

Other instructions exist to create, modify, and administer databases.

PPopular SQL implementations help find specific data, including the TIME or DATE records types.

Maximum famous business and proprietary SQL Database Management systems use Oracle, whose DATE format is DATE-TIME and do not have a TIME type. As a result, SQL code is rarely portable between databases without changes.

sql 1

Main Differences Between MS Access and SQL

  1. MS Access gives the capacity of 2 GB to store all the required information, whereas  SQL databases can keep informed of over 500,000 TB.
  2. MS Access is a full-fledged program used for taking care of the database, whereas SQL is not a program it is a full-fledged DBPL or database programming language.
  3. Microsoft Access stores statistics in a layout based on the Access Jet Database Engine or AJDE, Whereas SQL is designed for RDBMS.
  4. MS Access has a maximum limit of 32,000 entities per database whereas SQL can manage over 2 billion entities.
  5. Tables, queries, forms, and reports are the four items that make up an Access database. A database object is any pre-defined entity in a database that could store or refer to data in SQL.
Difference Between MS Access and SQL
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.