Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super vs Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti: Difference and Comparison

With pc gaming to its maximum hype in the modern world, graphic cards have become a necessity for a good gaming experience.

Key Takeaways

  1. GTX 1660 Super has 14 Gbps memory speed, while GTX 1660 Ti has 12 Gbps memory speed.
  2. GTX 1660 Super uses GDDR6 memory, while GTX 1660 Ti uses GDDR5 memory.
  3. GTX 1660 Super is cheaper than GTX 1660 Ti, with similar overall performance.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super vs Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 super is a graphics card that was released in 2019. It provides high-quality gaming with a memory speed of 336 GB per second and GPU of 1080p. Nvidia GeForce 1660 Ti is a graphics card with GPU operating at 1500 MHz. It comes with thermal cooling features.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super vs Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti

Nvidia Geforce 1660 Super was launched back on October 29, 2019, and is a member of the 1660 family. GTX 1660 has been a part of the graphic card market for a long time.

It has a great TDP of 120 watts. It was launched back in February 2019, which was before Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super was launched.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNvidia GeForce GTX 1660 SuperNvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti
PerformanceThe GTX super’s performance lacks a little bit from the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti. Its performance is a little bit better than the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super.
LaunchedIt was launched after the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti. It was launched after the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super.
CostIt is comparatively cheaper than the 1600 Ti.It is a bit expensive than Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super.
SpeedIt is comparatively slower than Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti.It is a little faster than that of Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super.
CoolingIt has fewer thermal cooling features than Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti. It has more thermal cooling features than Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super.
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What is Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Super?

Nvidia Geforce 1660 Super is a graphics card from the Nvidia brand. This graphic card was launched in the year 2019.

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It has a great feature of switching from the low latency mode to ultra, which gives a high-quality clear gaming vision. Moreover, it is compatible with G-Sync and gives a clear opportunity of choosing bot NULL and G-sync.

It also provides filters and shading options that help gamers set their vibes to the game. However one can not apply all the filters and shade to each and every game.

It has a memory speed of 336 GB/s, which is very high compared to other Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 models. It has an average GPU of 1080P, sometimes even 1440p, which is surely not bad.

For a beginner gamer or streamer, this card would surely give a good experience, but all its features do not scream WOW. One can even find cards with better features in the market for the same price.

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What is Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti?

Nvidia Geforce 1660 Ti is yet another graphic card from Nvidia. It has no such similarities to the RTX 2060 and has been built up very differently.

It has a resembling image quality from that of the x264. It has better performance than GTX 1070 in 1080p. Its cooler works very well and hence provides it with thermal stability.

It has a little overpriced compared to other models just for a little betterment in FPS may or may not be considerable.

However, it is important to know that one could get a better graphic card, that is, the RTX 2060, with just a little bit of uplift in the budget. Overall, for a mid-rated graphic card, it is not a bad choice. 

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Main Differences Between Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super and Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 Ti

  1. Nvidia GeForce 1660 Ti has a better performance level than Nvidia GeForce 1660 Super in almost all the games in the market.
  2. Nvidia GeForce 1660 Ti has a better thermal performance compared to Nvidia GeForce1660 Super.
  1. https://www.mdpi.com/907352
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-7421-4_12
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.