PayPal Rate vs Bank Rate: Difference and Comparison

When you lend money or conduct any transaction, you have to pay interest, a small sum of money you pay for the transaction.

Similarly, PayPal and Bank charge a fee on any transaction where there is a cash outflow. Furthermore, they are fixed rates based on a range of transaction values. 

Key Takeaways

  1. PayPal rates include transaction fees and currency conversion fees, which can make them more expensive than traditional bank rates.
  2. Bank rates involve lower fees and better exchange rates than PayPal but may provide a different level of convenience for online transactions.
  3. The choice between PayPal and bank rates depends on transaction frequency, ease of use, and cost considerations.

PayPal Rate vs Bank Rate

PayPal Rate is a term used to describe the exchange rate used to convert currencies for international transactions. PayPal uses its exchange rate to perform this currency conversion. Bank Rate refers to the interest rate that a central bank sets for its monetary policy. The Bank Rate is used to influence a country’s economic activity level.

PayPal Rate vs Bank Rate

PayPal rates play a crucial role in both international and domestic transactions of a merchant or account holder of PayPal.

According to PayPal, the rate is calculated as a product of Transaction amount and interest rate (depending on the transaction value), adding to its cents which varies from 30 to 40 cents. 

In contrast, bank rates are nothing but the interest rate, a charge imposed by the nation’s central bank on their lending money to domestic banks.

Generally, short-term loans are subject to bank rates. Moreover, the Bank rate is as in the simple interest formula, such that it is calculated as the product of the Principal, rate of interest in % and period. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPayPal RateBank Rate
Meaning The bank rate is termed as ‘Discount’ on advances and loans imposed by the central bank. The bank rate depends on the bank’s creditworthiness because it varies in many factors, say, countries’ economies. 
RangePayPal allocates an additional amount on each transaction, plus a fixed fee that ranges. There are three types where bank rates are charged- Primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit. 
TypesPayPal rates vary where it fixes according to the type of account a person holds- Customer & Merchant account.The bank rate is calculated as-Principal x rate of interest/ 100 x time period
CalculationRate is calculated as- Transaction amount x interest rate (depends on the transaction value) + cents (varies 30 to 40 cents)The bank rate is calculated as-Principal x rate of interest/ 100 x period
ExampleTransaction amount= 200$Interest= 4.4%Thus, 200×4.4/100 + 0.30= 9%, 209$ is the total fee you pay. Principal= 100$Interest Rate= 6% and number of years= 5 Therefore, 100×6/100 x 5= 30%/ 
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What is PayPal Rate?

PayPal is an American multinational financial technology company that plays a vital role in online transactions of an individual or business.

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Similarly, PayPal charges an amount while transferring money from one person to another. So, the charges placed on an international or domestic transaction are called PayPal rates or PayPal fees. 

Regarding its rates, PayPal doesn’t charge for purchases and non-merchant accounts. However, it has rates for other sorts of services.

Such as nevertheless, both the recipient and sender have accounts in PayPal, and PayPal rates are imposed on instant transfers.

So, accordingly, PayPal charges from 1.9% to 5.3% on transaction amount, plus a fixed fee that ranges depending on the country.  

Meanwhile, a consumer can do a feeless domestic transaction, yet merchants can pay only for what they sell, regardless of any extra service charges.

Furthermore, PayPal rates are crucial for merchant accounts, such as it charges 3.00 INR for an online transaction within India, while outside India sets (4.40%+ fixed fees) depending on the country.

On the contrary, the PayPal rate also has a few drawbacks, including the requirement of transaction fees by other banks, unannounced freezing of accounts, and overpriced international transaction fees. 

What is Bank Rate?

The short-term loans lent by a nation’s central bank to their domestic banks, along with an extra fee charge, are called bank rates.

Moreover, bank rates play a crucial role in a country’s economy. Lower bank rates can bolster the economy by lowering the cost of funds for domestic banks, and higher bank rates can weaken the economy by hiking the cost of funds. 

Speaking of the economic crisis in recent years, India has a bank rate of approx. 4.25%, according to the Reserve Bank of India.

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In the US, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System sets the discount and other required bank rates, while it is the RBI in India.

In addition, there are three types of bank rates a national bank charges to domestic; Primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit. 

On the whole, a bank rate works where the domestic banks can request loans from the central bank to meet reserve requirements and maintain liquidity.

So depending on the financial status and needs, the central bank will impose the bank rates. Besides, a country’s monetary policy determines how much money it can borrow.

Main Differences Between PayPal Rate and Bank Rate

  1. PayPal rate is considered when merchant accounts are making international or domestic transactions. On the other hand, Bank rates are discount rates imposed on loans or advances taken by the people from the Central Bank.
  2. Regarding the ranges, PayPal sets from 1.9-5.3% on each transaction with fixed cents that depend on the ranges. Meanwhile, Bank rates vary in different banks and the principal amount. 
  3. PayPal introduced PayPal rates as a fee charged on seller’s transactions by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin in 1998. On the contrary, Bank rates were largely invented by the father of economics, Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, and Carl Menger. 
  4. There are two types of rates. Where PayPal charges a fee for a merchant account on every transaction but not for customer accounts. Nevertheless, the Bank rate normally charges the fees according to Primary, secondary, and seasonal credit.
  5. Several factors affect PayPal rates, including fees for each transaction, competition between banks, and so forth. While for bank rates, these are the factor that influences- demand & supply, government policies, inflation/deflation, foreign exchange rates, etc. 
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.