Pentium vs Core 2 Duo: Difference and Comparison

Usually, when a person wants to buy a laptop, person has to focus mainly on the type of processor used in that particular computer or laptop the buyers wish to purchase. There are so many companies giving competition out there in making processors, and one such company is Intel.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pentium is a series of microprocessors produced by Intel that was first introduced in 1993, while Core 2 Duo is a series of dual-core processors introduced in 2006.
  2. Pentium processors have a lower clock speed and less cache memory than Core 2 Duo processors, resulting in slower performance. In contrast, Core 2 Duo processors have faster clock speeds and more cache memory, resulting in faster performance.
  3. Pentium processors are used in basic computing tasks such as web browsing and word processing. In contrast, Core 2 Duo processors are used in more demanding gaming and video editing tasks.

Pentium vs. Core 2 Duo

A pentium is a type of processor developed by Intel. A single or dual processor can be embedded into it. It provides a 3MB memory cache. It also provides 64 GB RAM. The clock speed of pentium is faster. Core 2 duo has a better performance because of its working feature. It can work across visualizations. It provides 8 GB RAM.

Pentium vs Core 2 Duo

The Intel Pentium is a processor launched by the Intel company. This processor was established long back in 1993. This was said to be fitted with a unique feature that could do one single chip inside with a load of numerous transistors of about 3.1 million.

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The Core 2 duo is a processor launched by the Intel company right after the other core processors of Intel. This processor is said to have advanced technological features compared to the other core processors of Intel.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPentiumCore 2 Duo
ProcessorThe Intel Pentium is a processor having either a single or dual-lined processor fitted in it.The Intel Core 2 duo is a processor that carries only a dual processor.
MeaningThe Intel Pentium is a processor that helps follow a line of micro-sized processors.The Intel Core 2 duo is a processor that allows connecting the mind of a core line.
Clock speedThe speed of a clock in an Intel Pentium processor is faster.The rate of a clock in an Intel core 2 duo is lower.
Memory64 GB RAM is the capacity of memory the Intel Pentium processor can hold. GB RAM is capable of the amount of memory the Intel Core 2 Duo can have.
FrequencyThe Intel Pentium is a processor having a clock speed ranging up to a frequency of 2.40 GHzThe Intel core two duos is a processor with a clock speed of up to 2.66 GHz.
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What is Pentium?

The Intel Pentium is a processor launched by the Intel company. This was said to be fitted with a unique feature that could fit one single chip inside it with a load of numerous transistors of about 3.1 million.

This processor contains a feature having instructions that follow complexity in setting computers. This feature includes a setting to set 35 bits addresses containing a database of up to 64 GB RAM.

The Pentium Of Intel company has a Memory of 3MB cache. The graphics control in the Pentium had a frequency of up to 533Mhz. The main drawback of this processor was that it was observed to have a slow graphic and memory controller.

pentium 1

What is Core 2 Duo?

The Core 2 duo is a processor launched by the Intel company right after the other core processors of Intel. This processor was released a recent year back in 2006. This processor is said to have advanced technological features compared to the other core processors of Intel.

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The core 2 duo processor is a processor which can work even through visualization, which makes it better in performance when compared to other processors these days.

Many machines were present that made use of these dual processors available, and therefore, there was a second line of dual-processor launched by Intel known as the Core 2 duo processor.

core 2 duo 1

Main Differences Between Pentium and Core 2 Duo

  1. The Intel Pentium is a processor having a memory capacity of 64 GB RAM. On the other hand, the Intel core 2 duo is a processor with only 8 GB RAM memory.
  2. The Intel Pentium is a processor with a clock speed ranging up to a frequency of 2.40 GHz; on the other hand, the Intel core two duos has a clock speed of up to 2.66 GHz.
Difference Between Pentium and Core 2 Duo
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.