Personality vs Character: Difference and Comparison

Human behavior is defined in many ways. There are even types available to describe them. Many people will reveal their true selves in the form of their character. And some people will show off their behavior and their attitude in the form of their personalities. Every person has their own personality and character, which will help them to stand unique in front of other people.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Personality” refers to traits or characteristics that define an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
  2. “Character” refers to an individual’s moral and ethical values and behavior in society.
  3. The main difference between “Personality” and “Character” is that the former refers to an individual’s innate traits, while the latter refers to their moral and ethical values.

Personality vs Character

Personality refers to the unique set of traits, behaviors, and patterns of thought and emotion that distinguish one individual from another. Character refers to a person’s moral and ethical values, principles, and beliefs. It encompasses traits like honesty, integrity, courage, and responsibility.

Personality vs Character

Personality is a person’s own attitude that will reveal their true and inner self. Personality will affect your life in many ways. Having a good positive personality will help you in many different ways. If you think you are feeling negative about your personality, you can seek a psychologist’s help. They will help you in finding the right way because of the experience they have had in their life.

A character will define the person’s inner true self. A person’s character is very important. If a person has a good character, it will help them to reach a winning personality in life. Having a bad character is of no use as it will lead to negativity and failure in life. When we describe it in other words, having a good character will help you to win people around you. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPersonalityCharacter
DefinitionIt is the way by which one expresses themselvesIt is a way that explains what the person is like inside
ChangesIt will change at some point in lifeIt will not change
TraitsIt contains both physical and personalIt contains both moral and mental
ImportanceIt will help in defining an individualIt will help to identify the changes that happen in the behavioral patterns
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What is Personality?

Personality refers to a person’s thinking and the way they feel and behave. There are two ways in which personality will be studied. Each one has their own personality, and it will be their own unique identity. There are many definitions available for personality. But it mainly focuses on the person’s behavior and the areas that will help them predict the person’s behavior. There are 4 types of personality available. 

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Each of them will be defined in different ways such that it will reflect their actions. Many people try to follow and gain other people’s personalities. But they fail to understand that copying others’ personalities will kill their own. Everyone should respect and live with their own personalities. Taking other people’s personalities as their role models is fine, but trying to follow them will not be a good decision. It will affect their life. They will lose their own identity in the act of trying to be someone.

Personality is very important in one’s life. It will give a positive attitude to them. Developing their personality is also very important. These things are even taught in some schools, which helps students to build their own confidence and personality. If someone asks you to write about your personality, you should write it with integrity and mention what you really think instead of writing something else that you are not at all in real life.


What is Character?

A Character will define what the person is in real life. It will reveal everything about their inner self. It can even be revealed in the way that a person reacts to some situations. This character will define who you are in true life. You cannot change your character in your life for somebody else. It will be very difficult, and, in the process, you will start to hate yourself for what you are doing. The basic way in which character is divided is by good character and bad character.

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Good character will define a person’s goodness and how they help others. It is simply good in whatever they do. But a bad character, they will do everything bad in their life. Whatever they do, they will do bad things. This will reveal their bad character. A person’s character will grow along with their growth right from their childhood. It will grow by seeing the things around us and the way people behave in this world.

To put it in precise words, it will develop from our life experiences. If our growth was surrounded by bad and negative vibrations, then it would turn into bad character. Having a positive and good vibration around our life will lead to good character. We can even identify what our character is like. There are many tests available that will help you to define your character. Many self-tests are also available, which can be taken in our own comfort zone.


Main Differences Between Personality and Character

  1. A person uses a personality to describe themselves in front of others. On the other hand, a character is something that will reveal the true self of a person.
  2. Personality will change at some point of time in human life. On the other hand, a character will not change at any point in time.
  3. Personality comes under the subjective, and it is subjective to nature. On the other hand, a character comes under the type of objective, and it is objective in nature.
  4. The traits that are included in personality are physical traits and personal traits. On the other hand, the traits included in character are moral and mental traits.
  5. A personality will help in defining the individual. On the other hand, a character will help identify a person’s behavioral changes.
Difference Between Personality and Character
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.