PPTP vs L2TP: Difference and Comparison

In this post, we’ll look at the differences between the PPTP and L2TP VPN methods because then we can figure out whether it’s best for someone.

In this post, we’ll look at the differences between the PPTP and L2TP VPN methods because they can determine whether it’s best for someone.

Key Takeaways

  1. PPTP is an older, less secure VPN protocol than L2TP, which uses stronger encryption.
  2. L2TP requires more processing power and may result in slower connection speeds, whereas PPTP is faster due to its lower encryption standards.
  3. L2TP can be combined with the IPsec protocol for increased security, while PPTP relies on its built-in encryption.


PPTP and L2TP are protocols used for creating VPNs to transmit data securely over the internet. PPTP is an older, less secure, but easier-to-configure protocol. L2TP is a more secure protocol that provides encryption and authentication, but may be slower due to additional overhead.


PPTP, or point-to-point tunnelling protocol, has existed for over two decades. Even though it’s more than a decade old, it really is the industry norm for internal management VPNs.

It’s a common choice because it comes pre-installed through most platforms and operating systems, is simple to set up, is effective, and requires no special application.

L2TP is just a VPN standard that defines no confidentiality or security for traffic passing via the channel.

As a result, it’s frequently used in conjunction with IPSec, an encrypting technology. It really does enable many of the most encrypting data schemes, such as AES-256.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPPTPL2TP
Basic InformationPPTP is the most elementary as well as first VPN protocol enabled by Windows.Tunneling protocol which runs over UDP as well as leverages IPSec providing security features falls under L2TP.
StabilityAlthough unpredictable, PPTP is fairly stable and is accepted by the majority of Wi-Fi networks.On the other hand, L2TP comes on a variety of devices, protocols, as well as operating platforms, it has proven to be robust.
DisadvantagesBased on the network, reliability may differ. PPTP does not provide the same degree of security as the administration. It’s simple to become blocked.The major disadvantage while using L2TP is slower sleep.
ConclusionPPTP is simple to set up as well as operate, and it provides adequate bandwidth. Some VPN protocols are more reliable.Although L2TP has slower speeds than some other protocols, it is a suitable choice because of its ability to evade network constraints and robust security.
Best used forPPTP is good for Surfing, streaming, or downloads at high speedsWhereas, L2TP is best used for buying online, accessing open Wi-Fi, and other security-sensitive activities.
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What is PPTP?

The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a mechanism for establishing Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) well over the web.

Customers can find business networks directly from whatever Internet Service Provider (ISP) implements the protocol by using it. PPTP operates somewhere at the OSI model’s datalink level.

PPTP wraps and transfers a variety of network protocols over the Internet. If the initial interface is IP, the frames will be encoded and followed by PPTP sessions.

PPTP evolved first from Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol (GRE) and hence the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), as predicted. The message is encoded using RC4-based Microsoft Point-to-Point Encrypted data, as expected by Microsoft.

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PPTP is popular since it is simple to get and rigged up. Nonetheless, it can be primitive, and its offspring, including L2TP, may outperform it in terms of capability and performance. PPTP is an ancient protocol that is nevertheless widely used today.

What is L2TP?

L2TP, or Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, is a tunnelling component that connects offsite users to just a network share.

A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) session can use L2TP to move across many networks and links. L2TP was derived using Microsoft’s PPTP and Cisco’s L2F (Layer 2 Facilitation) technologies. 

As a result, LT2P will have the same features as PPTP since it integrates the control and information streams of PPTP plus runs over UDP, a quicker detailed outline.

Regarding the integrated transfer of monitoring and data streaming, L2TP is determined to be even more firewall-friendly because UDP is faster and more appropriate in real-time exchanges. 

When safety is a concern, L2TP is a wiser alternative than PPTP because it requires certifications. As a result, bodies in charge of standardization are now more likely to favour L2TP.

L2TP, on the other hand, is more sophisticated than its forerunner, PPTP. Again for the moment being, PPTP remains a more feasible and preferred option wherever Microsoft mandates encryption and decoding. 

Main Differences Between PPTP and L2TP

  1. Microsoft created PPTP, but L2TP introduced PPTP’s characteristics by itself, in addition to L2F.
  2. Although unpredictable, PPTP is fairly stable and is accepted by the majority of Wi-Fi networks. On the other hand, L2TP comes on various devices, protocols, and operating platforms, and it has proven to be robust.
  3. Compared to PPTP, L2TP provides many benefits in the context of data integrity and the availability of origin validation, which prevents hackers from accessing the infrastructure. Nevertheless, because of the additional overhead necessary to operate this higher level of security, it is sluggish compared to PPTP.
  4. When privacy is a concern, L2TP is a superior option to PPTP because it requires certifications. As a result, bodies in charge of standardizing are more likely to support L2TP. L2TP, on the other hand, is more sophisticated than its forerunner, PPTP.
  5. Controlling as well as dynamic data streams are split in PPTP, whereas L2TP carries these streams simultaneously. Also, PPTP is less complicated to use and establish.
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7885799

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.