How to Fix TikTok Liked Videos Issues: Disappearing, Not Showing, Saving, or Working Solutions

TikTok Liked Videos Disappeared Issue

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As a TikTok user, you may experience liked videos disappearing from your profile or not showing up correctly. This can be frustrating, but there are several reasons and potential solutions.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: Poor internet connectivity can cause issues viewing liked videos. Ensure that your WiFi and mobile data are working properly and that there aren’t any issues with your local network.
  2. The Video Was Removed For Review: If only one video disappeared from your liked videos list, the author may have removed the video or TikTok may have temporarily removed it for review. There’s not much you can do in this situation, but it’s good to be aware that this can occur.
  3. App Glitches: Like any technology, TikTok is prone to occasional glitches and bugs. If your liked videos are not showing up, try restarting the app, logging out and back in, or updating the app to the latest version.
  4. Cache and Data Clearing: Accumulated cache and app data can lead to issues with liked videos not showing or updating. Clear the app cache and data in your device’s settings, and then reopen the app.

Remember that sometimes, the issue may resolve itself after some time, so exercise patience and try following the steps mentioned above to fix the liked videos disappearance issue on TikTok.

Verifying TikTok Account Settings

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This section will discuss how to verify your TikTok account settings to troubleshoot issues with liked videos disappearing, not showing, saving, or working properly. Follow these steps-organized into two sub-sections-to ensure that your account settings are optimized:

Check Privacy Settings

Before proceeding, ensure your privacy settings on TikTok allow your liked videos to appear. To do this:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your device.
  2. Tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner to access settings.
  4. Select “Privacy” from the available options.
  5. Verify that your account privacy is “Public” or “Private.” Note: If your account is set to “Private,” only your followers can view your liked videos.

By checking your privacy settings, you ensure no restrictions on displaying liked videos on your profile.

Manage App Permissions

Your TikTok app permissions may also affect the performance and functionality of liked videos. To ensure that the app has appropriate access, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your device’s settings and find the app management section (called “Apps” or “App Manager”).
  2. Scroll down to find the TikTok app and tap on it.
  3. Tap on “Permissions” or a similar option.
  4. Make sure that required permissions are enabled (e.g., Storage, Camera, and Microphone).

By managing app permissions, you can prevent issues with TikTok’s performance and feature accessibility, including those related to liked videos.

Troubleshooting TikTok Application

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When TikTok liked videos disappear or are not showing, saving, or working, it can be frustrating. However, you can take a few steps to resolve these issues.

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Update TikTok App

Keeping the app up-to-date is essential for optimal functionality. Check for an update for the TikTok app by going to the App Store on iOS or Google Play Store on Android. Updating the app can resolve known issues and improve performance.

Clear Cache and Data

Clearing cache and data can help resolve issues related to the TikTok app. To do this on Android:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > All apps.
  2. Find TikTok and tap on it.
  3. Tap on Storage & cache.
  4. Tap on Clear Cache and Clear Data buttons.

For iOS devices, you might need to delete and reinstall the app to clear cache and data, as iOS does not have a built-in option for clearing app data.

Reinstall TikTok App

If the previous steps didn’t work, try reinstalling the TikTok app. First, remove the app from your device by long-pressing the app icon and selecting “Uninstall” or “Remove App.” Then, go to the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android), search for TikTok, and reinstall it. Reinstalling the app can fix glitches and resolve issues related to liked videos not showing or working.

Fixing TikTok Video Saving Issues

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Check Storage Space

Before proceeding with other troubleshooting steps, ensure your device has sufficient storage space. Insufficient storage can cause TikTok videos to disappear or fail to save. To check your storage capacity, navigate to your device’s settings and look for the storage section. If storage is low, clear some space by uninstalling unnecessary apps or deleting old or unused files.

Switch Between WiFi and Mobile Data

Sometimes, internet connectivity can cause issues with TikTok’s functionality, specifically with video saving and showing up. Switch between WiFi and mobile data to see if this resolves the issue. To do this, turn off your device’s WiFi and allow it to connect to your mobile data network. Alternatively, you can disable mobile data and connect your device to a WiFi network. If the issue persists despite these steps, you may want to reinstall the TikTok app or contact their support for further assistance.

Troubleshooting Device Issues

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Restart Your Device

One of the first steps to resolve TikTok liked videos disappearing, not showing, saving or working is to restart your device. Sometimes, minor glitches can cause app issues, and a simple restart can fix them. To restart your device, press and hold the power button and follow the onscreen instructions to turn it off. Once it’s off, wait a few seconds and then turn it back on. After restarting, launch TikTok and check if your liked videos are visible.

Update Operating System

Another factor that could be causing the problem with TikTok liked videos is an outdated operating system on your device. Ensuring your device runs on the latest version of its operating system can help resolve compatibility issues with the TikTok app. To update your operating system, follow these steps:

  • For iOS users:

    1. Go to Settings
    2. Tap General
    3. Select Software Update
    4. If an update is available, tap Download and Install
  • For Android users:

    1. Go to Settings
    2. Scroll down and tap System or Software Update (this may vary depending on your device)
    3. If an update is available, tap Download or Install

After updating the operating system, open the TikTok app and see if the issue with liked videos has been resolved.

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Contacting TikTok Support

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If you are facing issues with your TikTok liked videos disappearing, not showing up, or not working, contacting TikTok support might be helpful. They can guide you in resolving the issue or provide information concerning the specific problem you are facing.

To contact TikTok Support, you can visit their Help Center. From there, navigate to the specific topic related to your problem. In this case, choose the “Profile & Account” category. Once you are on the page, select an issue closest to your problem and follow the suggested steps.

If the suggested steps do not fix your problem, select “No” to the question “Is your problem resolved?” and click “Still have problem” to send further details about your issue to TikTok Support. Their team of experts will review your problem and get back to you promptly, offering guidance or solutions as needed.

Another option for contacting TikTok Support is through their regional contact information. You can find this information on the Contact page of the TikTok Help Center. Here, you’ll find customer support, business, advertising, or PR inquiry details for your region.

Remember, keep your messages concise and specific, so that the support team can better understand your issue and provide the most effective assistance. By reaching out to TikTok Support, you increase your chances of resolving any issues you are experiencing with your liked videos, while also alerting the platform to any potential glitches or problems that need attention.

Note that under some circumstances, a TikTok video may be temporarily removed for review or taken down by a moderator, causing it to disappear from your liked videos list. In such cases, the issue might be resolved automatically once the review is complete, and no further action may be required from your end.

Last Updated : 19 November, 2023

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