Python vs King Cobra: Difference and Comparison

Around the world, there are different types of snakes that live in completely different habitats, have completely different eating habits, and have different types of hunting techniques accordingly.

Thus come, snakes are venomous, while some hunt by constricting their prey to death. This varied mechanism reflects the kind of prey that these snakes prefer.

Key Takeaways

  1. Python snakes are non-venomous constrictors, while King Cobras possess potent venom and kill their prey through envenomation.
  2. Pythons primarily consume mammals and birds, whereas King Cobras primarily prey on other snakes.
  3. King Cobras are the longest venomous snake species, while pythons can reach greater lengths but are non-venomous.

Python vs King Cobra

The difference between Python and King Cobra is that Python is a non-venomous snake that is known to be the longest snake species on the planet. They kill their prey by squeezing and constricting them to death. King Cobra, on the other hand, is one of the most venomous snakes on the planet.

Python vs King Cobra

Python is known to be the longest snake species on the planet, with some Pythons over 25 feet long. These are non-venomous snakes and do not possess venom glands like other snakes.

They use their massive size and weight to squeeze their prey to death and swallow the dead prey whole.

King Cobra is one of the most deadly snakes on the planet, with one of the most potent neurotoxic venoms that can lead to death within 30 minutes of being bitten.

It is not an aggressive snake but it can get irritated easily. It is distinguishable from other cobras due to its massive size and patterned neck.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  Python King Cobra
Description Python is known to be the longest snake on the planet, with a length of over 25 feet and a massive size King Cobra is one of the deadliest snakes, with the most potent neurotoxic venom 
Geographical HabitatPythons are found mostly in Africa, Madagascar, Australia, and some parts of AsiaKing Cobras are limited to south and southeast Asia, mostly found in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and so on
Killing mechanism Pythons are constrictors. They squeeze their prey to death King Cobras poses a deadly venom which they inject into their prey to kill them
Diet The diet of Pythons mostly include mammals such as wild pigs, bored, antelopes, and so on King Cobra’s diet consists of reptiles such as lizards and other snakes
Appearance Pythons have a long and sizeable body, with solid brown, yellow or bright green pattern  King Cobras are dark brown in appearance and have distinct white or yellow patterns on their entire length
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What is Python?

Python is known to be the longest snake species on the planet. Some snakes of this species are found to be longer than 25 feet.

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These are incredibly sizeable snakes and dwarf other types of snakes in their massive size.

These snakes are mostly found in the jungles of Africa, but some Pythons are also found in Australia, Madagascar, the Sahara, and parts of Asia as well. They do not make nests and dwell on the forest floor.

This is possible due to the color of these snakes. Their body is solid brown, with green and yellow patterns.

This helps them blend completely in the foliage of the forest ground, where they lay patiently waiting for their prey.  

When they come across potential prey, they move instantly and coil themselves along their victim’s body. Then they constrict their prey, squeezing the animal to death.

The force of their constriction is so massive that most animals cannot free themselves from a python’s constriction.

Thus they are non-venomous snakes and rely completely on their massive size for hunting. Their diet mostly consists of small mammals, such as wild bores, antelopes, gazelles, and other small animals.


What is King Cobra?

King Cobra is one of the deadliest species of snakes on the planet. It is a venomous snake with one of the most potent neurotoxic venoms that can lead to death within 30 minutes of a bite. 

These snakes are mostly found in the south and southeast parts of Asia, oftentimes in dense forests and jungles of countries such as India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, and so on.

These snakes make their nests in cool areas of the forest, under the cool foliage on the forest ground or in bushes. 

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These are not aggressive snakes but quickly get irritated when provoked. Unlike other snakes that retreat after biting, these snakes sustain their bite for longer, injecting a lethal and heavy dose of their venom into their victim.

These snakes are the longest species of venomous snakes and can reach a length of up to 19 feet.

They are highly distinguishable from other Cobra species due to their massive size and length and the distinct yellow or white pattern that runs along the length of their body.

The diet of the King Cobra primarily consists of other reptiles, such as different species of lizards and other snakes, including pythons and other cobras.

king cobra

Main Difference Between Python and King Cobra

  1. Python is the longest snake on the planet, with lengths reaching over 25 feet. King cobra is one of the deadliest snakes, with one of the most potent neurotoxic venom.
  2. Pythons are found in Africa, Madagascar, Australia and some parts of Asia. King Cobras are exclusive to south and southeastern Asia.
  3. Pythons squeeze their prey to death. King Cobras inject their venom to kill their prey.
  4. The diet of pythons mostly includes other mammals such as wild bores, antelopes etc. The diet of the King Cobra includes other reptiles, such as different types of lizards and other snakes.
  5. Pythons have a long and sizeable body, with a solid brown, yellow or bright green pattern. King Cobras are dark brown in appearance and have distinct white or yellow patterns on their entire length
Difference Between Python and King Cobra
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.