QuickBooks vs PayPal: Difference and Comparison

With the introduction of digital/ online payments, the world is moving at a rapid pace, several companies have launched their software for online payment.

Currently, the two major systems for online payment are QuickBooks and PayPal. Knowing the difference between them will aid in making a perfect choice.   

Key Takeaways

  1. QuickBooks provides comprehensive accounting and financial management software, while PayPal primarily offers online payment processing services.
  2. QuickBooks enables users to manage expenses, invoices, and payroll, while PayPal facilitates online transactions and transfers.
  3. QuickBooks is a subscription-based service, while PayPal charges transaction fees for its services.

QuickBooks vs PayPal  

QuickBooks offers accounting, invoicing, payroll, and tax services, while PayPal provides online payment processing capabilities. QuickBooks can also integrate with other financial tools, while PayPal is limited to its payment system. Quickbook is a financial tool, while PayPal is a payment tool.

QuickBooks vs PayPal

QuickBooks is a software launched by Intuit and is one of the oldest online payment services to date. QuickBooks was launched with some features like Electronic Payment Services, Mapping through Google Maps, Marketing through Google, etc.

Intuit also launched a cloud version called QuickBooks Online which has more features than QuickBooks.   

On the other hand, PayPal is a technology software company that mainly provides online payment services.

It is one of the best services that offer a free version to use too, additional features include Fraud Detection, In-Person as well as Mobile Payments, Data Security, Electronic Signature, etc.

To date, it is one of the highest-ranked companies in The United States.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison QuickBooks    PayPal    
Found on    1983  1988  
 Description    Accounting Software    Payment System/ Company    
Training    Documentation    Videos, Documentation    
Key Features    Billing, Invoicing, Online Payment, Multiple Payment Options, Electronic Signature, etc.  In-Person Payments, Mobile Payments, Fraud Protection, Data Security, etc.    
Customer Care    Email, Feedback Forms  Phone, Chat, Email Support  
Free Trial    Yes  No  
Free Version  No  Yes 
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What is QuickBooks? 

As mentioned above, QuickBooks is an accounting software developed and launched by Intuit.

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Although its initial launch was in December 1983, the recent version was released in 2021 with additional features suggested by the feedback of certain professionals.

The latest 2021 version has all the significant features like automated payment features, a reminder about the payments, customized receipts, etc.   

QuickBooks originated in the year 1983 and was highly inspired by Quickens (Financial Management Tool) which was also developed by Intuit.

Initially, QuickBooks was launched by using the same codebase as Quickens, later a new codebase for Windows and Mac Version was introduced.   

This software was popular and critically acclaimed by many small-scale businesses as it focused on the amateurs with no training on financing and accounting- provided them basic training, manual, etc.

But QuickBooks faced criticism from professional accountants citing that the software lacked many features that were quite significant which led to the launch of the updated and better versions.   

The updated version had better security, audit trail, etc. Intuit also introduced two versions- Pro and Basic within a decade of the launch of the original version.

The updated versions just got better and better with specific versions- specific reports, segregation of each business with trade terminologies, for instance, specific versions for contractors, manufacturers, wholesalers, etc.   

Currently, QuickBooks has many country-based versions too, for example, the Australian, Canadian, and British Versions have their country-specific taxing system.

To improve the consumer’s experience QuickBooks has now launched QuickBooks online- a cloud service, wherein a monthly subscription fee is charged to the user but all the services remain the same.  


What is PayPal?  

Aforementioned, PayPal is a company launched in the year 1988 as a replacement to the conventional methods of money transfer.

Back then, PayPal was the only software that supported In-person as well as mobile payments. Currently, modern-day numerous payment software is highly inspired by PayPal.   

It originated in the United States as Confinity but later went through an IPO (Stock Launch), through which eBay became the prime shareholder and owner.

eBay then spun off; thus, the status of an independent company was retained by PayPal.   

PayPal primarily functions as a company that actively processes payments, users just have to pay a fee for the transaction.

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The basic functions include fund transactions electronically, money transfers to shopping websites like Amazon, eBay, etc., Money Donations, Payments for online auctions, etc.

PayPal does not force the user to create an account, it is the user’s choice.   

In the 2000s, PayPal introduced PayPal Students Account wherein parents set up an account for the students and transfer some money for their use through a debit card.

PayPal provided training material to the students so that they can learn about the importance of money in their teens. But later after 8-9 years of launch PayPal’s student’s account was discontinued citing some issues.   

PayPal also supports money conversion from country to country, users can control if they want money conversion while setting up their account.

Currently, PayPal is available on every website/app ranging from iTunes, eBay to Google Play and also allowed many restaurants and shops to accept payments through PayPal thus acquiring major global markets.

PayPal launched its app in the year 2013 supporting both iOS and Android.Recently, PayPal introduced acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies to trade and shop.   

paypal business

Main Differences Between QuickBooks and PayPal  

  1. QuickBooks functions as accounting software that processes payments whereas PayPal is a financial technology company that aids in money transfer.  
  2. QuickBooks support mobile payments while PayPal supports In-person as well as mobile payments.  
  3. QuickBooks provides training through documentation, whereas PayPal trains through videos as well as documentation.  
  4. QuickBooks charge a monthly or annual subscription fee and do not have a free version but a free trial, on the other hand, PayPal has a free version for the users but does not have a free trial.  
  5. QuickBooks support payments through debit and credit cards, manage POS (Point of Sales), securely stores digital cheques, formulate invoices, etc., while PayPal aids in money transfer right from small local businesses like restaurants to huge markets like Amazon, eBay, etc., and also provides almost 25+ currency conversions.   
  6. QuickBooks helpline works through email, feedback forms, FAQs whereas PayPal provides helpline and support through Phone, Chat, Email, Forum, FAQs, etc.  
Difference Between QuickBooks and PayPal


  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/case.darden.2016.000167/full/ 
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.