Humans are said to be nothing but smart animals, ever wonder what animals think when they look at us like we all are the same with the same senses and features?
Key Takeaways
- Rabbits have shorter ears and legs compared to hares, making them slower runners.
- Hares live in shallow nests called forms, while rabbits burrow complex tunnel systems for shelter.
- Baby hares, called leverets, are born fully furred and with open eyes, whereas rabbits give birth to blind and hairless babies, called kittens.
Rabbit vs Hare
Hare is a specie in the family Leporidae that are larger with longer ears and legs, better eyesight, and adapted for running, while rabbits, another specie from the same family, are adapted for burrowing and have more social behavior. Hares have longer gestation periods.

Rabbits are a type of mammal. They are cute and innocent in physical appearance. They can also eat their poop. This can sometimes be disgusting.
Hare is an animal that looks like a rabbit. They have long ears and legs. They are herbivores and solitary in nature. They can be found in most parts of the world.
Comparison Table
Parameters of Comparison | Rabbit | Hare |
Size | Smaller in size | Larger in size |
Gestation period | 42 days | 30 to 31 days |
At birth | No fur | Have fur |
Number of chromosomes | 44 chromosomes | 48 chromosomes |
Eat | Soft things | Comparatively harder things |
What is Rabbit?
Rabbits are among the cutest and most adorable animals. Due to their appearance, they are also kept as a pet. They like to eat carrots mostly.
Although most of the rabbits are tiny and adorable, some of them are giant, like a toddler. Most of the rabbits are called bunnies, but in reality, they are called kits.
They are among those animals who keep themselves clean. This also means when domesticated, they don’t need to be bathed regularly.
Domesticated rabbits need special care in high temperatures, which is easily resisted by wild rabbits. They can live in most of the places.
They are smart, as when they have to run in a dangerous situation, they follow different strategies rather than running straight in the same direction.

What is Hare?
Brow hare is the fastest mammal that lives on land. They have a leaping motion, hind legs, and long ears and give birth to their babies on land.
A group of them is known as a warren or down. They tend to run in the long run if they sense any kind of danger.
They can spend their whole night awake and sleep all day. Their front teeth grow throughout their life. They have a very high sense of hearing, smell, and vision.
Hare males fight among each other to win over the female who tests them based on their speed and stamina. And it is always the choice of a female to mate or not.

Main Differences Between Rabbit and Hare
- Rabbits prefer to eat softer parts of the plant that, includes leaves or fruits, whereas hare prefers the hard part, such as twigs.
- The fur of the rabbit remains of a single color. Weather does not have any influence over them, while in the case of hares, the color of the fur changes with the weather/season.