Redis vs MongoDB: Difference and Comparison

Nowadays, databases are becoming more and more important and are used by almost every organization. There is a debate on which Database Management is more efficient and modern industry-oriented.

Redis and MongoDB are two such databases that have distinct but efficient features and characteristics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Redis is a key-value data store used for caching, while MongoDB is a document-oriented database for persistent data storage.
  2. Redis performs better for read-heavy workloads, while MongoDB is better suited for write-heavy workloads.
  3. Redis is commonly used for real-time data processing, while MongoDB is preferred for data analytics and reporting.

Redis vs MongoDB

The difference between Redis and MongoDB is that Redis has features like endurance, accumulating, and hassle-free crash answers, whereas MongoDB’s key features include data collection and map-reduce. One of the key differences is that the scalability of MongoDB is far better than Redis.

Redis vs MongoDB

Remote Dictionary server, also known as Redis, is a NoSQL database that is a free-source data platform that helps in storing several data forms and large data volumes.

Redis was launched in the year 2009 by Salvatore Sanfilippo. Redis was written in C language, and it helps in the storage of unorganized and organized databases.

MongoDB is a free-source database that has helped developers tackle problems like data repetition, data division, and even lengthy writing processes. MongoDB was launched in 2007 by Eliot Horowitz and Dwight Merriman.

Initially, MongoDB faced an issue related to its scalability, but now it is playing a vital role in sustaining scalability.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRedisMongoDB
Coding LanguageRedis is written in C and ANSI languages.MongoDB is written in C++, Python, and JavaScript languages.
ScalabilityRedis uses only limited RAM, as a result of which scaling is not so good in it.MongoDB uses a good amount of RAM, due to which MongoDB provides better scalability.
PerformanceRedis manages a huge volume of workload comfortably.MongoDB cannot handle a large amount of work compared to Redis due to its slower response to the CPU.
PricingRedis has a basic free version, but the price of an advanced one is less.MongoDB also has a beginner-free version, but the advanced one is of quite a high price.
Replication SupportRedis allows Master-Master and Master-Slave replications.MongoDB only allows Master-Slave replication.
SpeedRedis outperforms MongoDB in the case of higher latency throughputs.MongoDB is much fast than Redis when it comes to lower latency throughputs.
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What is Redis?

Redis is an in-memory data structure storeroom that is double as a database. One of the main features of Redis is that it holds every sort of data structure, like lists, maps, strings, spatial indexes, and streams.

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It has an open-source license, and also it is compute-bound. Redis is written in C language and is available for Linux, Windows, BSD, and some others as well.

The major advantages of Redis are:

  • Redis is very effective at caching, which helps developers build highly complex data structures.
  • The message network system of Redis is highly efficient, helping it to replicate on different systems.
  • The process of setting up and installing Redis is quite simple and easy to understand.
  • The speed and efficiency of Redis are very high in case of higher latency throughputs.

The performance of Redis in the case of varying workloads is much much better when compared to MongoDB, which like Redis, is a NoSQL database. Redis is widely used in the startup and business ecosystem across different sets of applications. On the basis of YCSB tests, Redis was found to have a good performance rate.

The various disadvantages of Redis are:

  • Redis provides compulsory storage to all the given data due to its principle.
  • Redis does not provide any basis to facilitate the division of roles and duties within the database.
  • It does not allow encryption on the wire.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB, like Redis, is a NoSQL database that allows and facilitates users to store schema-free data sets. It is written in C++, Javascript, and Python language. MongoDB is very popular in the modern world as it keeps hosting webinars and other events on its community page.

The various advantages of MongoDB:

  • MongoDB helps in solving the problems of cost and speed. It also provides numerous assumptions for selection.
  • MongoDB provides the best option for scaling, as you can distribute it on various platforms.
  • It has various additional features like aggregations and map-reduce.
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The various demerits of MongoDB:

  • It is very inefficient for the process of caching. It has numerous drawbacks in the case of fast and direct processing.
  • MongoDB is not as persistent as Redis, and it also does not have any means to tackle replicas.
  • MongoDB is not able to maintain elements for sustainable binding.

Many developers prefer going for MongoDB for its speed, effectiveness, and smoothness. It is a sort of classical data which is beneficial for general work. It is used by associate software developers or the group which works in startups and is at a beginner stage.

Main Differences Between Redis and MongoDB

  1. Redis has strict protocols for verification, but a general code-based system might risk security, whereas MongoDB has more strict protocols.
  2. The price of Redis is very less when compared to MongoDB.
  3. Redis has traits like caching and persistence, while MongoDB provides features like aggregation and map-reduce.
  4. Redis is written in C language, whereas MongoDB is written in JavaScript, Python and some others.
  5. In the case of Database architecture, Redis comprises Redis clients and Redis servers, whereas MongoDB architecture comprises binary import and export tools, MongoDB compass and others.
Difference Between Redis and MongoDB

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.