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Everything is going wireless, but to make it wireless, we need wires. Wires are mainly required when it comes to telecommunication or computer networking.

RG11 is a thick cable that offers less attenuation and good signal strength but is not much flexible. In contrast, RG6 is a thin cable that is very flexible but offers more fluctuation in signal strength. 

When working on a big project, RG11 cables are used because of their excellent signal strength. RG6 and RG11 have a plastic jacket covering the outer layer, a metallic shield, then the centre core, and in between the metallic shield and centre core, there is a separation of dielectric insulators.

Key Takeaways

  1. RG6 is a coaxial cable used for cable TV and the internet, while RG11 is a thicker and more durable coaxial cable also used for cable TV and the internet.
  2. RG6 is more flexible and easier to install than RG11 but has a shorter transmission distance and less signal attenuation.
  3. RG11 is better suited for longer cable runs and higher frequencies, while RG6 is more cost-effective and commonly used for shorter distances.

RG6 vs RG11

RG6 is a thin, flexible coaxial cable used to transmit signals over short distances. It is used in telecommunication. RG11 is a thick, rigid coaxial cable that transmits signals over long distances. It is used in TV connections, CCTV cameras and HDTV. 

RG6 vs RG11

RG6 stands for radio guide and is a coaxial cable mostly used for telecommunication purposes. It is flexible and cheap and, therefore, best for everyday purposes.

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RG11 are thick cables used for unique and long-distance signal purposes. It is used primarily in television, CCTV, HTDV, etc.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRG6RG11
DefinitionRG6 is a coaxial cable used for transmitting signals covering short distances.RG11 is also a type of coaxial cable used for transferring signals covering long distances with good signal strength.
FlexibilityRG6 offers more flexibility than RG11.RG11 is thick. Therefore flexibility is less in this cable.
ThicknessRG6 is thin. Therefore signal strength is weak.RG11 is thick are offered good signal strength.
Signal strengthIt offers poor signal strength, and fluctuation is more.It offers less fluctuation and good signal strength.
Connector typesRG6 uses F-type connectors.RG11 also uses F-type connectors.
PriceRG6 is cheap and affordable. And is suitable for common purposes.RG11 is expensive and is only for particular purposes where people need good signal strength.

What is RG6?

RG6 is a type of coaxial cable which means it has a protective sheath, inner conductor surrounded by a cylindrical conducting shield, and a dielectric separates these two. RG6 lines are suitable for daily networking or connection needs.

RG6 is unsuitable for long-range because the signal fluctuates, and the originality is lost. RG6 is cheap and affordable.


What is RG11?

RG11 is a radio guide cable that is also coaxial and has a protective sheath around it. RG11 is thick and covers more areas.

RG11 also uses F-type connectors, which are suitable for signal strength. Because of its thickness, RG11 is not very flexible, and bending or looping cannot be done quickly.


Main Differences Between RG6 and RG11

  1. RG11 is a thick cable that offers less attenuation and good signal strength but is not much flexible. While RG6 is a thin cable and is very much flexible but offers more fluctuation in signal strength.
  2. RG11 is preferred while installing wire for long-distance communication because the original quality is maintained. But in the case of RG6, the long-distance range is not selected because of signal attenuation.
  3. RG11 has a centre conductor of 14 gauge wire. And RG6 has a centre conductor of 18 gauge wire.
  4. RG6 is cheap and affordable and is suitable for common purposes. RG11 is expensive and is only for particular purposes where people need good signal strength.
  5. RG11 is more durable because of its strong and rigid structure. And RG6 is less durable because of its thin sheath and stable structure.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.