Right Hand vs Left Hand Door: Difference and Comparison

When deciding the interiors and exteriors of any building, doors and windows play an important role. While people believe that not much technology goes into the framework of doors, it is not true. There are mainly two types of doors, that is, right-hand doors and left-hand doors.

Key Takeaways

  1. Right-hand doors have hinges on the right side when viewed from the outside, while left-hand doors have hinges on the left.
  2. The choice of door orientation depends on the room layout, design, and personal preference.
  3. Door orientation is essential for proper function, safety, and aesthetics.

Right-Hand Door vs Left-Hand Door

A right-hand door is one that, when viewed from the outside, has its hinges on the right side and the knob or handle on the left side. To open the door, you would push it open with your right hand and pull it closed with your left hand. A left-hand door is one that has its hinges on the left side and the knob or handles on the right side.

Right Hand Door vs Left Hand Door

Right Hand Door will open towards the right during inswing and towards the left during outswing. One side is kept fixed with the help of customizable hinges when a double-door arrangement is used.

Left Hand Door will open towards the left during inswing and towards the right during outwing. This is also called the push and pull mechanisms, respectively.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRight Hand DoorLeft Hand Door
Double Door Arrangement’s UsageWhen the supporting wall is towards the right end and the doorknob is towards the left side of the door.When the supporting wall is towards the left end and the doorknob is on the right end of the door.
Inswing AngleBetween 0 and 90 degrees (during the push)Between 180 and 90 degrees (during the push)
Outswing AngleBetween 0 and 270 degrees (during the pull)Between 180 and 270 degrees (during the pull)
Direction of LeversLever points from left to right.Lever points from right to left.
Location of HingesHinges are located on the right end of the door frame.Hinges are located on the left end of the door frame.
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What is Right Hand Door?

A right-hand door has a knob on the left side of the door, and the fixed attachment of the hinges is towards the right side. Imagine a scenario in which a kitchen has the refrigerator placed towards the left side and the door opens towards the right. In such a case, the doors of the refrigerator and kitchen would not hit each other, and space will be utilized effectively.

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The building material might vary from glass to wood to metal. On the contrary, such wide variations led to even more confusion on the part of buyers as well as sellers. Once the purpose is ascertained, the door can be installed considering the placement of furniture and other essentials.

If there is a staircase on the left side, a right-hand door should be installed so that a person can have easy access to the door. In the other case, the person would have to open the door, close it, and then walk past after covering a longer distance to reach the stairs finally.

This is an essential component of planning a structure, and else the main door might prove to be a misfit and a daily source of frustration.

right hand door

What is Left Hand Door?

A left-hand door has a knob on the right side of the door, and the fixed attachment of the hinges is towards the left side. The perspective is the same for both left-handed people and right-handed people. Such doors need to be opened using the opposite side of the lever to apply the push and pull mechanisms effectively.

In a bathroom setup, if the door is towards the front end, it is better to install a left-hand door so that the person entering does not need to take a half turn before reaching the shower. This can also be used while maintaining two simultaneous double-door arrangements in malls and other large structures.

Modern formats require doors to be placed in such a way that a lot of space is left out. If a double door arrangement is to be converted into two systems of one left-hand door each, the hinges on the right side can be removed and placed on the left side to facilitate easy locomotion in and around the structure.

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Suppose the door has a handle or knob placed horizontally near the centre. In that case, the hinges might be the sole factor for determining that particular door’s respective placement and opening style. It depends on the purpose and location of door placement.

Main Differences Between Right-Hand Door And Left-Hand Door

  1. A right-hand door is mostly used in a single-door setup when the spacious area is towards the left side. On the other hand, a left-hand door is used in a room with a spacious area towards the right side.
  2. In a right-hand door, the inswing angle made during push is acute, while the same is supplementary in left-hand doors.
  3. In a right-hand door, the outswing angle made during pull is obtuse, while the same is complementary in left-hand doors.
  4. In a right-hand door, the levers point towards the right direction (when seen from the left). In left-hand doors, levers point from right to left.
  5. In a right-hand door, hinges are located towards the right. They are in a left-hand door towards the left end of the frame.
Difference Between Right Hand and Left Hand Door
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=5cKQAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=doors&ots=Eh0hU2Asqy&sig=fgfzvJq8ykSwxHOfatTrFZiPDjQ
  2. https://www.leanconstruction.org/media/library/id17/Investigation_of_the_Supply_Chain_of_Wooden_Doors.pdf
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.