Schezwan vs Hakka Noodles: Difference and Comparison

Schezwan and Hakka noodles are not too different from one another. Although they do share some similarities, they both have their unique flavor profiles as well.

When comparing, paying attention to the ingredients used is the best way to understand why these two dishes can be similar, but one will still taste different than the other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Schezwan noodles are a type of spicy Chinese noodle dish from the Sichuan province, while Hakka noodles are a popular Indian-Chinese dish.
  2. Schezwan noodles are spicier and more flavorful than Hakka noodles, which have a milder taste.
  3. Schezwan noodles are made with thin noodles, while Hakka noodles are made with thicker noodles.

Schezwan vs Hakka Noodles

Schezwan noodles is a Chinese dish. Pork or chicken can be added to schezwan noodles. A special sauce is used to cook schezwan noodles. It is a spicy dish. Different vegetables are also added in this dish. The noodles used in the making of hakka noodles are thin. The main ingredients of hakka noodles are oil and salt. It is less spicy.

Schezwan vs Hakka Noodles

Schezwan noodles are a type of spicy, tangy dish that is made with a mixture of diced vegetables, like onions and bell peppers. The Schezwan noodle dish is the result of Chinese immigrants who settled in India and adapted their cuisine to suit the local palettes.

The vegetables are cooked on the stove with garlic and chili peppers before soy sauce, rice vinegar or black vinegar, water, sesame oil, hoisin sauce, or oyster sauce are added. Some people also find adding Schezwan peppercorns beneficial for flavor.

Hakka noodles are made with a combination of spaghetti, vermicelli, and cilantro strands along with a host of other ingredients. Meals are served in bowls topped with fresh cilantro and onions.

Some people believe this dish is heavily influenced by Chinese cooking; others insist that it’s just a variation of classic Southern Indian cuisine.

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonSchezwan NoodlesHakka Noodles
OriginsRegion of Sichuan in southwestern ChinaFujian province to the south
Main ingredientsIncludes a mix of garlic and chilies, chili oil, and dried chili peppers in the seasoning mixDoes not include a mix of garlic and chilies, chili oil, and dried chili peppers in the seasoning mix
SpicinessSpicierLess spicy
ThicknessThese are thicker noodlesThese are thinner noodles
Main usageIt uses dried chili pepperIt uses salt and oil only
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What is Schezwan Noodles?

Schezwan noodles are a recurrent Asian dish fabricated with yellow cooking oil, black bean paste, crushed red pepper flakes, and vinegar. These noodles are distributed as a side dish or garnish. They include ground pork in the mixture.

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The name of this dish is fabricated from the Szechuan peppercorns, which is the main element utilized to make these noodles spicy.

It was first served in China when some monks were arriving from Szechuan Province in China and escorted with them elements for fabricating the noodle recipe; thus, it became popular shortly after that time.

Some Chinese people also use beef for making this dish.

Schezwan Noodles are a popular dish in Chinese cuisine. They are also called “Chilli and Soy Sauce Noodles” or “Nodules in Spicy Hot Chili Sauce.” The noodles are boiled with ginger, garlic, and fry dried red chili peppers.

They then tossed with a brown sauce made from soy sauce, vinegar, light brown sugar, sesame oil, garlic powder, and cornstarch.

Other ingredients that can be added to the sauce include salt and white pepper. The concoction is finished off with loads of chopped green onion for a pop of color that’s not too overpowering for most palates.

Although Schezwan Noodles are eaten all over Asia, they are best known in the country of China, specifically in southern China.

A few people report eating it in restaurants all over northern China and Taiwan, but speaking, that is only to test it out because they are interested in trying more authentic Chinese recipes.

As with all things Chinese and Asian, there are regional differences from region to region, but that does not mean you won’t find schezwan anywhere. It is a recipe that is so popular that there is at least a decade of history of it being made in the region.

schezwan noodles

What is Hakka Noodles?

Hakka Noodle is a type of food that is commonly eaten in the province of Guangdong, China.

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A Hakka noodle can be served at any time during the day and is found as part of a single dish, but can also be found alongside other dishes in the same meal.

However, when it appears on its own in a single dish, it’s called a “half-dry” noodle.

The noodles are about 1mm thick and are made with eggs and wheat flour. In some cases, you might find that ginger water or potato starch has been added to the dough mixture.

This can be to seal the dough or to make the noodles a little bit softer. The most common vegetable fruits used in the preparation of Hakka noodles are snow peas and shrimp.

The noodles have a very chewy texture, but you will find that they are cooked dry. Some restaurants also may add some sort of seasoning to the noodle, such as sesame oil, fish sauce, or soy sauce.

For instance, in traditional Hakka culture, your Hakka noodle is served with your choice of either pork chain or chicken Chopin.

hakka noodles

Main Differences Between Schezwan and Hakka Noodles

  1. Schezwan is from Sichuan Province and pronounced “Su-jwan” or, in some cases, “Shuh-Shaun, whereas Hakka noodles come from the Fukian area of China, which is a minority group originally from the Fujian province. It is pronounced, “Haag-gah Noodles.”
  2. The preparation method for Schezwan is effortless, whereas Hakka noodles take significantly longer with as much as a 5 hour preparing time to marinate before cooking.
  3. Schezwan is steamed, whereas the noodles in Hakka noodles are not steamed but rather deep-fried.
  4. schezwan noodles have an uncomplicated and spicy taste, whereas the Hakka noodle has a more complex taste that includes notes of garlic, onion, and ginger.
  5. The Schezwan noodles themselves are white, but the sauce they are cooked with is red, whereas the color of Hakka noodles can also range between grayish blue and greenish-gray depending on where they’re produced.
Difference Between Schezwan and Hakka Noodles


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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.