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The Elixir of life, water, can cause disastrous problems for the family if it is not pure. Leave away the internal sickness that we might develop.

Key Takeaways

  1. A shower head filter removes impurities from the water, such as chlorine and sediment, while a water softener removes minerals that cause hard water, such as calcium and magnesium.
  2. Shower head filters are easier to install and maintain than water softeners, which require regular regeneration and backwashing.
  3. Water softeners are more effective at reducing mineral buildup in plumbing and appliances, while shower head filters are better at improving water quality for bathing and showering.

Shower Head Filter vs Water Softener

A shower head filter is a device that filters or purifies chlorine and chloramine from water. It is attached to a shower head for safe use on skin and health. A water softener is an equipment attached to the main water source for complex hard water filtration into soft water. It uses resin beads to clear hard water.

Shower Head Filter vs Water Softener

The shower head filter is a device connected to the shower in your bathroom that shall remove harmful elements from the water that may otherwise cause serious skin diseases.

On the other hand, the Water softener has a complex filtering process that treats the water to be soft. That means to say it removes the minerals that make the water hard.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonShower Head FilterWater Softener
UsageIt is a piece of bathroom equipment.It is connected to the main source of water to the house.
FunctionIt removes the harmful chemicals and elements from the water making it safe to take a bath.It helps in purifying the water from calcium and magnesium and making it soft.
ProcessA straightforward process that uses carbon or KDF filters.A complex purifying process that uses resin beads to filter out the elements that make the water hard
Time of UsageThe shower Filter shall spring into action as you switch on the shower to bathe.The water softener is a continuous process that shall treat the water and allow it through the plumbing lines for household usage.
Water wastageUsage of the Showerhead filter does not have any problem of water wastage.Statistics say, to treat 100 gallons of water, 120 gallons of water is wasted.

What is Shower Head Filter?

A shower head filter is a filtering device that is connected to the shower. As you take a bath, the water from the shower is filtered out of harmful elements, making it safe for your skin.

While the presence of chlorine and chloramine is artificial, it treats the water, and that’s true. But to take a bath in water that is mixed with chlorine has long-term skin consequences.

The shower head filter shall filter the chlorine from the water and other harmful elements so that the water is completely safe for your hair and your skin.

  1. Carbon Filter
  2. Kinetic Degradation Fluxion
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The former filter is used widely; however, as the water temperature rises, it may not give the desired results. But the second one is indeed a process.

shower head filter

What is Water Softener?

Water Softener is a complete filtration system that makes the water soft and safe for household usage. The filtration system treats the water by removing harmful chemicals and minerals that cause the water to be hard.

These two minerals go together and blend well, making the water hard. As you use a water softener, it effectively removes the minerals and makes the water soft.

Water softeners indeed work like real-life magnets that attract the negative poles. The filtration system has resin beads that are negatively charged.

The drainage system is made so that the calcium and magnesium shall get flushed away with the salt water formed during the process.

water softener 1

Main Differences Between Shower Head Filter and Water Softener

  1. The Shower Head Filter has a very simple filtration process, while the Water softener is more complex in its process.
  2. The Shower Head Filter does not intend to waste any water as it filters only the water that comes it’s way, while the wastage of water is more when it comes to the usage of a Water Softener.
Difference Between Shower Head Filter and Water Softener

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.