Squarespace vs Weebly: Difference and Comparison

Web-building services are the latest tools where you can grow your business online.

The tools provided by some web hosting service companies benefit people who are blogging or have an online store.

However, web developers and software companies have developed several websites for users to build their websites, and two of the most famous ones are Squarespace and Weebly.

Both these web hosting service company allows you to bring the presence of your business online.

These services help bring out your products and services and make them available worldwide.

According to the users of Squarespace and Weebly, it has been found that Squarespace has the best designs, whereas Weebly has more features.

Key Takeaways

  1. Squarespace is a website builder that offers a range of professional templates, while Weebly offers a more basic set of templates.
  2. Squarespace has more advanced customization options than Weebly, including the ability to add custom code and create a fully custom design.
  3. Weebly is a more affordable option than Squarespace, making it a good choice for small businesses or individuals with a limited budget.

Squarespace vs Weebly

Squarespace is a website builder that offers templates and tools for creating visually appealing websites, and it is more focused on design and user experience. Weebly is more focused on ease of use and flexibility and better suited for small businesses and e-commerce.

Squarespace vs Weebly

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSquarespaceWeebly
Features ProvidedBlogging, SEO tools, marketing platform, domain hosting services, analytics, an app for smartphonesBlogging, SEO, marketing platform, mobile application, domain hosting, and analytics.
Design Options110 built-in designing templates35 built-in designing templates.
HeadquartersNew YorkSan Francisco
Suitable ForBloggers, freelancers, small businesses, small online stores, and content writers.Bloggers, freelancers, small businesses, small online stores, and content writers.
E-commerce FeaturesUploading of products are unlimited emails for order confirmation, collected item reviews, tracking of orders, inventory updates, refunds and returns, creating promotions and discounts, and many others.Order confirmation emails, collected items’ reviews created promos and discounts, gift cards, and abandoned cart emails.
Quality of TemplatesModern and StylishQuality is good but better than Squarespace’s ones.
Tax CalculatorNot AvailableYes

What is Squarespace?

Squarespace, Inc. is an American website-building company that was launched in the year 2004. Its headquarters is based in New York City, United States.

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The company has grown so large that whenever a person wants to build a website, this is the platform they come at.

Squarespace’s features are the main thing the customers and users are attracted to.

Several features like blogging, SEO, marketing tools, analytics, a mobile app, domain, and web-hosting services have been provided by Squarespace.

Squarespace also provides e-commerce tools for its users that benefit those who are into online marketing or growing their businesses online.

It offers its users a decent amount of e-commerce tools with a subscription plan.

Some of the e-commerce tools provided by Squarespace are unlimited uploading of products, availability of product descriptions, sharing of products on social media, emails on order confirmation, low-stock alerts, and many more.

Now, talking about the design features of Squarespace then, it is way ahead of Weebly because there are over 110 themes for the users to choose from.

So, it becomes easy for users to get a bold and professional look on their website.

What is Weebly?

Weebly is a web hosting company that was founded back in the year 2006.

Weebly has similar features and services to Squarespace, but here in Weebly, you will get many more features than Squarespace.

Weebly’s features, like a blogging platform, SEO, marketing platform, mobile app, and many more, come in a very budgeted form, making it easy for some users to use their services.

Both Squarespace and Weebly more or less have got similar features, and I think Weebly is a bit ahead of Squarespace.

The user interface is quite simple, and you can have various templates where you choose your site’s colour and theme.

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The interface is quite organized for users and is hassle-free to conduct your day-to-day tasks.

However, you do not have much choice when it comes to templates because there are only 40 built-in templates provided by Weebly.

Some of the design and templates provided are quite simple and does not have any uniqueness in them. Users can get a bit unmotivated because they want to build a website that looks unique to the world.


Main Differences Between Squarespace and Weebly

  1. Squarespace has more options for templates than Weebly, an advantageous feature for its users who want to make their websites look bold and unique.
  2. Weebly web hosting company has got a free plan for its users, whereas Squarespace does not have a free plan. A free plan strategy is always helpful in penetrating the market.
  3. Weebly has a better and wide range of website apps, whereas Squarespace lags a bit in this area.
  4. Weebly offers phone support for its users, whereas Squarespace does not have phone support but has a live chat, email support, and video tutorials.
  5. Weebly’s user interface is easy to use than Squarespace’s ones. Squarespace’s user interface is quite confusing sometimes.
Difference Between Squarespace and Weebly
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=HBlKDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=squarespace+and+weebly&ots=IsfVxCgBez&sig=ZyUMBXzLSDvA0F4ps708_4E3qVU

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Squarespace vs Weebly: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I’ve been using Squarespace for a while now and I totally agree that their designs are top-notch and help my business stand out online.

  2. I see the appeal of both Squarespace and Weebly, but the decision ultimately comes down to individual business needs and goals.

  3. The purpose of each website builder is clear, and this article provides valuable insights into which platform suits different business needs.

  4. Weebly’s budget-friendly offerings are attractive, especially for freelancers and small businesses operating on a tight budget.

  5. Weebly’s user interface may be simpler, but I appreciate the variety of templates Squarespace offers for a more unique website.

  6. Both Squarespace and Weebly have their strengths and weaknesses. It’s essential to choose based on specific business needs and budget.


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