Microsoft Word vs Wordpad: Difference and Comparison

Microsoft has introduced various software, which are among the most useful software available. Such software helps us create different content, including MS Excel, MS Word, MS WordPad, MS PowerPoint, etc.

But here, we will talk about MS Word and WordPad only. People get confused between them as they sound almost the same, but their jobs and other related things are poles apart.

Key Takeaways

  1. Microsoft Word is a feature-rich word-processing program offering various formatting options, templates, and collaboration tools.
  2. WordPad is a basic text editor with limited formatting options, designed for simple documents and note-taking.
  3. Microsoft Word is more suitable for professional documents, while WordPad is better for basic text editing and quick notes.

MS Word vs MS WordPad

Microsoft Word is a comprehensive word-processing application in the Microsoft Office suite. It is designed for creating and editing professional-quality documents. WordPad is a basic text editor that is included with Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is designed for creating and editing simple text documents.

MS Word vs MS WordPad

Microsoft Word or also known as MS Word is a computer program that the Microsoft Corporation has established.

Generally, MS Word is used to write and publish documents formally. The documents can easily be saved and, if necessary, edited and put forward.

On the other hand, MS WordPad refers to the application established for basic writing and editing purposes. In WordPad, the users can write, edit, insert pictures, etc. It is comparatively easier to use.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMS WordMS WordPad
FeatureMS Word has more features. There are comparatively lesser features in the MS WordPad than the MS Word.
LicenseOn 25th October 1983, MS Word was launched for the first time. Freemium is the licensing eligibility for the MS WordPad.
EstablishmentThe MS WordPad was released in stable form on 14th December 2021.The stable release of MS Word was put forward on 22nd December 2021.
Stable ReleaseIn MS Word, users can protect their documents by setting passwords. In MS, the users can protect their documents by setting passwords.
PasswordIn MS, users can protect their documents by setting passwords. The password feature is absent in the MS WordPad.

What is MS Word?

We all know about word processors, and MS Word is one of the leading word processors, established by the Microsoft Corporation in 1983 on the day 25th of October.

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Here, one can write and edit several data as per their requirements. The users can insert pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc. Generally, MS Word is used for both professional and unprofessional work.

Therefore, it has great significance in the technological world. Initially, it was established on computers, but gradually, it started to take an incredible pace, and now it can be installed on several other devices such as laptops, phones, tablets, etc.

Initially, there were several operating systems of MS Word, but the current one being used is Office 365. Also, it has come to be known that Trialware is the license used by MS Word. It is not free software; one needs to install it.

And the MS Word document is saved by the file extensions as .docx and Open Document Text .odt. Also, one can even secure their files using passwords, so the data is not stolen easily.

We all know that MS Word is a leading word processor, but at the same time, there are various flaws in itself.

But first, a few advantages of MS Word are that it is readily available on various platforms, reliable software comes with tons of features, contains mail merging elements, etc.

On the other hand, the disadvantages are that it makes it a bit below standard as it is not free software, a bit complex to use, larger files, etc.

microsoft word

What is MS WordPad?

WordPad is the software where the users can write and edit their text. It is widely used to pen down their thoughts or other important text. It is easy and handy to use. Therefore, making it more obvious to use by everyone.

It uses the license, which is known to be Freemium. It has been 33 years since the advent of WordPad took place inr 1989. And recently, on 14th December 2021, its stable release was launched.

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Microsoft introduced it. And it’s been working perfectly.

The Operating System for MS WordPad is known to be Windows 95. And people can use it for free; this is because it initially comes installed on the devices.

The documents in an MS WordPad can be saved in the form of Rich Text Format (RTF) or plain-text-files .txt. People love to use it as it is easy to use.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of MS WordPad. WordPad is easy to use, free of cost; it processes fast, etc., are some noticeable benefits of MS WordPad.

And on the other hand, the disadvantages of MS WordPad include things like Mac users can not use WordPad; it comes with fewer features, etc.


Main Differences Between MS Word and MS WordPad

  1. MS Word is constituted with several features, while the other hand, MS WordPad has limited and lesser features.
  2. MS Word is run based upon the Trialware license, while the other hand, MS WordPad uses a Freemium license.
  3. For the first time, on 25th October 1983, MS Word was put forward to the market while on the other hand, WordPad established its roots in the year 1989.
  4. On 22nd December 2021, MS Word was updated and released in a stable form, while on the other hand, the stable release of WordPad was initiated on 14th December 2021.
  5. The MS Word files can be secured by setting passwords in them, while on the other hand, we can not do the same for MS WordPad.

Last Updated : 03 July, 2023

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6 thoughts on “Microsoft Word vs Wordpad: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Microsoft Word is undeniably the superior program, with advanced features and greater flexibility. WordPad seems to pale in comparison.

  2. The information provided about the establishment and licensing of MS Word and WordPad helps in understanding their evolution and usage. It would be useful to include more in-depth analysis on user experiences.

  3. The article presents a comprehensive overview of MS Word and WordPad, capturing the essence of both applications and their functionalities. However, it would benefit from addressing some potential flaws in MS WordPad and the applications’ real-world implications.

  4. The article accurately describes the main differences between Word and WordPad, providing relevant details and examples. It’s well-explained and very informative.

  5. The detailed comparison table contributes to the clarity of the article, allowing readers to quickly grasp the key differences between MS Word and WordPad. It is well-organized and valuable for those seeking comprehensive knowledge on the topic.

  6. The well-structured comparison between MS Word and WordPad clearly highlights their differences. However, the article should also consider the strengths of WordPad, which may be more suitable for certain users.


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