Sun vs Son: Difference and Comparison

Homophones are a crucial component of the English vocabulary. It is both a fascinating and challenging aspect of the English language.

So, people must practice homophonic words in writing to avoid misinterpretation. Sun and Son are pair of homophonic words which are the same in speaking and different while writing and using in a sentence.

We cannot interexchange the usage of phrases sun and son.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sun is a star that is the central body of the solar system, while the son is a male offspring of a parent.
  2. Sun is an inanimate object, while the son is a living being.
  3. Sun is a noun that refers to a celestial body, while the son is a noun that refers to a human relationship.

Sun vs Son

The difference between sun and son is that the sun means a shining star present in the solar system. On the other hand, the word son means a boy child of the parents. Moreover, the word sun is well known, God. However, the term son is a male human being.

Sun vs Son

The English word sun was derived from a Proto-Germanic term. It is the brightest star in the solar system, which provides sun rays to the living being.

It is a hot ball of plasma that is an excellent source of vitamin D. Moreover, the sun is known as a diety and is related to the day Sunday.

The English word son comes from a Proto-Germanic phrase. Furthermore, the Sanskrit language is also connected to the root of this word.

The word son means a male human being of the parents. The age of a son can be any until his parents are alive. Moreover, the daughter’s husband counts as a son-in-law.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSunSon
DefinitionThe word sun means a hot ball that provides us sunlight.The word son means a male boy or man of parents.
SpellingsThe word sun consists of the vowel U in the middle.The word son consists of the vowel O in the middle.
Invented ByNicolaus Copernicus discovered the word sun.Both male and female parents produce a son.
TypeThe word sun is a God as per ancient history.The phrase son is for a human being.
ExampleSun provides us with vitamin D.His son is smart and intelligent.
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What is Sun?

Since the beginning of the solar system, the English term sun has been used. Nicolaus Copernicus, a Pole, was the one who invented it. It is a vital star of the solar system and is surrounded by eight planets.

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It is a massive plasma-based hot ball and has a diameter 109 times that of the Earth. In the sun, hydrogen makes up the largest proportion of the gas.

The other gases are helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. It belongs to the group G2 V. These stars are the second hottest of the Yellow G stars.

Life on the Earth is possible due to the presence of the sun. It is behind the process of photosynthesis. Moreover, the sun is a source of vitamin D. The sunlight is essential for maintaining temperature on the Earth. It is also for bone strengthening.

 Morning sun rays are beneficial for skin glowing and good mental health. In Vedas, the sun is known as Surya. Most people worship the sun as a deity. There is a day in the name of the sun that is Sunday.

Moreover, people confuse the word sun with the other English word son. So, we learn this word by using it in a sentence. The sentences we can make are:

  1. Sun is an essential star for life on Earth.
  2. Sun also emits UV rays.

What is Son?

The English word son also has its root in the Proto German language. It is a well-known term for both natives and non-natives of English. Since it is a common noun, it means a male-produced by the parents, or we can say boy offring.

Moreover, he is known as FDR (first-degree relative). The son offspring is produced when the male releases the Y chromosome and the female releases the X chromosome after mating. The synonyms of son are lad, boy, and male.

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The son’s age can be any, till the parents of the son are alive. Other relationships originate from the relation son, such as grandson (son of the son) and son-in-law (husband of daughter).

Additionally, in most cultures, the son is considered more valuable than the daughter because the son is considered the person that carries the hierarchy of the family. So most of the parents or family prays for a son.

Apart from this, the son of God is known as Jesus Christ in terms of the Christian religion. Jesus Christ is known as the first Jewish priest.

Remember, when talking about a male child, O is a vowel in the spelling. The sentences we can make by using the word son:-

  1. His son is bright.
  2. He is a father of 2 sons.

Main Differences Between Sun and Son

  1. The word sun is an enormous ball of plasma. On the other hand, the word son means boy child.
  2. The word sun refers to a male God and a star. On the other side, the phrase son refers to the male living being.
  3. The word sun consists of vowel U in between S and N. On the other hand, the phrase son consists of vowel O between S and N.
  4. The noun sun has been a part of the solar system. However, the noun son is a part of the family.
  5. In a sentence, we can use the term sun as, The sun is the brightest star that rises in the morning, while we can use the phrase son as Her son is hardworking
Difference Between Sun and Son
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.