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Modern-day communication has changed a lot compared to them before. Earlier, people used to send messages to others via letters, telegrams, and carrier pigeons or go to the recipient’s place on their own.

Nowadays, 90% of people around the globe have cell phones, either keypad phones or smartphones. So text messaging or instant messaging is almost known to everyone.

Key Takeaways

  1. Texting is a form of communication that involves sending short text messages via cellular networks. In contrast, messaging is a broader term encompassing various communication forms, including text, images, and videos.
  2. Texting is primarily used for personal and informal communication, while messaging is used for personal and professional communication.
  3. Texting is limited to cellular networks and depends on a cellular signal’s availability, while messaging can be done using different platforms and devices, including social media, email, and instant messaging apps.

Texting vs Messaging

The facility of texting is possible in every cell phone, whether a keypad or smartphone, but messaging is only possible in smartphones from specific applications. Texting needs a cellular connection, but messaging works on an internet-based platform, so it is essential to have an internet connection on the phone.

Texting vs Messaging

Texting is a feature of cell phones. This feature is available to any phone, meaning a user can use this feature on a keypad phone and a smartphone.

Messaging is done on specific applications such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype, Instagram, etc. the user should have an account in the messaging applications to use the instant messaging feature. It can be used on smartphones, laptops, tablets, or computers with an internet connection.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTextingMessaging
NetworkCellular NetworkInternet
Internet connectionNo needMust have, and both users should be online
PlatformDo not need any specific platformBoth users should be at the same venue to exchange messages.
SecurityLow SecurityHigh Security
Mode of contactDo not need any specific applicationNeeds specific applications

What is Texting?

Texting is a feature of cell phones. This feature is available to any phone, meaning a user can use this feature on a keypad phone and a smartphone.

This feature is more reliable to people as it does not need any internet connection to send information to one or more users. This text messing feature also has types like SMS (Short Messaging Service) and MMS (Multi-Media Service).

Messaging does not need to have both users present to send messages. One can send or receive messages if the other person on the opposite side is not using the phone.

This is not secure, as there is no username or password to open the account. Anyone can access the bill if they can get the phone. So this type of message is not always private.


What is Messaging?

Instant messaging, or simply messaging, is a feature that works only when the user has an internet connection. Messaging is done on specific applications such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype, Instagram, etc. the user should have an account in the messaging applications to use the instant messaging feature.

 It can be used on smartphones, laptops, tablets, or computers with an internet connection. Internet connection is mandatory to the device in which messaging is going on. It is possible all around the globe due to the internet.

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Messaging is only possible when both users of opposite sides are online on the same platform. Instant messaging is not possible on different platforms.

The users need to open an account on any messaging platform by providing a username and a password that is confidential to the user. Any other person unknown to the username and password cannot use the account.


Main Differences Between Texting and Messaging

  1. Texting is less secure than messaging as t so not need any username or password to access the inbox.
  2. Texting does not require the person sending texts to each other to present simultaneously, but messaging requires the people on both poles to be online to transmit the information successfully.
Difference Between Texting and Messaging

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.