TFT vs LCD: Difference and Comparison

LCD stands for liquid crystal displays, which were basically created to provide an alternative to big and bulky CRT display screens. LCDs were efficient when it came to energy and were very thin and light too.

The best part about TFT displays is that the elements of TFT are deposited directly to the glass substrate rather than the traditional solution of producing silicon transistors.

Key Takeaways

  1. TFT screens provide better image quality, color reproduction, and contrast than standard LCD screens, improving the visual experience.
  2. TFT technology consumes more power than LCD, decreasing energy efficiency and battery life in portable devices.
  3. TFT displays offer wider viewing angles and faster response times than LCDs, reducing ghosting and blurring in fast-paced multimedia content.


LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is designed as an alternative to large screens like CRT. LCDs are thin, light in weight and easy to use. It requires more charge. TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) is a type of LCD. They do not require a large amount of charge. They produce high-quality displays.


TFT is abbreviated for the thin-film transistor. It is basically used for flat planes in order to get high-quality liquid crystal displays, that are, the LCDs.

LCD stands for liquid crystal displays, which were basically created to provide an alternative to big and bulky CRT display screens. LCDs were efficient when it came to energy and were very thin and light too.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonTFTLCD
What is it?TFT is one of the many methods that are now used to create LCDs.LCD is a class of different displays that are used to create images with the help of transistors.
ProcessTFT displays the elements of TFT are deposited directly to the glass substrate rather than the traditional solution of producing silicon transistors.LCD does not have such a process.
DisplaysThe TFT-produced displays are much better and are not prone to any crosstalk.Displays made with LCDs are prone to crosstalk and do not have good quality.
Amount of chargeTFT requires a very less amount of charge to get activated.LCD being traditional, require much more amount of charge.
ProductionAll the LCDs produced are made with the TFT process.The previous methods are not used by LCDs for their production now.
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What is TFT?

TFT is abbreviated for the thin-film transistor. It is basically used for flat planes in order to get high-quality liquid crystal displays that are LCDs.

The best part about TFT displays is that the elements of TFT are deposited directly to the glass substrate rather than the traditional solution of producing silicon transistors.

tft 1

What is LCD?

LCD stands for liquid crystal displays, which were basically created to provide an alternative to big and bulky CRT display screens. LCDs were efficient when it came to energy and were very thin and light too.

LEDs, though, have a very common and mostly used set of systems as it literally is used anywhere, like in smartphones, computers, laptops, and other instrumental places.

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Main Differences Between TFT and LCD

  1. TFT requires a very less amount of charge to get activated, but LCD being traditional, requires a much more amount of charge.
  2. All the LCDs produced are made with the TFT process, but LCDs do not currently use the previous methods for their production.
Difference Between TFT and LCD

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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The article effectively differentiates between TFT and LCD based on their functionalities and production methods. It aids in enhancing the understanding of display technologies.

    • The comparison table serves as an excellent visual aid to distinguish between the attributes of TFT and LCD displays.

    • The discussion on the main differences between TFT and LCD provides a comprehensive overview of their unique features.

  2. The article effectively illustrates the main differences between TFT and LCD, particularly in terms of power consumption and production methods.

  3. Several aspects are important to understand and appreciate the different contributions of TFT and LCD. It is important to note that TFT displays the elements of TFT are deposited directly to the glass substrate, which gives it an advantage.

    • You’re right, Adam04. The deposition of TFT elements to the glass substrate has a significant impact on the performance of displays.

  4. The article makes a clear distinction between TFT and LCD displays. The details provided about the advantages of TFT in terms of charge requirement are enlightening.

    • The article effectively communicates the critical differences between TFT and LCD that are essential for understanding display technologies.

  5. The comparison table presents the attributes of TFT and LCD displays in a clear and organized manner, facilitating an easy understanding of the differences between them.

  6. The explanation of the functioning of TFT and LCD displays adds a valuable layer of understanding regarding their design and utilization in various settings.

    • The clear presentation of information on TFT and LCD displays is beneficial for individuals looking to gain knowledge about their differences.

  7. The comprehensive overview of TFT and LCD displays serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in the technical aspects of display technologies.

    • The detailed references allow readers to explore further in the field of display technologies, adding more depth to the article’s content.

    • The explanation of the process related to TFT displays is quite illuminating, especially for those less familiar with display technologies.

  8. The in-depth explanation of the different process used in TFT and LCD production enhances the readers’ knowledge about display technologies.

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