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Among the most significant fields of work, thermodynamics and kinetics are crucial to the completion of any degree. These two fields have a wider scope and are not just limited to this interdisciplinary approach.

Key Takeaways

  1. Thermodynamics focuses on a system’s energy changes and stability, while kinetics deals with the rates of chemical reactions.
  2. Thermodynamics determines if a reaction is spontaneous or non-spontaneous, whereas kinetics analyzes how fast a reaction proceeds.
  3. Thermodynamic calculations involve equilibrium constants and Gibbs free energy, while kinetic calculations involve rate constants and reaction order.

Thermodynamics vs Kinetics

Thermodynamics is the study of the relationship between heat, energy, and work, and how they relate to physical systems at rest or in equilibrium. Kinetics is the study of the rate of a chemical reaction and the factors that affect it. factors such as temperature, concentration, and catalysts.

Thermodynamics vs Kinetics

Thermodynamics is defined as the study of the spontaneity of a reaction. It works on the principle of guesswork since the expected fate of the reactants is the focus of this discipline.

Molecules, as well as other materials, can be considered for this conversion. Kinetics deals more with speed than with the possibility of a reaction.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonThermodynamicsKinetics
DefinitionIt is the study of the relationship between thermal energy and other interconvertible forms.It is the study of the movement of a chemical reaction under controlled atmospheric conditions when suitable force is applied.
Main TheoremThermodynamics is mainly characterized by the concept of free energy change, also known as Gibbs’ free energy.Kinetics relies on the activation energy required by the reactants to overcome the nearest energy barrier so that the reaction can take place speedily.
Scope of ApplicationIt applies only in the case of stability.It applies only in the case of transitional phases.
The Most Important ParameterThe driving force of a particular reaction is the most important determining factor of thermodynamics.The overcoming of existing energy barriers is considered to be the most essential aspect of kinetics.
Problems SolvedSolves issues related to the occurrence of a reaction.Solves issues related to the speed with which a probable reaction would occur.

What is Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics answers the questions like whether a reaction will take place or not. The probability is guessed by using the laws of thermodynamics in the pure state.

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Thermodynamics relies on the decrease in free energy. It is commonly held that free energy can exist in three states – positive, negative, and zero.

It is also known as the driving force, which is used to determine the minimum activation energy. The essence of thermodynamics in chemical reactions is high due to the accurate guesses on these terms.

What is Kinetics?

The time in which the reactant will be converted into the desired products is the main contention when referring to the kinetic model. There is no discussion regarding the final stage or the fate of the products after they are left at optimum conditions.

Kinetics deals with rate determination, though no external force can be used to influence the aforementioned rate. The calculations help the theorist analyze the reactivity of two or more substances which further enhances research work.

Kinetics needs the time gap between two modes of conversion. There are energy barriers to be overcome by the reactants to reach the final state of equilibrium.

Main Differences Between Thermodynamics And Kinetics

  1. One of the most essential parameters of thermodynamics is the latent driving force, while kinetics focuses majorly on the time taken to overcome the energy barriers.
  2. The major problems solved by the theorems of thermodynamics include the occurrence or non-occurrence of a particular reaction. Kinetics lays emphasis on the time elapsed between two interconvertible phases.
Difference Between Thermodynamics and Kinetics
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.