Vrbo vs Timeshare: Difference and Comparison

Timeshare rentals have gotten excessively popular in the last decade. For anyone wishing to spend vacations at a place that feels like home, timeshare rentals are the way to go.

Many timeshare marketplaces are available that provide such facilities to people, such as RedWeek, Vrbo, VRBOM, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner) is an online platform for renting vacation homes, while timeshares involve purchasing a share of a vacation property.
  2. Timeshare owners have the right to use the property for a specific period each year, while VRBO renters have more flexibility in choosing rental dates and locations.
  3. Timeshares involve long-term commitments and maintenance fees, while VRBO offers short-term rentals with no ongoing financial obligations.

Vrbo vs Timeshare

Vrbo, which stands for Vacation Rental By Owner, is an online marketplace where homeowners can rent out their properties to travelers. A timeshare is a property with a divided form of ownership or use rights, where multiple parties hold rights to use the property, each at a different time.

Vrbo vs Timeshare

Vrbo stands for Vacation Rentals by Owner. Originally as a website, Vrbo was created by David Clouse to rent his condo. It was created in 1995 in Aurora, Colorado.

Since the idea was innovative, the website, in no time, was headlined as a source for various owners to list their properties for rental purposes.

Timeshare refers to shared ownership of resorts, villas, homes, etc., in which multiple investors own a place divided by a specific period or investment ratio.

Timesharing is a form of fractional ownership. For example, purchasing one week of timeshare implies that 1 of the 52 weeks in the year is owned of a particular property.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVrboTimeshare
DefinitionIt is a timeshare rental marketplace.It is the shared ownership of properties.
OriginFounded by David Clouse in 1995.Founded in 1974 by CIC.
ManagementDoesn’t provide property management to homeowners.It depends on the marketplace.
Deals and OffersIt has a wide range of deals and offers.It varies with every marketplace.
PreferenceVrbo prefers only families and older people.Everyone is given preference in the marketplaces.
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What is Vrbo?

Vrbo stands for Vacation Rentals by Owner. Originally as a website, Vrbo was created by David Clouse to rent his condo. It was created in 1995 in Aurora, Colorado.

Since the idea was innovative, the website, in no time, was headlined as a source for various owners to list their properties for rental purposes.

Before the advancement of the Internet, such rental facilities were only available via offline offices, telephones, management services, etc.

In 1995, Vrbo was only an independent website, but it was acquired in 2006 by HomeAway. In mid-2020, both became a single website named ‘Vrbo’.

Not only houses, but Vrbo also provides beach homes, cabins, resorts, etc., in about 190 countries through their official website, < www.vrbo.com.

Furthermore, the owners can also rent their properties on the website. Vrbo has a dedicated app for its users to book rental houses from smartphones.

Regarding safety between the various financial transactions, Vrbo provides abundant tools and resources to protect the privacy and trust of guests and owners who may know each other only professionally.

Vrbo has a dedicated staff to provide its users with a 24-hours service in about a dozen languages for clear interaction.

Furthermore, Vrbo offers its customers five cancellation policies according to their listings: Relaxed, Moderate, Firm, Strict, and No Refund.

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What is Timeshare?

Timeshare refers to shared ownership of resorts, villas, homes, etc., in which multiple investors own a place divided by a specific period or investment ratio.

Timesharing is a form of fractional ownership. For example, purchasing one week of timeshare implies that 1 of the 52 weeks in the year is owned of a particular property.

There are two types of timeshares: Shared Deeded Ownership and Shared Leased Ownership Interest. In Shared Deeded Ownership, the ownership concerns the number of weeks in the following year.

On the other hand, in Shared Leased Ownership Interest, the ownership concerns a contract for fixed weeks each year for a certain number of years.

Timeshares are highly suitable for people who prefer vacationing in a similar place and home once a year without looking for preferred accommodations.

On the other hand, it has some disadvantages as well. The ongoing costs can be significantly high, including annual maintenance, substantial upfront payment, etc.

There are many online and offline timeshare rental marketplaces where people can prebook for vacations and also list their properties for rent. Some of these marketplaces include Vrbo, RedWeek, etc.

Main Differences Between Vrbo and Timeshare

  1. Vrbo is a term dependent on the timeshare, whereas timeshare is an independent term.
  2. Vrbo is a type of timeshare rental, whereas timeshare refers to the shared ownership of properties.
  3. Vrbo prefers families and older people more, whereas timeshare prefers everyone, as many marketplaces are available.
  4. Vrbo has many deals and offers, whereas timeshare deals vary with every marketplace.
  5. Vrbo doesn’t provide property management to its customers, whereas, in timeshare, it simply depends on the type of marketplace and its policies.
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pe6kapE_t7kC&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=timeshare&ots=NkMA5RcYiG&sig=NSdHXQvZUTmfyufvrVU_BK_-4GI
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13683500.2019.1711027

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.