White vs Green Asparagus: Difference and Comparison

Plants such as herbs, spices, roots, and leaves are among the foods we eat.

These edible plants (such as spinach, onions, ginger, and a variety of others) are high in fiber, potassium, iron, and essential vitamins, and they aid in our overall health.

Let’s understand about one herbaceous plant, Asparagus.

There are two different forms of asparagus: white and green asparagus, which, despite their varied colors, are grown in the same way.

The white-colored asparagus does not experience sunlight because it is removed from the soil.

However, green-colored asparagus gets its color by blooming under the sun when it comes out of the soil.

Key Takeaways

  1. White asparagus is grown underground and has a milder taste, while green asparagus is grown above ground and has a more robust flavor.
  2. White asparagus is more tender than green asparagus but requires more preparation before cooking.
  3. White asparagus is more expensive than green asparagus, but it is a delicacy in some cultures.

White vs Green Asparagus

The difference between white and green asparagus is that the white asparagus needs to be peeled off to remove hard peels while cooking.

On the other hand, green asparagus is not harsh from the outside. So, it could be eaten with the skin.

Moreover, white asparagus is pricy than the green one.

White vs Green Asparagus

White asparagus is white because of the lack of formation of chlorophyll due to the absence of sunlight. These are taken out from the soil directly before they peek.

These are the most potent vitamin C and A sources. Due to the asparagus chemical, you’ll notice a pungent odor when urinating.

Green asparagus is consumed widely around the world, and its color is due to the creation of chlorophyll when it comes into touch with the sun.

As a result, they are grown on the surface and are considered less tasty than white ones. It takes lesser time to cook because of the grassy texture.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWhite AsparagusGreen Asparagus
PreferenceThis asparagus is rare and is preferred the most.Green asparagus is widely available and is less popular.
FlavorIt has a very mild flavor.It has a strong flavor.
Growing MethodIt is covered with a layer of soil to avoid contact with sunrays.There isn’t a covering of earth on top of it.
TasteIt is a bit tender and sweeter.It is not soft and less sweet.
Calorie ContentIt has fewer calories than green asparagus.It has more protein and fiber content comparatively.
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What is White Asparagus?

White asparagus is white-colored shoots that are nearly 120 cm long. It is well-known in Europe, particularly in Germany, especially during the festival season in April and June.

Moreover, they eat around 2 kg of asparagus every year. It is also known as white gold.

To check whether white asparagus is fresh or not, we only have to rub asparagus together. If it squeezes, it means it is fresh.

These are cultivated underground by covering the previous year’s roots in the soil in a row.

After 100 days (three months), it is harvested by pricking out of the soft dirt when it starts appearing out of the ground. Farmers keep the check twice a day to preserve it from the sun.

Since it has hard skin, we need to peel it like we peel carrots or radishes. To cook this plant for eating, cut it off from the edges.

After that, cook various herbs and vegetables, such as garlic and onions, with white asparagus in light oil.

This sauté dish can be prepared in just 10 minutes and is accompanied by nuts if cooked in a pan.

These breakfast or brunch dishes are mostly served with boiled potatoes and breadcrumbs.

It has medical properties and is a rich source of vitamin K. It’s also high in vitamin C and minerals (beta carotene, which is good for the heart).

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Moreover, it has high economic value and is found very rare as compared to green asparagus.

white asparagus

What is Green Asparagus?

Green asparagus is also a shoot known as the king of European veggies. It originated 5,000 years ago. These, like white asparagus, cook more quickly.

From seed to full maturity, it takes about five years.

Because these are grown underground, they turn white asparagus and begin to prick out of the soil.

After that, it comes into touch with sunshine, and the creation of chlorophyll causes it to grow taller and greener.

Farmers don’t sow seeds when they plant; instead, they plant roots. Their roots go deep, up to 5-6 feet.

Furthermore, unlike typical vegetables, these are not plucked out of the ground when harvested. Despite this, their farm has remained intact for two decades or more.

Furthermore, they are harvested in a short span (nearly two months) in Spring. The full-fledged plant will only grow a maximum of 16 spears.

These are rich in vitamin B6 and other such minerals and are grassy. Like white asparagus, these also cause a foul odor while peeing.

These can be cooked with skin in multiple ways (boiling and sauteing). This Mediterranean meal pairs well with other vegetables, such as a salad with cheese.

However, we should not consume its fruit which is contagious.

green asparagus

Main Differences Between White and Green Asparagus

  1. White asparagus is grown with the method of blanching. However, In the case of green asparagus, the roots are not covered.
  2. White asparagus takes 100 days to grow. On the other hand, green asparagus fully grows in at least five years.
  3. White asparagus has a mild flavor as compared to green asparagus.
  4. White asparagus is popular in German festivals because of its sweet taste. On the contrary, green is less sweet.
  5. White asparagus consists of double the amount of vitamin C and a lesser amount of vitamin A than green asparagus.
  6. White asparagus consists of a small amount of phenol (irritating skin and eyes) than green asparagus.
Difference Between White and Green Asparagus
  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsfa.1762
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsfa.1033

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.