Oat Milk vs Almond Milk: Difference and Comparison

Milk is a great source of protein and calcium. The normal milk with which we all are familiar is the one derived from the cows. It contains a protein called lactose.

Key Takeaways

  1. Oat Milk is a non-dairy milk alternative made from oats, while Almond Milk is a non-dairy milk alternative made from almonds.
  2. Oat Milk has a creamier texture and a slightly sweet taste, while Almond Milk has a nutty flavor and a thinner consistency.
  3. Oat Milk is a good source of fiber and protein, while Almond Milk is low in calories and vitamin E.

Oat Milk vs Almond Milk

The difference between oats milk and almond milk is that the kinds of milk are extracted from different kinds of substances. Oats milk is extracted from whole grain food that as oats, and on the other hand, almond milk is extracted from nuts that are almond. So they have more different types of properties as they are derived from completely different food products.

Oat Milk vs Almond Milk

Oats milk is extracted from whole grain food called oats. It is lactose-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and also tree-nut-free. So it can be consumed by most people except those with oats allergy or celiac disease.

Almond milk is mainly nut milk. It is extracted from almonds. It is dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free. It can be consumed by lactose-intolerant people.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonOat MilkAlmond Milk
Ideal for peopleHaving lactose intolerance, soy intolerance or nut allergiesHaving lactose intolerance, soy intolerance, celiac disease or gluten sensitivity
Heath benefitsCalcium, Vitamin D, Riboflavin, Dietary fiber  Calcium, Vitamin E
IngredientsOats, water, oil, fortified nutrients, sweeteners, and other preservatives.Almond, water, thickeners such as carrageenan, guar gum etc., fortifies nutrients, and some preservatives
Who cannot consume?People having an allergy to oats and ones with celiac disease should choose brands correctly.Not for people with almond or tree-nut allergy
Calorie countHighLow

What is Oat Milk?

Oats milk is extracted from whole grain food called oats. It is lactose-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and also tree-nut-free. So it can be consumed by most people except those with oats allergy or celiac disease.

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As oats, milk is a substitute for cow’s milk, so it should have some of its properties. Some of the health benefits of oats milk are Calcium, Vitamin D, Riboflavin, and Dietary fibre. Oats milk tastes like dairy milk.

Some of the ingredients required to prepare oats milk are oats, water, oil, fortified nutrients, sweeteners, and other preservatives. The oats and water are blended, and the liquid milk is extracted from the pulp.

oat milk

What is Almond Milk?

Almond milk is mainly nut milk. It is extracted from almonds. It is dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free. It can be consumed by lactose-intolerant people.

Almond milk is also a substitute for dairy milk derived from cows. This milk has a protein called lactose. Almond milk is for people with lactose intolerance, celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity.

Some ingredients required to prepare almond milk are almonds, water, thickeners such as carrageenan, guar gum, etc. fortified nutrients and some preservatives. The almond and water are blended.

almond milk

Main Differences Between Oat Milk and Almond Milk

  1. Some ingredients required to prepare almond milk are almonds, water, thickeners such as carrageenan, guar gum, etc. fortified nutrients and some preservatives.
  2. It is not recommended for people with allergies to oats, and those with celiac disease should choose brands correctly while buying oats milk.
Difference Between Oat Milk and Almond Milk
  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/NFS-03-2020-0073/full/html
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-019-01716-5
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Last Updated : 01 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Oat Milk vs Almond Milk: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article provided valuable insight into the characteristics and benefits of oat and almond milk. While useful, it would be beneficial to include a more extensive comparison of their environmental impact and sustainability.

    • The discussion of environmental impact would indeed contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of these milk alternatives, as environmental sustainability is a growing concern in our society.

    • Agreed. A comparison of the environmental impact of oat and almond milk production would complement the insightful nutritional and allergen information provided in this article.

  2. The information was quite informative, and I believe that certain potential benefits of oat milk and almond milk were not discussed, such as the added sugar content and the environmental impact of these products.

    • I agree. The environmental impact of oat and almond milk could be the result of the large amount of water necessary for their production, as well as the use of monocultures.

  3. The detailed comparison of oat milk and almond milk provided valuable insights into their nutritional content and allergen information. However, extending the discussion to include the environmental impact and sustainability of these products would be beneficial.

    • I agree. Exploring the environmental and sustainability aspects of these milk alternatives would complement the comprehensive nutritional and allergen information presented in this article.

  4. This article effectively compares oat and almond milk in terms of their nutritional benefits and allergen information. However, a deeper exploration of the environmental impact and sustainability of these milk products would enhance the comprehensiveness of the content.

    • Indeed, addressing the environmental impact and sustainability of oat and almond milk would contribute to a more thorough understanding of these milk alternatives.

  5. I appreciate the detailed comparison of oat milk and almond milk. The nutritional benefits and allergen information provided is quite helpful, thank you.

    • Absolutely, this article significantly broadened my understanding of these alternative milk products and their suitability for different dietary requirements.

  6. The detailed comparison of oat and almond milk provided insightful nutritional and allergen information. However, an exploration of the environmental impact and sustainability of these milk products would further enrich the value of this article.

  7. The article presented a comprehensive comparison of oat and almond milk, focusing on their nutritional benefits and allergen information. Yet, incorporating an analysis of the environmental impact and sustainability of these milk products would contribute to a more holistic understanding of their implications on health and the environment.

    • Absolutely. A discussion of the environmental impact and sustainability of oat and almond milk would provide readers with a more complete understanding of these alternative milk products.

  8. The article offers a comprehensive comparison of oat and almond milk, particularly in terms of nutritional benefits and allergen information. However, adding an analysis of their environmental impact and sustainability would further enrich the content.

    • Absolutely, the environmental impact of milk alternatives is an important consideration. Addressing this aspect would indeed enhance the value of this informative article.

    • I concur. Including an analysis of the environmental impact and sustainability of oat and almond milk would provide readers with a more holistic understanding of these products.

  9. The detailed comparison of oat and almond milk was highly informative, particularly in terms of their nutritional benefits and allergen information. However, a deeper analysis of their environmental impact and sustainability would complement the insightful content.

    • I concur. An exploration of the environmental impact and sustainability considerations related to oat and almond milk would enhance the overall value of this article.

  10. The detailed comparison of oat and almond milk provided in this article is extremely valuable. While the nutritional benefits and allergen information are comprehensive, it would be beneficial to also address the environmental impact and sustainability of these milk products.

    • Indeed, the inclusion of environmental impact and sustainability comparisons would enhance the overall value of this article.

    • I agree. Exploring the environmental and sustainability aspects of oat and almond milk production would provide a more holistic understanding of these milk alternatives.


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