YouTube vs Vevo: Difference and Comparison

With the growth of the internet, a significant amount of content is being disseminated solely online. As a result, a variety of video-sharing sites have emerged.

YouTube and Vevo are two of the most well-known video platforms. Both YouTube and Vevo have a lot of fantastic features, but they both have their own drawbacks. 

Key Takeaways

  1. YouTube is a user-generated content platform that hosts various video types. In contrast, Vevo is a music video distribution platform that features official music videos from major record labels.
  2. Vevo content is hosted on YouTube but has its own branded channels and higher quality standards for audio and video.
  3. YouTube allows users to upload content and generate revenue through ads and partnerships. Vevo is exclusively for signed artists and bands and primarily generates revenue for record labels and artists.

YouTube vs Vevo  

The difference between YouTube and Vevo is that YouTube features all categories of videos, from music to gaming and cooking videos, and Vevo features only music videos. The YouTube application is accessible in every country, but Vevo can only be accessed in countries the US, UK, and Canada. 

YouTube vs Vevo

Google owns YouTube, a video-sharing website. With over one billion monthly users, it is the second most frequented website, immediately after Google.

It has videos from different genres, and anyone can post their own. YouTube also allows video-makers to make money from their work. The video resolution varies between 144p and 1080p. 

Vevo is an international video hosting business based in the United States. It was established in 2009. Music videos uploaded by record labels can be found on Vevo.

On some TVs, the service is also available as an app. Its videos are of excellent quality, with resolutions ranging from 720p to 1080p. It is currently only available in a few countries. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison YouTube Vevo 
Category  All categories of videos are available.  Only music videos are available. 
Video Quality A variety is available ranging from 144p to 1080 p. Quality ranges from 720p to 1080p 
Uploading Rights Anyone can upload their videos. Only record companies can upload videos.
Ownership Owned by Google A joint venture between Sony inc., Universal Group, and EMI. 
Audience Worldwide audience  Available in select countries only 
Monetization Anyone can monetize their accounts Only record companies can monetize their music videos. 
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What is YouTube? 

YouTube is a video sharing and social media network owned by Google and situated in the United States. It was first introduced on February 14, 2005.

YouTube has over a billion users per month. All of these users water more than a billion hours’ worth of video every day.  

As a result of Google’s ownership, YouTube’s business model has changed; it no longer relies solely on advertisements for revenue. YouTube now offers paid content such as movies and exclusive content. 

Since its acquisition by Google, YouTube has grown to include various different features and devices, including network television, the ability to integrate with other services, mobile apps, etc.

You can find a lot of different content on YouTube like video clips, short films, audio recordings. Teasers, trailers, vlogs, tutorials, music videos, documentaries, etc.  

Individuals create the majority of stuff. Collaborations between YouTubers and corporate sponsors fall under this category.

To reach a wider audience, established media companies such as Disney, Viacom CBS, and Warner Media have built and grown their corporate YouTube channels. 

It has had a massive social impact, affecting pop culture, internet trends and spawning multibillion-dollar personalities. YouTube has been heavily criticized despite its rapid growth and success.  

YouTube has been criticized for being used to promote disinformation, copyright issues, routine abuses of its users’ privacy, allowing censorship, and harming the safety and well-being of children. 


What is Vevo? 

Vevo is short for Video Evolution. It is an international video hosting company based in the United States that specializes in music videos.

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The service is also available as an app on various devices and services like smart TVs, streaming television services, video recorders, etc.

The service also had an app available for smartphones and tablets, but it was decommissioned in May 2018 to focus on its platforms.  

On June 16, 2009, three major record labels formed a joint venture to launch the service. Warner Music Group (WMG), the world’s third-largest record label, announced in August 2016 that it would license premium videos from its artists to Vevo.  

Vevo only used to have music videos from two main recording companies, namely, Sony Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group, that were already featured on YouTube and its app.

The money made from the advertisement was equally divided between Vevo and Google. Vevo was given access to EMI’s video archive right before its launch in 2012 by UMG.  

The website was supposed to go global in 2010. However, it was still unavailable outside of these countries as of March 23, 2018. The delay in the global release was attributed to licensing concerns, according to Vevo’s official blog. 


Main Differences Between YouTube and Vevo  

  1. YouTube features categories of videos, and Vevo features only music videos. 
  2. YouTube video quality ranges from 144p to 1080 p, and Vevo video quality Quality ranges from 720p to 1080p. 
  3. YouTube lets anyone upload their videos, but only record companies can upload videos on Vevo. 
  4. YouTube is owned by Google, and Vevo is a joint venture between Sony inc., Universal Group, and EMI. 
  5. YouTube has a worldwide audience, but Vevo is available in select countries only. 
  6. YouTube lets anyone can monetize their accounts, but only record companies can monetize their music videos on Vevo.  


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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.