Brainly vs Quizlet: Difference and Comparison

Brainly and Quizlet are both study tools. Both of them compete with companies such as Chegg, Course Hero, and Wolfram Alpha. They both run a collection of student and educator social learning networks.

Even though both of them are designed for the same kind of tasks, there are certain points of difference between them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Brainly is a platform for students to ask and answer academic questions, while Quizlet is a platform for creating and studying flashcards and other learning materials.
  2. Brainly emphasizes collaboration and social learning, with users able to interact with each other to ask and answer questions, while Quizlet emphasizes individual study and memorization.
  3. Brainly offers free and paid membership options, while Quizlet offers a free basic and paid premium membership with additional features.

Brainly vs Quizlet

The difference between Brainly and Quizlet is that Brainly is more consistent and quick. Quizlet isn’t always as snappy or consistent as it should be. Brainly, on the other hand, inserts advertisements between answers, Quizlet, although not doing so and being more dependable, contains lesser answers than found on Brainly.

Brainly vs Quizlet

Students, parents, and teachers can ask and answer homework questions on Brainly’s peer-to-peer learning platform. Gamification components, such as motivator points and ranks, are present on the site.

It invites users to participate in the online community by answering questions posed by other users. It is a Polish corporation that specializes in educational technology.

Quizlet is a multi-national American corporation that develops and produces studying and learning products. Digital flashcards, matching games, practice electronic evaluations, and live quizzes (similar to Kahoot) are among Quizlet’s main offerings.

Quizlet allows registered users to construct sets of terms and definitions for their personal use as a memorizing tool.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBrainlyQuizlet
Apple Pay supportUnfortunately, Apple Pay is not supported on Brainly.Apple Pay is now available on Quizlet, making it an advantage Quizlet.
Google Pay supportGoogle Pay support is not accepted by Brainly.Quizlet now accepts Google Pay as well.
Racial equalityBrainly pledges to promote racial equality, so it is more dependable. Thus this can be counted as an advantage of using Brainly.Quizlet does not make its racial equity pledge public.
International shippingInternational shipping policies are available from Brainly.Quizlet does not have a policy for overseas shipment, thus making it a con.
Amazon Pay supportBrainly now accepts Amazon Pay.Unfortunately, Quizlet does not support Amazon Pay.
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What is Brainly?

Brainly is a Kraków-based educational technology firm with headquarters in New York City.

Students, parents, and teachers can use it to ask and answer homework problems in a peer-to-peer learning environment. In the form of motivator points and ranks, the platform incorporates gamification features.

Users are encouraged to participate in the online community by answering questions posed by other users.

Brainly had 350 million monthly users as of November 2020, making it the most popular education app on the planet.

Brainly is a website where kids, parents, and teachers can assist one another with homework. Students utilize Brainly to improve their skills in a variety of topics, including English, math, science, and social studies.

They can connect with their classmates, subject matter experts, and professional instructors to debate their topics and get answers to their queries via the platform.

Upon registration, each user is granted a set number of points, which can be used to ask questions. Users can earn points by answering other people’s queries. Users that offer frequent, high-quality responses earn “ranks” on Brainly.

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Brainly’s Knowledge Base is filtered using Machine Learning techniques and is vetted by a community of volunteers and staff. The moderators give well-framed answers.


What is Quizlet?

Quizlet is a multi-national American corporation that develops and produces study and learning products. Quizlet’s main products are digital flashcards, matching games, electronic practice tests, and live quizzes.

Quizlet’s website claims to have over 350 million users as of April 2021. Quizlet allows registered users to construct bespoke sets of terms and definitions for their personal use as a memorizing tool. Students can then study several techniques to gain access to these groups of terms.

Quizlet is a free website that provides students with learning resources such as flashcards, study, and gaming modes. Create your own study sets using terminology and definitions to begin.

Quizlet can find out the topics you’re having trouble with and focus solely on those. It can also double-check your knowledge and advise you to cease studying only when you’re ready.” Quizlet Live was just launched to allow students to work in groups during class.

You can create various custom question sets with Quizlet, for example. Students will benefit from question sets as they study for exams and assessments.

Quizlet features a variety of game types that students may use to have fun while studying. To make the subject more engaging, it’s ideal for online and hybrid classes.


Main Differences Between Brainly and Quizlet

  1. Apple Pay, unfortunately, is not supported on Brainly, while Apple Pay is now available on Quizlet, making it an advantage of Quizlet.
  2. Google Pay support is not accepted by Brainly, whereas Quizlet now accepts Google Pay as well.
  3. Brainly pledges to promote racial equality, so it is more dependable. Thus this can be counted as an advantage of using Brainly. On the other hand, Quizlet does not make its racial equity pledge public.
  4. While international shipping policies are available from Brainly, Quizlet does not have a policy for overseas shipment, thus making it a con.
  5. Brainly now accepts Amazon Pay. Unfortunately, Quizlet does not support Amazon Pay.

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.