Travels in Africa – The Escape to Egypt Story – Xmas History

The Threat of Herod

The Birth of Jesus and the Visit of the Magi

In the small town of Bethlehem, a child named Jesus was born to Mary, a humble maiden. This extraordinary birth was marked by a series of miraculous events, including the appearance of a star in the sky that guided the Magi, wise men from the East, to Bethlehem. Upon their arrival, they paid homage to the newborn king and presented him with gold, frankincense, and myrrh gifts.

Herod’s Fear and the Massacre of the Innocents

News of Jesus’ birth reached the ears of King Herod, the ruler of Judea, who was known for his ruthlessness and paranoia. Herod had long been insecure about his position as king, and he feared that any potential challenge to his power could destabilize his rule. Upon hearing of the birth of a potential rival, Herod became consumed by fear and jealousy.

The Angel’s Warning and Joseph’s Decision

In his desperation to eliminate any threat to his reign, Herod ordered the massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem and its vicinity. This decree, known as the Massacre of the Innocents, resulted in the tragic deaths of countless innocent children.

Divine Warning and the Flight into Egypt

The Dream and Joseph’s Obedience

Unbeknownst to Herod, the Magi, wise men from the East, had also come to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn king. However, they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, as he intended to kill Jesus. Following this divine warning, the Magi departed Bethlehem by a different route.

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The Angel’s Instruction and the Holy Family’s Flight

Meanwhile, in a dream, an angel appeared to Joseph, Mary’s husband, instructing him to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt to escape Herod’s murderous decree. Joseph, known for his righteousness and obedience to God, did not hesitate to follow the angel’s instructions.

The Arduous Journey and the Kindness of Strangers

Under darkness, Joseph gathered Mary and Jesus and a few essential belongings and embarked on a perilous journey to Egypt. They traveled by night, avoiding well-trodden paths to remain undetected. The journey was arduous and challenging, taking them through treacherous terrain, scorching deserts, and bustling cities.

Seeking Refuge in Egypt


The Holy Family’s Arrival in Mataria

After days of travel, the Holy Family finally reached Egypt, where they found refuge in Mataria. Mataria, located near the ancient city of Heliopolis, was known for its welcoming atmosphere and diverse population.

A Simple Life among the Locals

In Mataria, the Holy Family settled among the local community, living a simple and humble life. Skilled in carpentry, Joseph used his trade to provide for the family’s needs. They lived in a small dwelling, surrounded by the warmth and kindness of their neighbors.

The Harmony and Peace of Egypt

Despite the challenges of their situation, the Holy Family found peace and harmony in Egypt. They were embraced by the local community, who offered them support and assistance. The Holy Family’s presence brought a sense of serenity and tranquility to the people of Mataria.

The Death of Herod and the Return Home

After several years in Egypt, an angel again visited Joseph, informing him of Herod’s death. Herod, consumed by fear and paranoia, had grown increasingly cruel and tyrannical. His reign was marked by bloodshed and violence, and his death brought relief to many.

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Main Points About Escape to Egypt

  1. After the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him.
  2. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus traveled to Egypt until Herod’s death.
  3. The story of the flight into Egypt is remembered in the Jewish faith today as the Passover.


An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him that King Herod would seek the young child to destroy him, and commanded Joseph to take the young child and his mother to Egypt, so he did.

When Herod had died, an angel again came to Joseph in a dream, telling him to take Mary and the young child to Israel, for they who sought the life of the young child were dead.

Word Cloud for Escape to Egypt

The following is a collection of the most used terms in this article on Escape to Egypt. This should help you recall related terms as used in this article at a later stage.

Escape to Egypt
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.