Christmas in Taiwan – Xmas Means Lots of Lights

Taiwan has a bigger Christmas celebration than Mainland China. Even though a good majority of the residents aren’t Christians, most of the local retail stores do sell Christmas decorations and such.

It is not seen as a National Holiday in the land of Taiwan, but people do wear Santa hats in celebration of the Christmas Holiday!

Many kids have knowledge of Santa Claus and may even know a few Christmas carols as well! Those attending English schools have parents who expect a full-blown Christmas celebration.

Equipped with the exchange of presents, Christmas caroling, and a personal visit from Santa Claus himself!

A lot of schools also participate in Christmas plays and pageants for many proud parents to enjoy.

Watching in awe as their precious little ones prance around on stage singing their little hearts out!

Dressed up in those cute Christmas costumes, looking oh, so, cute and adorable.

Many people love wearing Santa hats during the Christmas Holiday!

Even the local store owners adorn colorful Santa hats and put up Christmas decorations throughout the store. Helping to get others into the holiday spirit.

In Japan, their Christmas celebration includes the traditional Christmas Cake, which is catching on in Thailand as well!

Main Points About Christmas in Taiwan

  1. Christmas is not widely celebrated in Taiwan and it is not a national holiday. The Christmassy feeling is felt in big cities.
  2. Christmas trees and decorations are almost non-existent in Taiwan. Decorations are mostly seen in the big stores that sell them.
  3. Among Christian families, it is common to share dinners with friends and loved ones over homemade meals and cakes.
  4. Many Christians are gaily dressed on Christmas day. The youngsters prefer to celebrate Christmas at parties and other gatherings.
  5. Churches and schools put up carols, performances and other Christmas shows. Many people love to wear Santa hat at Christmas time.


Christmas in Taiwan is not a big day as there are not many Christians in Taiwan. But still, the markers, malls, and homes can be seen decorated with lights and Christmas trees. Parents also give gifts to their kids as done in other parts of the world.

If you have been to Taiwan on Christmas or stay in Taiwan then do share your first-hand experience in the comments below.

Word Cloud for Christmas in Taiwan

The following is a collection of the most used terms in this article on Christmas in Taiwan. This should help in recalling related terms as used in this article at a later stage for you.

Christmas in Taiwan

Last Updated : 24 November, 2023

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20 thoughts on “Christmas in Taiwan – Xmas Means Lots of Lights”

  1. I find it interesting how even in non-Christian countries, the Christmas spirit can be felt. It’s a testament to the global influence of the holiday.

  2. I’m surprised by the extent of celebration in Taiwan, despite it not being a national holiday. It’s intriguing to see the cultural nuances.

  3. The global variations in Christmas celebrations are a testament to the evolving tapestry of human customs and traditions.

  4. Learning about the Christmas customs in Taiwan provides valuable insights into the interplay of tradition and cultural adaptation.

  5. The contrast between traditions in different countries is quite thought-provoking. It shows the diversity of human experiences.

  6. I wasn’t aware of the Christmas celebrations in Taiwan. It’s enlightening to learn about the local customs and adaptations of the holiday.

  7. It’s fascinating to see how Christmas is reinterpreted in various cultural contexts. The blending of local customs with the holiday is intriguing.

  8. The evolution of Christmas traditions in different parts of the world is truly captivating. It’s a testament to the human capacity for creativity and adaptation.

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