Observation vs Conclusion: Difference and Comparison

Observation and conclusion can tend to be confusing as they both take part in an experiment. The methods of the two processes and their usage are different.

Not only in an experiment, but these two methods also get done by us in our everyday life. We observe things and then shape a conclusion or judgment.

Key Takeaways

  1. Observation is gathering information through the senses, while a conclusion is a decision or judgment based on that information.
  2. Observation is objective and based on facts, while the conclusion is subjective and based on interpretation.
  3. Observation is the first step in the scientific method, while the conclusion is the final step that leads to the development of theories and laws.

Observation vs Conclusion

Observations are the act of noticing and observing something to get more information about it, you’ll make use of your five sensory organs, and it’s the first stage of an experiment. a Conclusion is a final and logical judgment made from observations, and you’ll only use your brain.

Observation vs Conclusion

Observation is a process of noticing living or non-living things in order to form a new judgment about them. Observations are not for research exclusively.

We take the help of observation in our daily life, but as it is a subtle and rapid process done by the brain, we do not seem to be aware of it always.

The conclusion is concluding or inferring an argument. The main tool for a conclusion is observations or a set of data in the language of research.

The conclusion is developed from observation with the help of logic or reasoning. A conclusion is basically connecting the dots of observation data to form a new perception.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonObservationConclusion
Meaning Observation is the process of scrutinizing something to get information about it.The conclusion is a verdict that is reached by following a set of information.
MethodUtilizing the five senses is the means of observation.The conclusion is a mental process.
PurposeA set of observations help to reach a conclusion.Give a logical explanation of observations.
Stage in an ExperimentIn the process of the experiment, observation is the first stage.In the process of experiment conclusion is the last stage.
StateObservation is just noticing things that happen to the subject of observation.The conclusion uses the already gained knowledge to create a hypothesis.

What is Observation?

We observe things constantly, mostly without realizing it, as it is part of a rapid mental process. When we observe consciously, that is, for an experiment or investigation, we call it data.

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This data can be collected by utilizing our five sensory organs. The five senses, sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste, support us in examining the information and noticing the changes that might take place.

Anything can be a subject of observation, both living and non-living. This is a type of data gathering. Observation leads to the ultimate step of any experiment.

The final statement of an experiment depends entirely on the observation process.

In research or experiment, observation includes a few steps. Firstly, the identification of the objective and deciding the subject of observation have to be chosen.

The next task is to keep a record of the information. By developing strategies and analyzing the details, inferences or conclusions can be drawn.


What is the Conclusion?

The conclusion means the end or culmination of something. It is a sum-up of a decision or inference. A scientific conclusion means the summarisation of the observed records.

A logical outcome of observations is known as a conclusion. Conclusions can be drawn without research too. We come to conclusions in our daily life after noticing changes and developments of things.

A conclusion is the last step of an experiment or research. The conclusion is responsible for synthesizing the set of data.

The conclusion provides a third point of view that opens a new field of thought in the area of experiment. The conclusion is based on facts, the facts that are collected by observing or monitoring the subject of research.

It is a mental process where the various observations regarding the subject are joined together in a logical way to shape a new conception.


Main Differences Between Observation and Conclusion

  1. A process of an experiment includes various stages. Observation is the first step of an experiment, while a conclusion is rather the last stage of any experiment.
  2. Observation is nothing but noticing whatever is happening, but the conclusion is using the preconceived understanding to reach a presumption or theory.
  3. Observation is the process of scrutinizing something to get information about it, whereas a conclusion is contemplating a hypothesis or verdict based on the received information.
  4. Observation is done with the use of the five senses, sight, sound, smell, feel, and taste. On the other hand, the conclusion is a mental process that can be reached based on our formerly earned knowledge.
  5. Observations lead to conclusions. Without observations, no conclusions can be formed. We need to observe first in order to be able to construct a conclusion. To shape any conclusion, observation can not be avoided.
  6. Observation does not raise any contradiction or question, but the conclusion can raise questions from others.
  7. Observation is noticing an act, but the conclusion is deriving logically infer.
Difference Between Observation and Conclusion
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811911005799
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735675715002739
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Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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18 thoughts on “Observation vs Conclusion: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The impeccably structured article has successfully cleared the ambiguity associated with observation and conclusion. A fantastic read!

  2. The article is an excellent resource to understand the fundamental differences between observation and conclusion. It can certainly be used as a reference for further studies.

  3. The information provided is very engaging and enlightening. I believe that the author has meticulously researched the subject before writing this article.

  4. The author has skillfully elucidated the discrepancies between observation and conclusion. A very insightful and valuable piece of writing.

  5. The detailed comparison table is incredibly useful in understanding the differences between observation and conclusion. The article is a remarkable piece of work.

  6. The author’s meticulous explanation of observation and conclusion has truly broadened my understanding on the topic. A commendable piece.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Alexa85. The article is a valuable resource to comprehend the complexities of observation and conclusion.

  7. This article has made the topic much clearer to me. The explanation of observation and conclusion through the comparison table is very elucidating.


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