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Most people refer to elevated or high blood pressure as hypertension. These two terms are used quite interchangeably. They do not differ in diagnosis or medication; however, there indeed is a specific difference.

Hypertension refers to a condition where the blood pressure crosses a certain level. Generally, high blood pressure can have a much lower reading as compared to hypertension.

High blood pressure may fluctuate with time, but hypertension may lead to serious health conditions like heart failure or sudden death. Hence it is necessary to know the differences and fatal health risks.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hypertension is a medical condition where the blood pressure remains persistently high, while high blood pressure refers to blood pressure against the arterial walls exceeding normal levels.
  2. Hypertension is a chronic disease that can lead to various complications, including heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease, while high blood pressure can cause damage to the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Hypertension is diagnosed when the systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg or higher or the diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg or higher. In comparison, high blood pressure is diagnosed when the systolic blood pressure is between 120 and 129 mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure is below 80 mmHg.

Hypertension vs High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a serious medical condition that is characterized by abnormally high blood pressure and systole of 140 and above. It may result in heart failure, organ failure, angina, or sudden death. High blood pressure is a health condition where the person consistently has elevated blood pressure.

Hypertension vs High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is not just elevated blood pressure. It is a severe medical condition that people suffer from. It puts the heart at risk along with other vital parts of the body, such as the brain and kidneys.

It further leads to other serious diseases. For people suffering from such conditions, it is necessary to be under medical care.

High Blood Pressure is a condition when a person is diagnosed with elevated blood pressure for a continuous period. In such cases, help from a medical professional is necessary. There are two types of blood pressure.

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Primary-caused due to common reasons like unhealthy lifestyle, aging, or physical inactivity. Secondary-caused due to certain hormonal problems, kidney disease, or some side effects of medication.

Comparison Table

Parameters of DifferencesHypertensionHigh Blood Pressure
Upper limitIt is when the systole exceeds 140.High Blood pressure is when the systole crosses 120.
Lower limitThe diastole exceeds 90.The diastole crosses 80.
SituationHypertension may result in some serious conditions which lead to emergency health conditions and might even lead to sudden death. Patients might not be aware of that since it does not have any specific symptoms.   
CauseIt mainly occurs in a person who neglects elevated pressure for a long duration.It is a condition when the blood pressure is higher than normal. The help of a medical professional is required.   
EmergencyIt can cause sudden emergencies which cause serious damage to the heart.It does not lead to any sudden emergencies when the person is under prescribed medications.

What is Hypertension?

A study says that almost 1.28 people worldwide suffer from hypertension. Out of the estimated number, 46% of them are unaware that they are suffering from such a condition.

Since a great percentage of people are unaware of it, hypertension is also known as a “silent killer.” It does not give a patient any warning or sign, which is a great form of risk.

This is why it is essential to measure blood pressure regularly. It is a quick and painless method. If neglected, it can cause serious damage to the heart.

Such elevated pressure might lead to the hardening of arteries, thus decreasing the blood and oxygen flow to the heart. This can lead to conditions such as angina, heart failure, organ failure, or even cause sudden death.

The risk factors are mainly unhealthy or uncontrolled diet. High intake of salts, fats, tobacco, and alcohol are harmful to people prone to hypertension.

Additionally, physical inactivity, obesity, and less intake of fruits than required can put on further risks. All these fall under modifiable risk factors.

There are certain non-modifiable risk factors too, and people should be aware of that beforehand. It includes a family history of hypertension or the co-existence of diseases such as kidney disease, obesity, or diabetes.

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What is High Blood Pressure?

There are very common symptoms that many people tend to neglect. It includes chest pain, nose bleed, morning headache, nausea, and muscle tremors.

We sometimes consider them normal sicknesses, but it is very much necessary to seek help from a medical professional.

Even though measuring blood pressure can be done by us at home, secure medical help is important. It is mainly for our health and the assessment of risk.

The normal blood pressure of a human being is 120/80. The first part denotes the upper limit known as systolic. The second part denotes the lower limit and is known as diastolic.

Our blood pressure rate varies due to several activities throughout the day. However, a continuously higher level is a condition that needs to be taken proper care of.

The symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension vary from person to person. Besides, there are no particular symptoms. The only correct way to diagnose it is by measuring it and keeping a record on a daily basis.

High blood pressure can even affect pregnancy in women. Pregnant women suffer from issues ranging from mild to serious. Hence they must be kept in continuous checkups and restrictions in lifestyle.

There is a condition known as Pre-eclampsia, which occurs during late pregnancy and causes can cause seizures.

Main Differences Between Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

  1. The limit for hypertension is greater. It is when the systole exceeds 140. High Blood pressure is when the systole crosses 120
  2. In the case of hypertension, the diastole is above 90, whereas, for high blood pressure, the diastole crosses 80
  3. Next are symptoms. Hypertension may result in serious conditions that lead to emergency health conditions and even sudden death. One might have high pressure for years and not be aware of it since it has no specific symptoms.
  4. Hypertension results due to prolonged negligence in high blood pressure. It is the last stage that happens when people ignore the symptoms or do not care for the diagnosis. High blood pressure is common in people throughout the world. To keep oneself in check, the help of a medical professional is required. 
  5. Hypertension happens when high blood pressure is neglected for a long duration of time. High blood pressure mostly happens due to unhealthy lifestyles, genetics, or inactivity.
Difference Between Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.