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Obesity and overweight is critical health problem faced by every age group, especially adults in the united states. It can cause depression, low self-esteem, and social stigma within a person.

Xenical and Alli are the two obesity and weight loss drugs popularly recommended by dietitians. The two drug brands help lose weight but differ in dosage quantity.

Key Takeaways

  1. Xenical is a prescription weight loss medication, while Alli is an over-the-counter version with a lower dosage.
  2. Both medications contain orlistat, which blocks fat absorption, but Xenical has a higher concentration than Alli.
  3. Xenical is more effective in promoting weight loss, but Alli is more accessible and affordable for consumers.

Xenical vs Alli

Xenical and Alli are both brands of the weight loss medication Orlistat, with Xenical being the prescription-strength version. Alli is available over the counter at half the dosage of Xenical, making it a more accessible but potentially less potent option for weight loss.

Xenical vs Alli

Xenical contains an active ingredient named orlistat. It is prescribed by doctors to treat obesity. It is used in long-term treatment and to lower cholesterol levels.

It blocks the digestive enzymes to stop fat from the food. Xenical pills are stronger than Alli and show results quickly.

Alli is also a weight loss pill containing orlistat as the main ingredient. Alli comes 60mg tablet that blocks the intestines from absorbing the fat from food. It works better than a diet plan for adults to lose weight. 

It works slowly as the dose of the pill is lower than Xenical.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonXenical Alli  
AvailabilityIt is available only when the doctor prescribes it to the patient.It is available without any prescription.
Launched inIt was launched in 1999 in the United States.It was launched in 2007 in the United States.
Fat absorption%It blocks 33.33% of fat from Intake.It blocks 25% of Fat from intake.

What is Xenical?

Obesity and overweight issues are common in adults. A Body Mass Index is used to measure body weight. If BMI is between 25-29, then a person is overweight, and above 30 is considered obese.

Obesity gives rise to other health risks like diabetes, cholesterol, heart problems, liver issues, and others.

A person with overweight and obesity will go through depression, faces social stigma, and has low self-esteem.

When the diet plan does not control the weight, doctors recommend capsules. Xenical is a popular weight loss brand that is used in the treatment of obesity.

It is taken with a fat-containing meal every day. 

Xenical tablets contain an orlistat of 120mg dose, which is a higher dose. Xenical was launched in 1999 by Roche Pharmaceuticals.

It blocks fat from dietary food by blocking the enzymes of the digestive system. It absorbs 30% of ingested fat and is effective for the long-term treatment of obesity.

It is also effective in treating cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes. The tablets have to be taken with water or any fat-containing meal.

It is also given to the patients after the weight loss surgery to control weight gain. However, these tablets also have side effects like oil leakage, diarrhoea, stomach pain, and rectal pain.

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What is Alli?

Alli is another Orlistat brand with a lower dose of 60mg. Alli was launched in 2007 and approved by FDA.

Alli is approved as an over-the-counter medication that is available in online stores and pharmacies. Alli capsules are a beginner’s kit that wants to lose weight by themselves.

Alli capsules are chewable; some take them with meals three times a day, depending on their BMI. It is purchased and taken on personal risks.

Adult Men and Women are suffering from cholesterol, overweight, due to which their personal and professional life is disturbed. It makes them uncomfortable in public and leads to depression.

These weight loss tablets are sold more in the united states.

Alli tablets reduce the absorption of fat from meals by 25% by blocking the intestines. A bowel movement then reduces the blocked fat.

Every drug has side effects. This capsule also has side effects like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, cardiovascular diseases, and others.

FDA recommends taking the orlistat capsules with low-fat diet food along with multivitamin tablets.

The Tablets come with self-educational material that helps to guide people on intake. It shows results slowly as the dosage is low. It is least expensive than Xenical and other orlistat medications.

A recent survey on weight loss drugs also resulted in gives rise in liver diseases. Taking the capsules, a diet plan and regular exercise are recommended.

alli weight loss

Main Differences Between Xenical and Alli

  1. Xenical and Alli are the brands of Orlistat, whereas the former was launched in 1999 while the latter in 2007.
  2. Xenical has a higher dose of 120mg of orlistat, while Alli has a lower dose of 60mg of orlistat.
  3. Xenical tablets are more expensive than Alli.
  4. Xenical has to be taken on a doctor’s recommendation, whereas Alli can be taken on personal responsibility.
  5. Xenical shows quick results than Alli.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.