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Efficiency and Effectiveness are two terms that people consume, as they are related and can be used to describe the same things, yet their meanings differ.

Efficiency and Effectiveness refer to different sets of its usages to portray something. The origin of the terms is also different. Here, we will understand the meanings and their usages thoroughly.

Key Takeaways

  1. Efficiency measures the output-to-input ratio in a process, while effectiveness evaluates the success of achieving desired outcomes.
  2. Efficiency reduces waste and optimizes resources; effectiveness emphasizes reaching objectives and goals.
  3. Pursuing efficiency can improve an organization’s bottom line; pursuing effectiveness can enhance its overall performance and value.

Efficiency vs Effectiveness

The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that their meanings are different from each other. Efficiency denotes that the things that are practised should be done perfectly in the correct way. On the other hand, Effectiveness denotes that the result of things that have been practised should be right.

Efficiency vs Effectiveness

Efficiency denotes that the things that are practised should be done perfectly in the correct way. It is considered to be an adjective term.

The term efficiency mainly focuses on the process of performing the result. Hence, it is said to be yield-oriented.

On the other hand, Effectiveness denotes that the result of things that have been practised should be right. It is also considered an adjective term.

The term effectiveness mainly focuses on the outcome of the performance. Hence, it is said to be result-oriented.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEfficiencyEffectiveness
MeaningThe task that is needed to be completed with minimum cost and time is known as efficiency.The task that is needed to be completed in a giver period, correctly with positive results is known as effectiveness.
ApproachThe approach of efficiency is considered to be yield-oriented.The approach of effectiveness is considered to be result-oriented.
Main ConsiderationTime is considered to be the main consideration of efficiency.Cost is considered to be the main consideration of effectiveness.
EmphasisIn simple words, efficiency clearly emphasizes doing things correctly.In simple words, effectiveness clearly emphasizes doing correct things.
OriginThe term efficiency has been originated from the Latin term ‘efficientem’ meaning ‘accomplish’ or ‘workout’.The term ‘effectiveness’ has been originated from the Latin term ‘effectivus’ meaning ‘productive’.
ViewsEfficiency is associated with the external view of an organization.Effectiveness is associated with the internal view of an organization.
SynonymsThe synonyms of Efficiency include terms such as capability, productivity, proficiency, etc.The synonyms of Effectiveness include terms such as efficacy, effect, strength, etc.
AntonymsThe antonym terms for efficiency include terms such as inefficiency, incompetence, etc.The antonym term for efficiency includes terms such as ineffectiveness.
ExampleEating healthy has become very efficient for the next generation.The ointment showed its effectiveness on my hand.

What is Efficiency?

Efficiency is an adjective term. Generally, the term efficiency is used in many sentences, but people get confused and fix it with other words which mean totally the opposite.

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But, the actual meaning of efficiency is that it means a task is needed to be completed at a given cost and time, and it is a must to complete it that way.

Also, the approach of efficiency is considered to be yield-oriented. Since it only focuses on the completion and not the factors that are required to complete it.

Time is considered to be the main consideration of efficiency. Therefore, it is the main factor for the completion.

The term efficiency has been originated from the Latin term ‘efficientem’, meaning ‘accomplish’ or ‘workout’.

The origin term’s meaning itself denotes the main meaning of the term efficiency. Also, in simple words, efficiency clearly emphasizes doing things correctly.

Therefore, it is only associated with the process or method. Efficiency denotes that a task should be done correctly without any mistakes.

Efficiency is associated with the external view of an organization. As we know, every term has its synonyms and antonym; therefore, Efficiency also has its own.

Like the synonyms for the term, efficiency is like capability, productivity, proficiency, etc. And on the other hand, the antonyms are inefficiency, incompetence, etc.

An example of a sentence with the term Efficiency is – Eating healthy has become very efficient for the next generation.


What is Effectiveness?

Effectiveness simply denotes the result being positive and good.

When a task is practised with a particular process, and therefore we expect the factors that are associated to be correct at the result is known to be effective.

The approach to effectiveness is considered to be result-oriented. Therefore, it means that it is only associated with the result and not the method.

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The term ‘effectiveness’ has been originated from the Latin term ‘effectivus’, meaning ‘productive’. The meaning of productive itself says that the result should be productive or effective in its way.

Cost is considered to be the main consideration of effectiveness. In simple words, effectiveness clearly emphasizes doing correct things.

And as we know, a result can only be effective when the initial things or factors are done correctly. Effectiveness is associated with the internal view of an organization.

It is only associated with the task internally, which helps it to gain a result.

The term Effectiveness also has its synonyms and antonyms. The synonyms of Effectiveness include terms such as efficacy, effect, strength, etc.

And on the other hand, the antonym term for efficiency includes terms such as ineffectiveness.

An example of a sentence with the term Effectiveness is – The ointment showed its effectiveness on my hand.

Main Differences Between Efficiency and Effectiveness

  1. The task that is needed to be completed with minimum cost and time is known as efficiency. On the other hand, the task that is needed to be completed in a given period correctly with positive results is known as effectiveness.
  2. The approach of efficiency is considered to be yield-oriented. On the other hand, the approach to effectiveness is considered to be result-oriented.
  3. Time is considered to be the main consideration of efficiency. On the other hand, Cost is considered to be the main consideration of effectiveness.
  4. In simple words, efficiency clearly emphasizes doing things correctly. On the other hand, in simple words, effectiveness clearly emphasizes doing the correct things.
  5. The term efficiency has been originated from the Latin term ‘efficientem’, meaning ‘accomplish’ or ‘workout’. On the other, the term ‘effectiveness’ has been originated from the Latin term ‘effectivus’, meaning ‘productive’.
  6. Efficiency is associated with the external view of an organization. On the other hand, Effectiveness is associated with the internal view of an organization.
  7. The synonyms of Efficiency include terms such as capability, productivity, proficiency, etc. On the other hand, the synonyms of Effectiveness include terms such as efficacy, effect, strength, etc.
  8. The antonym terms for efficiency include terms such as inefficiency, incompetence, etc. On the other hand, the antonym term for efficiency includes terms such as ineffectiveness.
  9. An example of a sentence with the term Efficiency is – Eating healthy has become very efficient for the next generation. On the other hand, An example of a sentence with the term Effectiveness is – The ointment showed its effectiveness on my hand.

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.