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Football is an emotion for many people all over the planet. People idolize this sport along with its players. Football players like Messi and Ronaldo are idols for many.

A midfielder and a striker are two important positions in this game, without which football would not exist. Both positions are critical in a match.

Key Takeaways

  1. Midfielders are versatile players in football who play primarily in the central area of the field, responsible for both attacking and defending.
  2. Strikers, or forwards, focus on scoring goals and are positioned close to the opponent’s goal.
  3. Midfielders contribute to the game’s offensive and defensive aspects, while strikers specialize in creating goal-scoring opportunities.

Midfielder vs Striker in Football

The role of a midfielder in a football match is to give the ball. A centre position is given to a midfielder in a football match. Various roles are played by a midfielder. The striker in a football match receives the ball. Striker has a single role in the match. One team can have one to three strikers. Strikers are also called forwards.

Midfielder vs Striker in Football

Midfielders control the tempo of the game. They are in charge of the offence’s progression and orchestration. Midfielders come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they all play different roles.

They could be in charge of the wide, defensive, and so on. Midfielders also assist the offence and defence with their respective duties. Having a strong football intellect is more important than being overly athletic in midfield.

Strikers are to get the ball into the net. They must, however, maintain the play. Maintain possession in the assaulting half while also moving to make room for others.

Strikers must be athletic, mobile, and strong. The ability to elude defenders characterizes strikers, pass into space via the defender’s blindside, and catch the ball in a great goal-scoring situation. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMidfielderStriker in Football
RoleGives the ball away.Receive the ball.
ResponsibilitiesDifferent roles.Score goals.
Judged byHow many passes they give.How many goals they make.
CriteriaHave firm knowledge about the game.Have to be athletic.
ExamplesModric, XaviRonaldo, Pele

What is Midfielder?

In football, they position a midfielder in the centre of the field and are responsible for connecting the team’s defenders and forwards.

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This role also entails a midfielder taking on the accountabilities of both the offence and defence, aiding them throughout the match, implying that they play a variety of roles. 

Midfielders assist their fellow players by operating up and down the ground and efficiently interacting to make sure that each player is in the correct position.

Football classifies midfielders into four categories. The midfielder moves the ball from one side of the field to the other, enabling the defenders and forwards to protect their current positions.

A midfielder can make precise and lengthy passes to their fellow players. 

The midfielder is to assist both the defence and the offence when necessary. A good midfielder can properly measure the opposition’s play and devise strategies for regaining control of the ball.

Midfielders serve as extra defence barriers and supplement the number of attacking gamers as required. 

Attacking midfielders is creative, dribbling and scoring against adversaries. The position of a midfielder on the field provides a significant advantage over defenders with scoring goals.

As a result, a good midfielder has the accuracy and resilience to effectively take long-range shots, giving them an offensive part in the game. However, throwing the ball to an upfield or striker can sometimes be preferable.


What is Striker in Football?

Forwards, also recognized as attackers and strikers in football, are the gamers on a squad who play closest to the oppositional team’s goal and are thus mainly accountable for scoring goals.

Because of their advanced role and restricted defensive obligations, forwards score a lot of goals than other gamers; as a result, they are frequently among the most well-known and expensive players on their teams. 

This is among the most physically demanding jobs, and they affiliated it with the most concussions. Forwards are the most skilled players and the most tricky spot to play.

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Modern team structures have one to three forwards, with two being the most prevalent. They are quick players with excellent ball control and ball-handling skills. 

A good striker ought to shoot with both feet with confidence, have great speed and precision, and be able to insert the ball under stress in breakaway circumstances.

A striker’s role in football is among the most thrilling to play and observe. This position in the team causes a high level of self-assurance and carries a huge role. 

The striker is the player on a squad who is the finest at scoring a goal. They are provided with this stance and obligation because they excel in it. They are extremely qualified and capable of scoring goals when given the opportunity.

striker in football

Main Differences Between Midfielder and Striker in Football

  1. A midfielder is someone who distributes the ball to the forward players or, technically, the strikers to score goals, whereas the strikers receive the ball from the rest of the team to score a goal.
  2. Midfielders have different roles in the field, whereas there is no such positional difference among strikers, and their only job is to convert the balls into goals provided by the midfielders.
  3. The midfielders are referred to as number 6 or 8, whereas a prolific striker is referred to or called a proper number 9.
  4. A midfielder’s capability is judged by how many times during a game the player can make a defence-breaking pass to open up the clear-cut possibility for a goal, whereas the capability of a striker is judged by how much the player can convert those passes from the midfield or the wings to the back of the net.
  5. Some great examples of midfield players are Xavi, Iniesta, Kroos, Modric, etc., and some great examples of strikers are Pele, Maradona, Ronaldo, Lewandowski, Benzema, etc.
Difference Between Midfielder and Striker in Football

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.