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Key Takeaways

  1. Processor (CPU): The CPU is the computer’s brain, executing instructions and performing calculations. A faster processor enhances overall system performance and the ability to handle complex tasks.
  2. RAM (Random Access Memory): RAM provides temporary storage for data that the CPU needs to access quickly. More RAM allows for smoother multitasking, faster data retrieval, and better system responsiveness.
  3. SSD (Solid State Drive): An SSD is a fast and reliable storage device that offers quick access to data. Compared to traditional hard disk drives, it improves boot times, application launches, and file transfers. However, SSDs provide less storage capacity per dollar.

What is Processor?

A processor, also called CPU, stands for Central Processing Unit. This part is responsible for computing and giving instructions to computers. This is why it is also known as the brain of the computer.

Processors do not have one fixed size and differ in models. They also differ in features and task abilities. For more work efficiency, one can use multi-core processors.

Processors can also operate clock speeds. This clock speed decides the speed at which the processor will execute instructions.

What is RAM?

RAM is the Random Access Memory of a computer. It is a type of memory that stores temporary data and program code. Computer system components, including the CPU, use this data set.

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When a program is launched, the operating system loads its code and data into RAM. This process allows the CPU to access the data as needed. The same thing happens when you open a file. The data gets saved temporarily; the next time you try to access it, it opens quickly.

What is SSD?

Solid State Drive or SSD is a type of data storage device. As per the name, it uses solid-state memory. It can store as well as retrieve data. SSDs do not carry any moving parts. It uses flash memory technology for sorting.

SSDs are faster than traditional HDDs. SSDs use less power and have less chance of getting damaged. Its use is seen more in portable devices such as tablets and laptops.

However, SSDs are more costly than HDDs, not stopping them from becoming widely popular. An SSD can be an external drive connected by a USB to a computer.

Difference Between Processor and RAM and SSD

  1. The processor or CPU is considered the brain of a computer that carries instructions and performs all the calculations. Random Access Memory or RAM is the memory of a computer. It is short-term and keeps data that the processor can access. At the same time, SSD is a storage device.
  2. The processor’s speed is measured in gigahertz or GHz, while the speed of the RAM is measured in megahertz or MHz. On the other hand, the speed of an SSD is measured in megabytes per second or MB/s.
  3. Processors and RAM are open for upgradation on several computers effortlessly, but SSDs may require one to have the expertise and technical knowledge for upgradation.
  4. Generally, processors are the most expensive when compared to the other two. Then come the SSDs; the least expensive of the three is RAM.
  5. SSD uses less power than processors and RAM. While processors and RAM consume power during use, SSDs consume power when reading or writing data.
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Comparison Between Processor and RAM and SSD

Parameter of ComparisonProcessorRAMSSD
FunctionIt executes instructions and performs calculations.It stores data temporarily for quick access.Its data storage is permanent.
SpeedIt is measured with gigahertz.It is measured with megahertz.It is measured with MB/s or megabytes per second.
Life spanIt has a longer lifespan than SSD.It has a longer lifespan than SSD.Its life span is limited.
UpgradabilityIts upgradability is high.Its upgradability is high.One needs technical skills to upgrade it.
ExpenseIt is the most costly when compared to the other two.It is less costly than a processor but more costly than SSD.It costs the least of the three.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.