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What is When2Meet?


When2Meet is a free and easy-to-use scheduling tool designed to help you find the best time for a group to get together. With its unique visual interface, planning meetings and events becomes a breeze. Unlike other scheduling apps, When2Meet does not require registration to get started. All you need is a unique URL that you can use to find the most suitable time to hold a meeting or an event.

Using When2Meet, you can create a new event by visiting the website and entering a name for your event. From there, you can select the desired date(s) using the calendar, which starts from the current week. Once the event is created, participants can click and drag the dates and times to indicate their availability, making it easy to find a time slot where everyone is free.

Additionally, When2Meet offers time zone features to accommodate international teams. In your meeting settings, select your timezone, and the table times and dates will automatically change to fit accordingly. This feature is crucial when coordinating meetings between participants from various locations worldwide.

Creating Your When2Meet Account

To begin using When2Meet, you should first create an account. Visit the website and click on the Newcomers option. This will help you get started with creating your account. You must provide an email address where a confirmation link will be sent to complete the registration process.

After receiving your confirmation email, click the link to verify your account. You can log in and create events once your account is verified. It’s crucial to double-check your email address to avoid missing any important information about your events.

To access your account and create events later, bookmark the website and sign in using your email address. Now, you are ready to start efficiently coordinating events with other participants.

Scheduling a New Event

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Inputting Event Details

To schedule a new event on When2Meet, visit the website and click the “New Event” button. This will redirect you to a page where you can input your event details, such as the event’s name and duration. Ensure you provide a concise title so participants can easily identify the event.

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Next, you’ll be asked for your email address and name – these will be used for identification purposes only and will not be shared with others. This step ensures that you, as the organizer, can access the event’s settings and manage the responses.

Selecting Optimal Timeframe

When2Meet allows you to choose a timeframe for your event, which will be presented to participants as possible dates and times. First, select a starting and ending date for the event’s possible time range. To do this, place your cursor on the months on the left and scroll up or down.

Remember that the default view of the calendar starts with Sunday, but if you prefer to start the week on Monday, you can easily adjust this by dragging the calendar left or right using the weekdays at the top. Once you’ve chosen the date range, you can select specific blocks of time that would work as potential meeting times.

To simplify this process, you can drag your cursor across the time slots in the calendar to mark them as available. If you need to deselect time slots, click on them again.

Once you have input all the necessary details and selected the optimal timeframe for your event, click on the “Create Event” button. This will generate a unique link that you can share with your participants so they can indicate their availability. This link can be shared via email or messaging to ensure everyone receives it.

Inviting Participants to Your Event

When2Meet Participants

When setting up an event on When2Meet, you’ll start by creating a new event. Visit and enter your desired event name in the “New Event Name” field. After organizing the event, your next step is to invite participants.

You’ll need to generate a unique link for your event to do this. Click “Create Event” and then copy the link in the “Invite People to Your Event” section. Share this link with all the participants you want to invite. They’ll need this link to access the event and enter their available time slots.

Once your invitees access the event page, they can easily enter their availability by clicking and dragging over the available time slots. Make sure to ask your participants to enter their names in the “Your Name” field before submitting their availability. This way, you can easily identify who has provided their input.

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Keep track of your attendees’ availability by monitoring the event page. When2Meet will display a visual representation of each participant’s availability, allowing you to view overlapping time slots where most people are available conveniently. This information lets you select the most suitable date and time for your event.

Analyzing Availability and Confirming Time

To analyze availability and confirm the most suitable time for a meeting using When2Meet, follow these steps:

  1. Create a When2Meet event: Access the When2Meet website and provide a name for your meeting. Click or drag to select the potential days for your meeting, set the earliest and latest times, and choose the appropriate time zone. Click “Create Event” to proceed.
  2. Share the unique event link: After creating the event, you will receive a unique URL. Share this link with all the participants so they can mark their availability.
  3. Mark your availability: Open the unique event link and specify your availability by selecting the green areas (available time slots) on the calendar grid. Remember to save your selections.
  4. Analyze participant availability: You will see the results on the same calendar grid as the participants mark their availability. The darker the shade of green, the more participants are available during that time slot. This visual representation helps you identify the optimal time for the meeting.
  5. Confirm the meeting time: Based on the participants’ availability, choose the time slot that works best for everyone or the majority of the group, and notify the attendees.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.