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Glasses are mainly used by people having difficulty in their visions. But nowadays most people work in front of computers for more than ten hours.

Key Takeaways

  1. Blue light and anti-glare glasses are designed to reduce eye strain, but they have different mechanisms of action. Blue light filters out blue light from electronic screens, while anti-glare glasses reduce glare from bright lights.
  2. Blue light glasses are more effective at reducing eye strain caused by electronic screens, while anti-glare glasses are better for reducing glare and improving visibility in bright environments.
  3. Blue light glasses are recommended for people who spend a lot of time in front of screens, while anti-glare glasses are recommended for people who drive at night or work in bright environments.

Blue Light Glasses vs Anti Glare

Blue light glasses are glasses created to block blue light from electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and TVs. They have lenses that filter out blue light. Anti-glare glasses are glasses created to reduce the glare caused by bright light reflecting off surfaces such as water.

Blue Light Glasses vs Anti Glare

Blue light glasses are mainly designed for people working in front of a computer screen. The blue light emitted from the screen harms the eye at a high rate.

Anti-glare glasses are mainly designed to remove the light reflection from the lenses and make the vision more cut and clear. These are mainly used by people driving at night to stop accidents.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBlue Light GlassesAnti Glare
DefinitionSpecially crafted lenses to block the blue light from led sourcesSpecially crafted lenses with an anti-reflecting layer on the lenses
AdvantageIt keeps the eye soothed and helps in the time of sleep.It makes the eye comfortable and vision clear.
Recommended forPeople working in led light sourcesPeople driving in late nights
SpecialtyBlocks blue light to pass through the glasses.Blocks extra glare to pass through the glasses
Extra advantageIt also has anti-glare properties.It does not block blue light.

What are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are mainly designed for people working in front of a computer screen. The blue light emitted from the screen harms the eye at a high rate.

The blue light emitted from the screens is so harmful that it can also lead to loss of vision if this is continued for a long period.

The blue light glass also has a layer of anti-reflection to prevent the reflection of the bright light in the glasses. These have more privilege as compared to anti-glare glasses as they serve a dual purpose.

These glasses are mostly recommended to kids as they append a lot of time in front of mobiles and television. These also have e property that it tires the eyes less and also leads to a healthy sleep cycle.

blue light glasses

What is Anti Glare?

Anti-glare glasses are mainly designed to remove the light reflection from the lenses and make the vision more cut and clear.

Anti-glare glasses are mostly used by people working under bright sunlight and also the people working in front of bright LED screens.

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These glasses also make your eyes more attractive as they are visible from the outside of the glasses. It makes a person more comfortable maintaining eye contact as it is very useful in casual and professional life.

anti glare

Main Differences Between Blue Light Glasses and Anti Glare

  1. Blue Light Glasses block blue light from passing through the glasses, whereas Anti Glare glasses bocks extra glare from passing through the glasses.
  2. Blue Light Glasses also have anti-glare properties. On the other hand, Anti Glare glass does not block blue light.
Difference Between Blue Light Glasses and Anti Glare

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.