14K vs 14KT Gold: Difference and Comparison

Precious metals have been in demand for special occasions. Be it silver, gold, diamond, or platinum. There are specific uses for all of them.

While the most varied implication is in the field of jewellery making, some people also use such metals as a means of investing their surplus income.

Key Takeaways

  1. 14K gold contains 58.3% gold, and 14 KT gold refers to the same gold purity level.
  2. Both terms are used interchangeably to describe gold alloyed with other metals for increased durability.
  3. 14K and 14 KT gold jewelry are less expensive and more durable than higher-karat gold.

14K Gold vs 14KT Gold

14 karat gold contains 14 parts of pure gold and ten parts of other metals, such as copper, silver, nickel, or zinc, which are added to increase the durability of the metal. This makes 14K gold an alloy, not pure gold. The term “14K” is used in the United States, while “14KT” is used worldwide.

14K Gold vs 14KT Gold

14K Gold is highly famous for making jewellery and is one of the counterparts of 24 karat gold. The resale value of this type of gold is relatively high.

Though it is much cheaper than 14KT, it is not a good choice for those looking for durability. Investment in large quantities might backfire.

14KT Gold is an alloy. The ten other metals to be combined with the yellow metal should be such that they increase the mechanical properties of gold instead of downgrading them.

It is best used for creating gold biscuits and other complex objects. It allows the goldsmith to enhance quality.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison14K Gold14KT Gold
Definition in Jewellery Industry14KT Gold comprises 58.5% gold, 17% copper, and 25% silver.14KT Gold (karat-troy) is alloyed with other essential silver-hued metals, thus losing its inherent purity.
BackgroundIt came into existence after the purity standards of 24K gold were halved.It owes all its combinations to the Aurum metal.
Composition14K Gold is 58.5% gold put to use with 41.5% similar metals.It is best used in making jewellery pieces.
Uses14K Gold is best known for its “metallic yellow colour” and possesses calming values per Hindu mythology.14KT Gold is principally known for its durable nature and lustrous appearance.
Distinctive Features14KT Gold is known mainly for its durable nature and lustrous appearance.14KT Gold is principally known for its durable nature and shiny appearance.
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What is 14K Gold?

14K Gold is the primary form of gold used to make affordable jewellery pieces. Though it is not a scientifically formulated allow, the jewellery designing industry has experimented enough.

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This type of gold is used in making bi-metallic or tri-metallic jewellery pieces. The combining metals mainly include silver and platinum.

Sometimes, diamonds (or American diamonds) are also attached using welding procedures.

14K Gold possesses all the properties of the metal gold, found at the seventy-ninth spot in the periodic table (based on the atomic number).

As per the scientists, its name was formulated based on the Latin word that implies the colour of shining dawn.

This explanation fits the context well, and 14K gold is best known for its metallic yellow colour that remains unaltered irrespective of exposure to severe climatic conditions and rigorous oxidation.

14K Gold has been around ever since hallmarking of gold based on karats was introduced in 1906 by the National Gold and Silver Stamping Act.

Other ways to regard gold of fourteen karat points include labelling it as 583 or 587. These numbers were decided based on chemical properties that can be enriched using alloying procedures on a wide scale.

14k gold

What is 14KT Gold?

14KT Gold is also known as the most potent alloy of gold humanity has come across to date. It has exceptional qualities that make it the choice of many fashion enthusiasts and elite society people.

To understand the significance better, it is essential to understand the essence of its properties.

They are confused with malleability and ductility, which have no known connection with the metallic properties of gold.

The durability of 14KT gold is akin to the dictionary meaning of durability, indicating that it lasts long. Thus, investing in this type turns out to be cost-effective in most cases.

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As far as lustrous appearance is concerned, it owes its existence to how ornaments or other objects are incorporated using gold.

The shine might decrease if the oxidizing process is left to happen freely. Some other properties of 14KT gold include lifelong strength and colour constancy.

14KT Gold, unlike 14K Gold, is not measured using the standards of karat. It has a whole new means of ascertaining the quality of alloy – a troy.

This might surprise most gold enthusiasts, but one to fourteen toys help evaluate the purity of 14KT gold (that’s why the ‘t’ is in the designation).

14kt gold

Main Differences Between 14K Gold And 14KT Gold

  1. 14K Gold can be expanded as fourteen-karat gold, while 14KT Gold can be expanded as fourteen karat-troy gold.
  2. The journey of 14K gold began to reduce the softness of 24K gold to half, while 14 KT gold was formulated to improve the existing metallic properties.
  3. The purity of 14K gold is 58.5%, while 14 KT gold becomes contaminated due to subsequent alloying to enhance the properties.
  4. The uses of 14K include making moulded jewellery, while 14KT gold is used to make articles with a gold filling, including biscuits and other decorative pieces.
  5. 14K gold has high reverence owing to its colour, while 14 KT gold has high durability and lustre.
  1. https://www.progold.com/PG_Resources/PG_Documents/Innovation/SFS2018C_GB.pdf
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.