Acetone vs Bleach: Difference and Comparison

Acetone and bleach are two common terms you might hear in the household as they are used effectively for cleaning. They work tremendously on an individual level but prove dangerous when mixed.

The difference between acetone and bleach is that acetone is a volatile, colorless liquid used for cleaning. It is an organic compound represented by the chemical formula C3H6O. On the contrary, bleach is an inorganic compound and a solution of sodium hypochlorite, which is toxic in nature and used widely for lightening and cleaning purposes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Acetone is an organic solvent used for dissolving substances, while bleach is a disinfectant that eliminates bacteria and viruses.
  2. Acetone finds its use in nail polish removers and paints thinners, whereas bleach cleans and whitens surfaces.
  3. Acetone is flammable and evaporates quickly, but bleach can produce harmful fumes when mixed with other chemicals.
Acetone vs Bleach

Acetone is an organic compound that is present in the human body in the blood and urine. The chemical formula used for presenting this substance is C3H6O.

Bleach is an inorganic solution of sodium hypochlorite used for cleaning and whitening. This substance is categorized into three aspects: chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and peroxide.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAcetoneBleach
NatureAcetone is an organic compound that was discovered first in the year 1832Bleach is an inorganic compound that was first discovered in the year 1785
Chemical FormulaIt is represented with the chemical formula C3H6OIt is represented with the chemical formula NaOCl
FlammableIt is flammableIt is inflammable
ToxicIf consume excessively it may cause irritationIt is comparatively more toxic and can damage the stomach and lungs
SolventAcetone is a reliable solventBleach is not commonly used as a solvent
AffordabilityIt is available at a more affordable priceIt is available at a comparatively less affordable price
UseEffectively use in nail polish and paint remover and as a thinner as wellIt is used to remove stains and clean or whiten the surfaces
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What is Acetone?

Acetone is a colorless organic compound widely used for household cleaning. This substance is effectively used in paint and nail polish removers.

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Due to the chemical structure and properties, this substance can dissolve or collapse the other material like paint or grease and hence effectively used in removing paints. Acetone is also called propanone and dimethyl ketone.


What is Bleach?

Bleach is an inorganic solution of sodium hypochlorite majorly used for cleaning purposes. It is represented by using the chemical formula NaOCl.

Bleaches are good oxidizing agents and are effectively used to remove colors. The chemical properties and effectiveness of bleaches may vary from one another to some extent depending on the chemicals and composition used. Bleach is used tremendously for commercial and domestic purposes.


Main Differences Between Acetone and Bleach

  1. Bleach is comparatively more toxic than acetone. If consumed excessively, acetone may irritate the skin and eyes. But consumption of bleach can damage the stomach and lungs and cause the person’s death. If an individual inhales the bleach fumes, then it can damage the lungs.
  2. Acetone has a high production capacity as it is commonly used in households for cleansing purposes and also used in nail polish and paint remover and hence it is available at affordable prices. While bleach, on the other side, is available at less affordable or higher prices than acetone.
Difference Between Acetone and Bleach



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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.