Active vs Total Calories: Difference and Comparison

Active calories represent the energy expended during physical activity, such as exercise, while total calories encompass both basal metabolic rate and activity-related expenditure, providing a comprehensive measure of daily energy consumption.

Key Takeaways

  1. Active calories are burned through physical activities, while total calories include active and resting metabolism.
  2. Active calories are considered more important for weight loss, while total calories are used for tracking daily energy expenditure.
  3. Active and total calories can vary depending on the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity and individual factors such as age, gender, and weight.

Active vs Total Calories

The difference between active and passive calories is that active calorie takes into account the energy used for doing all physical tasks such as jogging, swimming, running, etc. At the same time, total calories give the individual the energy spent by the body for all the activities.

Active vs Total Calories

Active calories are the calories the body burns when involved in any external work. The work could be as simple as walking, climbing steps or complex work such as lifting weights etc.

Total calories are the sum of active and other calories consumed by the body for its routine function. The routine function includes respiration, digestion of food, thinking etc.

Our body carries out certain functions throughout time, such as breathing, supplying energy to all body parts, etc.

The calories spent on these activities get included under total calories, which is the special part of it.

Comparison Table

FeatureActive CaloriesTotal Calories
DefinitionCalories burned through physical activity and exerciseTotal energy expenditure throughout the day, including both active and resting calories
ExamplesWalking, running, swimming, dancing, lifting weightsBreathing, digestion, maintaining body temperature, thinking
MeasurementTypically estimated by fitness trackers or exercise machines based on heart rate, exertion level, and durationMeasured by sophisticated methods (indirect calorimetry) or estimated based on age, weight, and activity level
ControlCan be directly influenced by intentional physical activityLargely influenced by underlying metabolism and genetics, but can be indirectly influenced by diet and activity level
Importance for weight managementPlays a significant role in creating a calorie deficit for weight lossProvides a complete picture of energy expenditure, helping to understand overall calorie needs
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What is an Active Calorie?

Active calories, also known as exercise or workout calories, are a measure of the energy expended during physical activity or exercise. They represent the calories burned through intentional movement and exertion, such as running, cycling, weightlifting, or any other form of structured exercise.

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Active calories are calculated based on various factors including the intensity and duration of the activity, as well as individual characteristics such as weight, age, and gender. This calculation involves using fitness trackers, smartwatches, or specialized exercise equipment that monitors heart rate, movement, and other relevant data to estimate the energy expenditure accurately.


Monitoring active calories is crucial for individuals aiming to manage their weight, improve fitness levels, or meet specific health and wellness goals. By tracking the calories burned during exercise, individuals can ensure they are engaging in sufficient physical activity to support their overall well-being and maintain a healthy energy balance.

Differentiation from Total Calories

While active calories focus solely on the energy expended during physical activity, total calories encompass both basal metabolic rate (the calories burned at rest to maintain basic bodily functions) and activity-related expenditure. Understanding the distinction between active and total calories provides a more comprehensive view of daily energy expenditure, aiding in the development of effective fitness and nutrition strategies.

active calorie

What is Total Calorie?

Total calories represent the complete amount of energy consumed through food and beverages, as well as the energy expended through basal metabolic rate (BMR) and physical activity. This metric provides an overall measurement of daily energy intake and expenditure, serving as a fundamental factor in weight management and metabolic health.


  1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This is the energy expended by the body at rest to maintain basic physiological functions such as breathing, circulation, and cell production. BMR is influenced by factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and body composition.
  2. Physical Activity: In addition to BMR, the energy expended during physical activities, such as exercise, household chores, and occupational tasks, contributes to total calories. This includes both active calories burned during structured workouts and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which encompasses everyday movements like walking, standing, and fidgeting.
  3. Dietary Intake: The calories consumed through food and beverages contribute to the total calorie count. This includes macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, each providing a specific number of calories per gram.
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Understanding total calories is essential for individuals seeking to achieve various health and fitness goals. It serves as a foundational principle in weight management, as consuming more calories than the body expends leads to weight gain, while consuming fewer calories results in weight loss. Total calories also play a crucial role in optimizing athletic performance, supporting muscle growth, and maintaining overall metabolic health.

Differentiation from Active Calories

While active calories focus specifically on the energy expended during physical activity, total calories provide a comprehensive overview of overall energy balance, incorporating both BMR and activity-related expenditure. Monitoring total calories allows individuals to make informed decisions regarding their dietary intake and exercise regimen, facilitating the attainment of their desired health outcomes.

total calorie

Main Differences Between Active and Total Calories

  • Definition:
    • Active calories represent the energy expended specifically during physical activity or exercise.
    • Total calories encompass the complete energy intake and expenditure, including basal metabolic rate (BMR), physical activity, and dietary consumption.
  • Calculation:
    • Active calories are calculated based on factors such as exercise intensity, duration, heart rate, and individual characteristics.
    • Total calories are calculated by summing up energy expenditure from basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and energy intake from food and beverages.
  • Focus:
    • Active calories focus solely on the energy expended during intentional physical activity or exercise sessions.
    • Total calories provide a comprehensive view of overall energy balance, incorporating both BMR and activity-related expenditure, as well as dietary intake.
  • Purpose:
    • Monitoring active calories is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of exercise routines, optimizing workout intensity, and achieving fitness goals.
    • Monitoring total calories is essential for managing weight, understanding overall energy balance, and making informed decisions regarding diet and exercise for long-term health and wellness.
Difference Between Active and Total Calories
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.