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The human world has somewhat unlocked an era of suffering. Diseases are found in abundance. A diseased person has to deal with discomfort and sometimes pain.

Key Takeaways

  1. Amnesia is characterized by memory loss, while Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting memory, cognition, and behavior.
  2. Alzheimer’s is primarily age-related, whereas amnesia can result from various causes, including brain injury, infection, or psychological factors.
  3. Amnesia can be temporary or permanent, while Alzheimer’s disease worsens over time and has no known cure.

Amnesia vs Alzheimer’s

The difference between Amnesia and Alzheimer’s is that an issue of amnesia, it can strike at any time. After birth, an individual can develop amnesia due to various factors. However, Alzheimer’s occurs in people when they reach a specific period of their life.

Amnesia vs Alzheimers

Amnesia is a disease that has no age limit. It can strike anytime. When a person is born, they are not born with amnesia, but slowly, they get this condition.

Alzheimer’s is quite a different thing. People get it at a ripe age. Also, as they get older, their memory gets hazier. This condition is permanent and incurable.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAmnesia Alzheimer’s
Age of affectingIt can affect a person at any time.It can affect a person only at a certain age. 
CureIt has certain procedures to cure it.It is incurable. 
How it worksIt remains constant throughout its duration.It worsens with ageing.
TypesIt is divided into four different types.It only has one type.
Body affectedIt affects only the memory power. It affects both physical and mental health. 

What is Amnesia?

The term ‘amnesia’ is heard when people refer to a loss of memory. Though this disease isn’t innate, it might take a toll on us later. People who suffer from this have a somewhat hard life.

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The factors or causes that might lead to these conditions are many. In case when a specific part of the human mind gets some damage, this condition arises.

This disease is of four major types, which include retrograde, followed anterograde, next comes TGA, and finally, the infantile category of amnesia.


What is Alzheimer’s?

This disease mainly affects people in old age. It is widespread as old folks tend to start forgetting even the most familiar faces.

The main symptoms of this include forgetting conversations that have just taken place, forgetting family members and friends, having trouble reaching a specific destination, having difficulty paying cash, and making such important transactions.

This disease worsens as the individual enters into old age. Even a moment finally comes when they are incapable of recalling and recognising anything or anyone.

It slowly influences the entire body of the person. They might fall, lose balance, break bones, be unable to swallow, and many others. This disease goes through three major phases.


Main Differences Between Amnesia and Alzheimer’s

  1. Amnesia is of four different categories. However, Alzheimer’s is only one single type.
  2. Amnesia only affects the memory of a person. However, Alzheimer’s affects both physical functioning as well as mental health.
Difference Between Amnesia and Alzheimers

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.